
Mystic Fisher of the Lost Waters

In a world once familiar to humanity, a mysterious and cataclysmic event plunged the Earth into water, unleashing a torrent of strange and terrifying beasts. The sudden and inexplicable phenomenon ravaged the planet. But just as all seemed lost, a strange development occurred. People began to disappear and reappear, transformed and imbued with the power of Mana. This powerful source of energy granted them abilities beyond imagination and brought a glimmer of hope to the bleak and perilous world. They transported to a place known only as the Depths, a location of unknown origins but with the promise of unimaginable power for those who could survive its dangers. Meanwhile, the world was further plunged into chaos by the appearance of spatial rifts and massive chains, adorned with ancient runes and mysterious clocks displaying a countdown of twelve months. The countdown marked the arrival of an event known as the Planetary Drift, an inexplicable occurrence that saw cultivators transported to random planets every twelve months. The event drew together the diverse races of the universe, each vying for power and survival in a realm of ever-shifting landscapes and dangerous foes. For Lucas, a humble fisherman from a life of poverty, the cataclysmic event brought both terror and hope. As the waters rose, forcing him and his family to flee, Lucas would come to discover a destiny far beyond what he could have ever imagined. In this world of danger and magic, he would find himself tested to his limits, facing impossible odds and powerful foes, all in the quest for power, knowledge, and survival. !!NO ARROGANT YOUNG MASTERS!! !!WORLD HOPPING!!

ExpiredRice · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

"Into the Unknown"

The night air was bitterly cold and smelled of salt and brine. The dark sky was speckled with stars, each one a tiny, twinkling point of light in the endless expanse of the cosmos. The cold, salty air of the ocean whipped through the open door, carrying with it the briny scent of the sea. Lucas shuddered as a gust of wind swept through the abandoned grocery store, sending empty cans and boxes clattering across the floor.

He had taken refuge inside the store when the chaos began outside. The sound of hybrid monsters slaughtering people still echoed through the streets, but inside the store, everything was eerily quiet. The only sounds were the distant screams and the occasional thump of something heavy hitting the ground.

Lucas sat huddled behind a shelf, his damp cloak clinging to his shivering form. He tried to stifle a sneeze, but it came out loud and forceful.

"Ugh, this cold is unbearable," he muttered to himself, rubbing his nose with his sleeve. "And this cloak isn't helping at all. It's soaked through and through."

Lucas had been waiting for what felt like hours for the trial to end, his body aching and his mind foggy with exhaustion. He just wanted to be done with it, to get out of this miserable trial and back to his world.

Another sneeze wracked his body, causing him to shiver violently. He rubbed his nose with his sleeve and looked out at the docks, the chaotic scene unfolding before him. Hybrid monsters roamed free, attacking anyone in their path, while people ran and fought for their lives.

Everywhere he looked, he saw dead bodies beyond recognition, the stench of death and decay filling the air.

He glanced around at the other survivors, all of them equally terrified and traumatized. They huddled together for safety, their eyes darting around in search of any sign of hope.

Lucas sighed, feeling helpless and overwhelmed. He wished he could do something to help, to make a difference in this nightmare of a situation. But all he could do was wait and pray for a miracle.

"Please, let this be over soon," he whispered, hoping against hope that they would survive this horror. "Please."

Lucas froze as a deafening crash echoed through the air, followed by the sound of shattering glass and splintering wood. He looked over to see a giant hybrid monster crashing through the grocery store, its massive size breaking through the roof.

"What the hell?!" Lucas exclaimed, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. "I didn't mean it like that!"

He couldn't believe his bad luck - it was as if the devil himself had heard his prayer and sent this monster crashing through the store. Lucas had only wanted the trial to end, not for this chaos and destruction to ensue.

The monster lay still, illuminated by the flickering fire that someone had thrown alcohol and fire at. Lucas could see the cuts and slashes on its black carapace and body, along with swords, arrows, and spears sticking out of its flesh.

He stood there, gaping at the sight before him. "Why me?" he muttered, feeling a wave of self-pity wash over him. "Why did it have to come to this? Why can't i just catch a break fo-?"

Lucas's eyes widened in shock as the monster suddenly twitched and attacked him with its huge pincer. In that split second, he barely had enough time to react and put the kitchen knife in front of him with his two hands to block the attack.

The moment the knife and the pincers collided, Lucas felt an intense force coming towards him. He gritted his teeth in pain as he felt the bones in both of his arms breaking, and he was sent flying back, crashing into the shelves in the grocery store. As he hit the shelves, he couldn't help but throw up blood, his whole body shaking with pain.

Lucas gritted his teeth, feeling the burning sensation coursing through his body as he fought against the pain. But his attention remained unwavering, fixed on the hybrid monster that stood before him. The grotesque creature was a twisted abomination, with limbs that didn't belong and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly intensity. Despite the agony that wracked his body, Lucas refused to let it distract him from the task at hand.

Lucas's eyes widened as he watched the monster struggle to stand. Despite the broken bones in his arms and the excruciating pain he had experienced earlier, he felt a sudden surge of adrenaline that propelled him forward. Gripping his knife tightly, he charged at the monster without hesitation. Without hesitation, he plunged the knife into its eyes.

As the blade plunged into the creature's eyes, Lucas could feel the knife slice through its eyes with ease. The monster let out a deafening roar of pain, swinging its left pincer at Lucas in retaliation. Despite his quick reflexes, Lucas was unable to completely dodge the attack and felt the spikes tear into his flesh, leaving a deep cut across his chest.

He grimaced in pain as he felt a huge cut across his chest. But even though he was hurt, he didn't stop.

Without hesitation, he searched for another weapon and spotted a sword that was lodged in the monster's joints. With a fierce determination, he pulled the sword free and climbed onto the monster's carapace. With a swift thrust, he drove the sword deep into one of the cracks in its armor, but it was not enough to finish the monster.

In a frenzy, Lucas pulled out the sword and began stabbing the creature repeatedly. Purple blood sprayed everywhere, coating Lucas in the monster's gore. Despite the madness that had taken over him, Lucas did not stop until the monster lay motionless on the ground.

The instant the monster finally died, Lucas collapsed onto the ground, his body trembling and gasping for air. He felt dizzy, and his mind was still trying to process everything that had just happened. He was covered in blood and sweat, and his body was battered and bruised from the fight. But despite the pain and exhaustion, he felt a sense of relief wash over him.

As he lay there, gasping for air, tears started to well up in his eyes. He couldn't believe that he had made it through this fight alive. He had been so close to death, and yet somehow, he had managed to survive. The emotions were overwhelming, and he struggled to find the words to express how he felt.

"I did it," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible. "I actually did it." He couldn't help but let out a weak chuckle as he thought about how crazy the situation had been. He had fought a monster and won, and now he was lying on the ground, barely able to move.

His whole body shook as he tried to stand up, but he couldn't seem to find the strength. He was so dizzy, so disoriented. His mind was a blur of thoughts and feelings, and he felt like he was going to pass out at any moment.

"Okay, okay," he muttered to himself, trying to calm down. "Just breathe. Just breathe."

Slowly, he closed his eyes and took deep, slow breaths, trying to steady himself. After a few moments, he began to feel a little better. The dizziness started to fade, and he was able to focus again.

With a deep sigh, he slowly got to his feet, wincing as he felt the pain in his arms and chest.

As Lucas stood there, looking around at the chaos and destruction he had caused, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that he couldn't stay here. There were too many monsters, and it was only a matter of time before more of them showed up.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. That's when he remembered the dream. The dream of the mountain. It had seemed so real, so vivid, and now he couldn't shake the feeling that it meant something.

"I have to go to the mountain," he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper.

He looked around one more time, taking in the destruction and chaos. He knew that he couldn't stay here. He had to go, and he had to go now.

Without another thought, he began to make his way along an old road that led to the mountain. The road was long and winding, and it had been years since anyone had traveled it. But Lucas knew that he had no other choice.

Lucas walked on the old road that led to the mountain. The moon was high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. The longer he walked, the weaker he felt. He had lost a lot of blood, and he was hungry and exhausted. He knew he couldn't stop to rest, though. If he did, he might not wake up again. The cold was also starting to get to him, but he had to keep moving.

As he walked, he could feel his steps becoming more unsteady. His vision was blurry, and his head was spinning. He stumbled several times, but he managed to keep himself from falling. The road was treacherous, with rocks and fallen branches littering the path. Lucas had to be careful not to trip over anything.

Despite his exhaustion, Lucas kept walking. He knew that he had to reach the mountain if he wanted to survive. He recalled the dream he had. That thought kept him going.

Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, Lucas saw the silhouette of the mountain in the distance. It looked like a beacon of hope, a safe haven from the monsters that roamed the world below. He quickened his pace, ignoring the pain and fatigue that were threatening to overwhelm him.

As Lucas drew closer to the mountain, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by its appearance. The mountain looked ancient, as if it had been there since the beginning of time. It was covered in black snow with occasional blue stripes, making it look almost otherworldly. Lucas couldn't quite explain it, but he felt a sense of awe and wonder as he gazed upon the mountain.

As Lucas approached the mountain, he noticed a cave at the base of the mountain. It looked dark and ominous, but he knew that was his only way forward. As he entered the cave, he couldn't help but shiver at the sudden drop in temperature. The darkness was overwhelming, and he could barely see his own hand in front of his face.

He stumbled along, relying on his sense of touch to guide him through the cave. The sound of dripping water echoed through the caverns, and every step he took echoed against the walls. Lucas's mind raced as he thought of the monsters that could be lurking in the shadows.

As he walked further, the air grew colder and colder. Lucas's stomach growled with hunger, and he realized he had not eaten anything since the fight with the monster at the docks. He could feel his strength waning and his vision blurring.

But he knew he couldn't stop here. He had come too far to give up now. He pushed on, gritting his teeth through the pain and exhaustion.

Finally, he saw a glimmer of light up ahead. It grew brighter and brighter as he approached, until he emerged from the cave and into a large open space. The sight before him was breathtaking.