In a world once familiar to humanity, a mysterious and cataclysmic event plunged the Earth into water, unleashing a torrent of strange and terrifying beasts. The sudden and inexplicable phenomenon ravaged the planet. But just as all seemed lost, a strange development occurred. People began to disappear and reappear, transformed and imbued with the power of Mana. This powerful source of energy granted them abilities beyond imagination and brought a glimmer of hope to the bleak and perilous world. They transported to a place known only as the Depths, a location of unknown origins but with the promise of unimaginable power for those who could survive its dangers. Meanwhile, the world was further plunged into chaos by the appearance of spatial rifts and massive chains, adorned with ancient runes and mysterious clocks displaying a countdown of twelve months. The countdown marked the arrival of an event known as the Planetary Drift, an inexplicable occurrence that saw cultivators transported to random planets every twelve months. The event drew together the diverse races of the universe, each vying for power and survival in a realm of ever-shifting landscapes and dangerous foes. For Lucas, a humble fisherman from a life of poverty, the cataclysmic event brought both terror and hope. As the waters rose, forcing him and his family to flee, Lucas would come to discover a destiny far beyond what he could have ever imagined. In this world of danger and magic, he would find himself tested to his limits, facing impossible odds and powerful foes, all in the quest for power, knowledge, and survival. !!NO ARROGANT YOUNG MASTERS!! !!WORLD HOPPING!!