
Mystic Fisher of the Lost Waters

In a world once familiar to humanity, a mysterious and cataclysmic event plunged the Earth into water, unleashing a torrent of strange and terrifying beasts. The sudden and inexplicable phenomenon ravaged the planet. But just as all seemed lost, a strange development occurred. People began to disappear and reappear, transformed and imbued with the power of Mana. This powerful source of energy granted them abilities beyond imagination and brought a glimmer of hope to the bleak and perilous world. They transported to a place known only as the Depths, a location of unknown origins but with the promise of unimaginable power for those who could survive its dangers. Meanwhile, the world was further plunged into chaos by the appearance of spatial rifts and massive chains, adorned with ancient runes and mysterious clocks displaying a countdown of twelve months. The countdown marked the arrival of an event known as the Planetary Drift, an inexplicable occurrence that saw cultivators transported to random planets every twelve months. The event drew together the diverse races of the universe, each vying for power and survival in a realm of ever-shifting landscapes and dangerous foes. For Lucas, a humble fisherman from a life of poverty, the cataclysmic event brought both terror and hope. As the waters rose, forcing him and his family to flee, Lucas would come to discover a destiny far beyond what he could have ever imagined. In this world of danger and magic, he would find himself tested to his limits, facing impossible odds and powerful foes, all in the quest for power, knowledge, and survival. !!NO ARROGANT YOUNG MASTERS!! !!WORLD HOPPING!!

ExpiredRice · Fantasy
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14 Chs

"Eternal Sleep"

Deep within the cavern, the air grew colder and mistier. As he cautiously made his way further into the darkness, he suddenly caught sight of something shimmering in the distance.

Drawing closer, he soon realized that he had stumbled upon a vast underground lake, its surface sparkling and glittering in the dim light. The dark walls of the cavern were illuminated by the faint glow of the water, casting eerie shadows across the chamber.

The underground lake was a wonder to behold, a glittering jewel hidden away in the depths of the cavern. As he stood gazing out over the water, he couldn't help but feel awestruck by its beauty.

The surface of the lake was calm and still, reflecting the dim light of the cavern like a mirror. Tiny ripples and waves danced across the surface as the cool, misty air stirred the water. It was a serene and tranquil sight, one that left him feeling strangely at peace despite the eerie surroundings.

The water itself was crystal clear, its icy blue depths stretching down into the murky darkness below. As he peered down into the depths, he could see strange rock formations rising up from the lakebed.

But it was what lay beneath the surface that truly captured his attention. As he looked closer, he could see a vast expanse of land stretching out in all directions. Mountains rose up in the distance, their snow-capped peaks glittering in the dim light. Rivers wound their way across the landscape, snaking their way through forests and fields.

It was a strange and eerie sight, and he couldn't help but wonder how such a vast landscape could exist beneath the surface of the lake. But as he gazed out over the watery expanse, he found himself drawn deeper into the mystery, wondering what other secrets might be hidden away in the depths of the underground lake.

He stood there, mesmerized by the sight before him. The underground lake was like nothing he had ever seen before, a breathtakingly beautiful and eerie sight that left him feeling equal parts wonder and trepidation.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he became aware of a strange sensation creeping over him. It was as if the lake was calling to him, beckoning him deeper into its depths. Then he froze.

It was as if a stop button had been activated, causing his body to cease moving of its own accord. Suddenly, he found himself unable to control his limbs, and a sense of disorientation overtook him. He felt drowsy and cold, like he was on the brink of slipping into an eternal slumber in the icy surroundings.

He fought against the strange feeling, trying to force his body to move, but to no avail. It was as if he was trapped in his own body, a prisoner to some unseen force.

As the seconds ticked by, he felt himself growing weaker, as if his very life force was being drained away. It was a terrifying sensation, one that left him feeling as if he was on the brink of slipping into an eternal slumber.

Despite his lack of control and the overwhelming urge to succumb to the chill and fatigue, his body began to move on its own, almost as if it had a will of its own.

Step by step, he made his way over to the edge of the pool, his movements stiff and uncoordinated. He fell to his knees beside the lake, the cold seeping into his bones.

Despite the chill, he found himself drawn to the water, the glittering surface beckoning to him like a siren's song. With shaking hands, he cupped his palms and dipped them into the water, bringing it to his lips and drinking deeply.

His consciousness began to slow and freeze, as if some unseen force was trying to drag him down into the icy depths.

Inside his mind, he was screaming and begging for it to stop. "NO!" he shouted, but the words fell on deaf ears. "STOP! PLEASE, STOP!"

Despite his desperate protests, sip by sip turned into gulp by gulp. The water was like a siren's call, luring him deeper and deeper into its icy grip.

It was as if some unseen force was taking hold of him, dragging him down into the icy depths. His consciousness began to freeze over, and he felt himself slipping away, unable to resist the pull of the water.

Inside his mind, he was screaming, but no one could hear him. His thoughts were slowing down, turning to slush, and he couldn't even remember why he had come here in the first place.

As he drank, his body began to transform before his very eyes. Blue and purple veins started to snake across his skin, and signs of freezing slowly became apparent. His hair and eyelashes froze, his eyes wide open in terror, and his mouth stuck in a grotesque grimace.

His face, contorted with fear, became a mask of ice, his expression frozen in time. But still, he drank, gulping down the frigid water like a man possessed. If you looked closely, you could see the horror in his eyes, trapped forever in his icy prison.

Drink by drink, he continued to imbibe, lost in a world of chilling madness, his soul forever trapped in the icy grip of his own making.