
My World Anew

A world unlike any other filled with endless possibility. One day a God descended from the sky and changed the concept of reality for every single human. What happens when the world is thrown into utter chaos and the reality of the human race is laid bare... what path will they choose as they advance towards the cosmos?. ******* A young man named Timeless, born under unfortunate circumstances, embarks on a journey into the realm of the divine in an effort to alter his predetermined fate. Despite facing numerous challenges and difficulties along the way, he remains determined to overcome them and ultimately rewrite his destiny. This coming-of-age tale explores the themes of fate, determination, and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity ******** Feel free to drop a review, no matter how harsh it is, it will further help me to improve. For Tips and advice, also for chats and discussions use the link below to join my server. https://discord.gg/99a4VKZjgF

Darkness_Descends · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

At death's door

"Leave the treasure and all valuable equipment behind or die" one of the masked assailants ordered in a hoarse tone.

The group was already on edge after the battle and emotional trauma they experience a while ago only to meet such unfortunate encounters.

Timeless wanted to escape immediately after seeing countless weapons aimed at him but felt there was something wrong with the whole situation after recalling Guinevere's early words.

"it was clear there was an information leak but who could have done it? was it someone from their team, were they still alive or dead at the moment?" Timeless silently thought about countless scenarios which made his head hurt.

He tried looking at the faces of the team present to see if he could get any strange reaction but everyone was having the same tense expression much to his bewilderment.

"There is no escaping this princess, I don't want to take those treasures by force so it's best you comply," said the masked assailant who seemed to be the leader of the group seeing as he was the only one talking at the moment.

"Let's just surrender," Kelvin said to the team as he threw everything of value he had on him to the masked assailants.

Seeing this Guinevere immediately frowned as she said "why did give it away so easily, you think they won't kill you after we give them the valuables?"

Kelvin shrugged as he replied "At least there's a chance taking this route, we're all exhausted after the battles we faced up to this point. look around you, there's only 5 of us left and a trash, I do not plan to engage in a confrontation with zero chance it's suicide and I plan to live a little longer"

"Well, at least one of you is smart enough to know when they're outmatched" the masked assailant snickered.

Soon enough the other two members of the surviving group that was of the gale clan threw their valuables forward which caused the frown on Guinevere's face to deepen.

Of course, she knew at this point there was no chance of fighting but she remained unwilling to part away with her treasure after what she had to go through to get it.

"There's no other choice Guinevere," Luoyang said while throwing her haul forward seeing her hesitation.

Guinevere sighed seeing this as she swung hers forward as she said "you've gotten our Treasures and everything of value we have now what?"

"Indeed, now what?" Take a guess" said the masked assailant while staring at the only two girls in the group in a lewd manner.

Timeless watched as the events unfolded silently while his mind raced with various thoughts wondering if it was time yet to make his move.

"That's enough Germain" someone spoke amongst their group which left the group stunned, at least some of them.

Kelvin walked out of the group towards the masked assailants joined by the two other surviving members of the group as Timeless and the rest watched on in horror.

"Traitor" Guinevere roared with immense hatred in her voice...

Timeless didn't foresee such an outcome, while he was silently observing the group he made a note to carefully monitor their expression and found nothing off but now seeing such a development he couldn't help but be amazed by this.

"Such impeccable acting skills, not even I could have pulled off something like that, such a vicious person" he silently mumbled.

"Hahaha," kelvin laughed like a madman, in response he said, "you didn't expect such a thing, did you? I allowed you to act as you pleased, watched as you looked down on me, and now you'll die by my blade isn't it ironic princess".

"Kelvin you bastard, you'll surely rot in hell for this" Guinevere cursed loudly while radiating intense blood lust.

"Empty threats really, you'll all die here and that bastard beside you will be the last one to go, I'll be sure to take my time with him" Kelvin replied calmly not minding the outburst.

Timeless seeing there was nothing else holding him back anymore he edged closer to Guinevere and Luoyang before turning to look at Kelvin "Riddle me this, you said you were going to kill me last but how do you intend to accomplish that?"

Of course, he knew he was testing his luck at the moment but at least he had a right to act so brazen seeing as he could escape whenever he wants so he was holding nothing back.

"Ehn, he's still mortal ranked, right? I can sense it, why is he acting so smug, are you trying to act like a hero kid?" Germain chuckled softly while the group broke into laughter.

"Stop messing around Timeless this is no time for jokes," Luoyang said with a hint of worry.

"How naive of you, because you got me with a lucky hit the first time you think you are a big shot huh" kelvin felt immense disgust thinking of the incident.

From his point of view it was an embarrassing moment to be hit by a mortal even if he just entered the general rank at that point it was still a shameful moment for him to have his face bloodied from a single hit.

Timeless just stared him down with the same blank gaze, having no trace of fear at the moment as he stood in front of the two girls with folded hands.

Seeing this Germain frowned and said "Tell me kiddo, how do you plan to escape from here, do you think we are just gonna allow you waltz out, even if you're the son of a clan leader you'll still die here nothing can save you"

Guinevere stared at the back of the youth standing in front of him with a weird expression, she was 2 years older than timeless and was a respected figure in her clan but right at this point a mortal ranked youth was standing in front of her staring down the enemy with no fear, she thought back to the moments before now, how she acted towards him and him saving him regardless and now he's shielding them against overwhelming odds, she suddenly felt her heartache.

"Such a fool I've been" she muttered with an already teary eyes.

"I've had enough of this foolishness, Kill them"

She heard the command that she has dreaded and only felt fear at the moment as she watched the group approaching her from all direction, but soon she felt a hand grab at her and her vision turned hazy, only one word echoing in her mind.
