
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


Pinching the bridge of his nose, Prince Eren sighs loud enough to be heard throughout the room.

"Why is it that trouble finds your way, no matter if you are on Karros soil or trans dimensional soil? [Prince Eren]

"Perhaps danger is a treacherous mistress who has fallen for my looks, Your Highness." [Shin]

"I don't know how I'm going to explain this to the rest of the group. While I was able to gain control of the collective due to my position and certain skills that I obtained in this world, I have noticed more people, "easily influenced by emotions" as you have mentioned, but none have tried anything to his extent. There must be some reason why some people seem to retain their sanity while others are gullible to their emotions." [Prince Eren]

"We will not be finding a solution to that problem anytime soon. It could be genetic, related to personality/brain development, it could be that these "Titles" are responsible or any or none of these. Without any testing or evidence, we are in the dark." [Shin]

"You are correct. However, I must say, was abandoning those teachers really wise? If you asked for support, saving them could have been possible, no?" [Prince Eren]

"No. As I told you, those monsters were intelligent. They would have attacked at the first instance the gates opened. I could sense their behavior was like a hunter setting a trap." [Shin]

"Still, once word reaches the ears of our fellow students, their hate and distrust will be aimed at you who abandoned their teachers to die. Unlike back in the Empire, my power here is severely limited and I will not be able to protect you. Only ten of us know your family's history and importance and even then, only 5 truly know who you are. I would like to point out that I somewhat agree with your actions, and I may be able to convince some others, but it will only be twenty voices among five hundred." [Prince Eren]

"I find the fact that you would actively try to help me surprising, Your Highness. I would think that the Imperial family would love to push out the last remaining Okamoto." [Shin]

"Enough with that, we have known each other since we were both children and I am not similar to my brothers and father. Unlike them, I do not possess an inferiority complex and I certainly do not compare myself to you. I believe that you and your father have uses which is why I wish to work with you." [Prince Eren]

{ Normal people probably couldn't be able to tell from our conversation that we are polar opposites, however, Prince Eren is a master of controlling his emotions and is very rational. If you have a use and are useful, then he wouldn't mind putting you to use, whether you are a criminal or saint. I've known him since we were young, but we never really got along. Yet, he still treated me nicely because he knew that I would probably follow in the steps of my father. Still, I need to play nice because I need his help containing the situation.}

{But, Hmm… so I'm just a tool to be used then. One should be careful when utilizing a tool, improper handling will definitely lead to injury.}

"Sorry to intrude on your conversation, Your Highness. I was wondering what happened to those teachers? We seem to have completely forgotten about their predicament." [Bode]

"Ah, yes. When we heard the explosion, I, along with some of the people who have revealed their skills to me rushed out fearing the worst. Seeing a ball of fire near the gate worried us greatly so we hurried to inspect the situation. When we arrived, there was the incredible stench of blood and gore wafting through the area. I can say with certainty that the teachers are no longer of this world. Their corpses looked to be ripped apart and eaten by wild beasts. I had a mage burn their remains in the hopes that their souls may move on. We also found Vilmos' body lying on the ground as well, so I had a healer use their magic on him and he should be recovered by now." [Prince Eren]

"So… they're dead?" [Bode]

"You were one of the people who blocked the opening of the gate. You should not be surprised that this the end result of your actions, no?" [Prince Eren]

"It is as you say, Your Highness. However, I still feel a little bad…" [Bode]

{Hmm… that's true. Even though teachers that they most likely knew have died, they don't seem to be that bothered by it. The normal reaction would be a mournful one, right? Then why are they unmoved? Is it perhaps a sign of emotional control, or it is possibly shock? Whatever the reason, they should be prepared for more of this in the future.}

"I hate to sound cynical, but I think you should be prepared for more bloodshed. We have been summoned here in a world where there are monsters that can easily kill us. The only thing between us and them is the outer wall and inside the walls are unstable people who may attack you at any moment. To put it bluntly, we are currently fighting a war on two fronts. One where the enemy is visible and known, and one where the enemy combatants and civilians are indistinguishable." [Shin]

"So, you're saying that we cant trust other people?" [Kati]

{Other people? That should include the people in this room. I don't trust any of you entirely, considering that you could all be ticking time bombs.}

"No, Everyone should be on your list of potential threats. Even every person here. We don't know the cause of the people losing reason and attacking so until then, stay vigilant." [Shin]

"I-I see." [Kati]

Following this remark, the room falls silent as people shift uncomfortably. The first person to break the silence is Laura, who uneasily raises her hand.

"Um, pardon my rudeness but what exactly do we do now?" [Laura]

The prince and I exchange glances before I turn to answer her question.

"Well, I don't know what people's reactions will be when they hear that the teachers who left are dead. As for what will happen to us, I have no idea. Depending on the mood and the information that gets out, we might be imprisoned or worse… maybe I should have opened the gates, that way we wouldn't be in this mess." [Shin]

"Then the monsters would have used the opened gates to come in and hurt even more people. Although I'm bothered by their deaths, I wouldn't change what I did." [Bode]

"Yeah, I didn't really know them, but they decided to ditch us and leave by themselves, right? Then its their own fault." [Kati]

"You shouldn't try to doubt your decisions. You were trying to keep the monsters out to keep people from harm." [Laura]

{Seeing that I was down, they tried to make me feel better. Although I just met them today, they seem like nice and respectable people.}

The sounds of footsteps and broken wood splintering pulls me from my thoughts. From the doorway, a group of people emerges from the hallway. Leading from the front is Daichi, who seems to be hiding a smile for some reason.

"Your Highness, I have returned with the rest of the group." [Daichi]

"I see. Healer's, begin helping the people, prioritize the unconscious and heavily wounded. The rest of the group that isn't helping the wounded will stand guard outside and patrol the grounds to make sure that the people aren't afraid from this accident. Also be on guard for external threats." [Prince Eren]

As the Prince's clique step inside the room, Laura excuses herself and walks towards an upended table and lifts a corner to retrieve something. The realization of what had been under the table hit me when I thought about what she left to retrieve. Returning to our side, Laura then hands over my backpack which I uncharacteristically forgot about.

"Thank you, Laura, you didn't need to go get this yourself. I actually forgot about this so thank you for reminding me as well." [Shin]

"It was no problem. I just remembered it myself and I was closer so figured that I might as well retrieve it." [Laura]

I thank her yet again before turning my attention to the people attending the wounded. Watching the healers begin their work of treating the pile of bodies that Laura created, Laura, Bode, Kati and I decide to use this free-time to wait patiently for dawn so that this horrible night can finally end.


Seeing the faint rays of sunlight begin to rise above the mountain to the east, I stand up and straighten all of the kinks out of my back. Turning to the people behind me, I say,

"Well, dawn is here so I'm no longer responsible for the night watch. I think I'm going to find a bed and pass out. What about you guys?" [Shin]

Getting up alongside me is Laura whose arms are pulled above her head in a stretch.

"I think that I'll also do that. I'm very tired." [Laura]

"Yes, I imagine you are. I would like to thank you for helping me with the night watch. You weren't obligated to help, but you still did. You also ended up possibly saving everyone's lives form the monsters." [Shin]

"Ahh no. Don't mention it. I couldn't stand around when people were working all night. At the time I thought… actually, what was I thinking? I think it just felt right in the moment, like a voice in my head told me to be there." [Laura]

"Hmm?" [Shin]

A panicked expression flashes on her face as she seems to come to a realization.

"No, forget about it, Shin." [Laura]

"Um, Okay? Then what about you two?" [Shin]

"I think I'll head to bed; I'm beat. If it weren't for Bode, I would probably still be asleep right now if he didn't want to help with the night watch. Someone needed to watch over that klutz." [Kati]

"If anyone here is a klutz, it is you who dropped their weapon in the middle of the fight." [Bode]

"Oh really, that's cute coming from someone with a soldier complex getting taken as a hostage." [Kati]

Saying this, Kati sticks out her tongue to antagonize Bode.

{I'm too tired to deal with this. I just want to find a bed and curl up for hours. Maybe a day if I'm lucky.}

"Well then, I'm leaving so you two have fun." [Shin]

Without waiting for their acknowledgment, I take off in the direction of the keep. It isn't until I reach the large entry that I realize that someone is walking behind me.

{Damn, I guess I really need sleep if I didn't notice her earlier.}

I slow my pace so that she will be able to catch up with me.

"Oh, Laura. I didn't know that you were behind me this whole time. If I noticed sooner, I would have walked with you." [Shin]

"N-No, it's fine. I didn't want to bother you, so I kept my distance." [Laura]

Hearing this, I frown.

{There's something up with her. Ever since yesterday, her behaviour and personality seemed to have been constantly changing. Now we're back to her personality from when I met her at school. Is she under the influence of the emotional trigger like the other students. But she doesn't seem violent… I guess I'll have to keep an eye on her.}

"What do you mean? You were incredibly helpful in protecting everyone and we've gotten to know each other over the past day. How could you possibly be a bother?" [Shin]

Before she can answer, the large double doors ahead of us seem to burst open and a familiar looking red haired girl bolts toward us. Worried that it's another attack, I get into a stance, but not sensing any danger I relax.

The red-haired girl ignores me entirely and runs past me to jump into Laura's arms. Not expecting it, Laura ends up falling on the ground taking the girl with her. With both of them sprawled on the ground, the girl shouts.

"LAURA! Where were you? I looked for you the entire night and I didn't find you. I searched the entire keep and you weren't there. I was so worried. What happened and why were you outside?" [Rufina]

"Rufina, calm down. And get off of me." [Laura]

Pushing Rufina off of her, Laura gets up and brushes off the accumulated dirt on her skirt.

"I was helping Shin with his night watch all night. That's why I didn't come…" [Laura]

While Laura explains her absence, Rufina's mood changes drastically; going from happy to see her, to enraged. Similar to how a possessed doll would turn its head, Rufina slowly turns to look at me. In her eyes, was a dangerous glint which seemed to surpass Vilmos' killing intent.

Preparing for the worst, I slightly shift my body position to be ready for anything. The first person to move was Laura who brought her hand down on Rufina's head in a karate chop motion, stunning her.

"Rufi, don't trouble people for no reason. I'm sorry for my friend's rudeness." [Laura]

"I didn't even do anything…yet." [Rufina]

Turning to me, she says,

"I told you to bring my daughter back home at 10:00 yet you didn't' bring her back till 5:00 in the morning. Do you want to die, Huh?" [Rufina]

"Huh? Your daughter?" [Shin]

That's right. Since we were brought here, I am her designated guardian and will not permit her any interactions with people other than I. Especially those of differing gender. In fact, whatever you do to her, I'll do to you so be prepared for the worst." [Rufina]

Seeing an opportunity to poke fun at her, I way the pros and cons of bugging her. Pro: it would be funny. Con: it would delay my sleep for a while. Seeing how the cons heavily outweigh the pro's I say,

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind for next time." [Shin]

As I push past her to get inside, she grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Huh? Who said that there would be a next time?" [Rufina]

{LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE. I just want to go to sleep.}

"You're right, I apologize for thinking that. How unbecoming of me. Could you please let me pass? I am quite tired due to spending all night defending the gate." [Shin]

"Oh, right I heard that explosion. What happened?" [Sandra]

Seeing that Sandra just arrived, and more people seem to be joining our conversation, I tell them what the Prince told me.

"I'm sure you'll hear the report later. The Prince has informed us that this should stay quiet for right now. I'm sure that he'll share it later. Now I must pass." [Shin]

{Although the Prince did say this, it wasn't exactly in this context. Oh well, he'll just have to be a scapegoat in order for me to sleep faster.}

"What about…" [Sandra]

"Sandra, I'm really tired and nothing crazy will happen right now. Shin who was running around all night must be even more tired than I so shouldn't you let him go and rest?" [Laura]

"Yeah, I guess so. But you have to tell me what happened when you wake up, okay?" [Sandra]

"Don't worry, I'll sleep with her to make sure she has a good rest and let you know when she wakes up. Now c'mon, I saved a good room for just us. I had to fight someone for it but the room doesn't have any damage so…" [Rufina]

Grabbing Laura's hand, Rufina guides, or rather, kidnap's her, dragging Laura behind her.

"Then I'll be taking my leave." [Shin]

"Yes. When you enter turn left and head down the stairs. You should use the rooms downstairs because no one has gone in them yet. The ones upstairs are all claimed." [Sandra]

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." [Shin]

Leaving Sandra behind, I make my way inside and take no notice of my surroundings as I stumble down the stairs and make my way into the first room I find. I Open the thin door and I'm met with a simple single bed and nightstand with a desk standing in the right corner of the room, all of which is illuminated by a single candle lit on the desk. Ignoring who lit the candle for now, I activate my Delusion Skill for a quick sweep of the room. Seeing that there isn't anything dangerous, I strip off my clothes, place my backpack down by the nightstand and jump into bed. I takes all of 5 seconds before I enter sleep's sweet embrace…