
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Fort Night Sucks-5

*Shin's POV*

Leaving behind the fallen idiot, I hurry towards the building to make sure that everyone is fine after the explosion. After running along the wall and turning the corner, I can finally see the guardhouse and what was once originally a three-story building made of stone and wood, is now a wasted ruin. Parts of the third floor have collapsed onto the second floor which in turn collapsed onto the first. If the structure had not been imbedded into the huge outer wall, I'm sure that the entire structure would have collapsed.

{This entire day has not made any sense. From people being easily swayed to people being driven enough to collapse the guardhouse to open the gates… something is definitely wrong here. I hope everyone is fine at least.}

I take a deep breath and enter the building. I step over the powdered remains of what I think is the door and enter the main hallway which will lead me to the main room. Just when I reach the halfway point to the main room, I hear another, smaller, explosion which shakes the building.

{Crap, I got to move.}

I rush across the main room and make my way towards the back room. When I arrive in the room, I see something that makes my hair stand on end. The bodies of the people that blew up the building are all piled up in the center of the room. Standing over the carnage, is Laura, with one eye gleaming a bright golden color and the other a dim murderous red.

Shocked by her transformation, I stammer out a question.

"Umm… what hell's going on here?" [Shin]

Looking at Bode and Kati, I can see that they are just as startled as I am by Laura's change.

"Oh Shin, I'm glad to see you. We took care of the people here so don't worry. They should probably be taken to one of the "healers' that they mentioned though…" [Laura]

"Uhh, right. Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?" [Shin]

"No, I'm fine. Bode, Kati, you fine?" [Laura]

Asking the question, Laura turns her head to look at both of them. Seeing her gaze, they both flinch from the pressure they emit.

"Laura, your eyes are glowing, can you turn it off. It's quite frightening to be honest." [Shin]

"Huh? My eyes are shining? Why are they shining?" [Laura]

Saying her thoughts aloud, she suddenly grows quiet and looks to be pondering something.

"Okay, they should go away now." [Laura]

Confirming her claim, her eyes lose their coloration and return to their normal, hazel, colour.

"Okay. Now, can you tell me what happened here?" [Shin]

"Sure' [Laura]

Bode and Kati join us as I listen to Laura recount what happened while I was fighting Vilmos. Both of my fists curl up when she mentions Bode being held at knifepoint. My fists shake in anger when I hear her tell the part where the people were going to ignore the purpose of their visit and try to kill Laura and the others instead. Looking at the pile of people, I begin thinking how lucky they were that Laura was here instead of me.

{I'm not sure I would have been as merciful if I heard their threats.}

"Okay, I think I understand what happened here. Now comes the hard part." [Shin]

Confused looks pass on their faces as they wonder what exactly I mean.

"There's no way the other people didn't hear those explosions. We need to make sure we tell them the same story of what happened so that we aren't blamed for this." [Shin]

"What do you mean? Won't they just take our explanation at face value." [Bode]

"No. Not at all actually. We will undoubtedly be on the wrong side this time." [Shin]

"Huh? What? We didn't do anything?" [Kati]

"That's exactly my point. I decided to leave those teachers outside, wounded, and didn't help them. They, on the other hand, tried to come here and "rescue the teachers." They will probably say that we attacked first and had no choice but to retaliate in self-defense. People will take their side over ours because they seem like the more honorable people in this situation." [Shin]

"Yeah, but there were monsters that were close to the gate, right? No one would open those gates if they saw them." [Bode]

"Yeah, maybe. They will most likely say that they didn't see any monsters and that we could have saved them if we tried. The thing with people is that they think that they can criticize people's choices in a stressful situation without actually being in said situation. I remember my dad talking about issues brought up in military court where people where tried on decisions made in the heat of battle, by people who never experienced battle. He also said that most of the time, he would have done exactly what the accused person did. However, the useless nobles who sat on the judges panel sentenced the accused too harsh punishments because they themselves have never experienced any difficulties in their lives." [Shin]

"So, you think that people will accuse us in the same way, Shin?" [Laura]

"Yes. That's why I'm telling us to stick to the same story so that our defense will be solid. I'm also worried that those people's mental states will be similar to theirs, so that why I'm telling all of you this. If they are quick to anger as well, we'll have to either fight or politic like hell to get out of that situation. You haven't been corrupted yet, so I hope that you're naturally resistant to whatever is affecting them." [Shin]

Hearing the last remark, Laura freezes up. I send a questioning gaze at Laura who seems despondent. Feeling my gaze, she waves it of in a manner that suggests she'll explain it later.

Talking amongst ourselves for several minutes enables us to finally corroborate our testimony of what happened. Although there are still parts that are a little rough around the edges, we should be fine as long as things go smoothly.

{If anything, I can always resort to a certain method to at least let the others go unpunished.}

The cracking of wood and loud voices draw our attention away from our group. The shouting doesn't sound panicked in the slightest and firmly shouts orders over the sounds of flames.

"Listen, there might be people buried underneath the rubble. If a wounded person is found, send for a healer immediately. Remember not to shift the rubble too much because it may weaken the structural integrity of the building." [???]

I look at the others to confirm if they are ready. Seeing them nod in affirmation, I shout out,

"Hello? Is anyone there? We need a medic." [Shin]

"Understood, stay where you are, and we'll make our way to you." [???]

The with the fire being put out and wood being moved aside, a figure finally appears in the main room. With soot marks on his face and streaks appearing in his golden hair, a figure finally reveals itself. Although there are several dirty spots on his face, it does nothing to tarnish the androgenous beauty that the face contains. Mentally clicking my tongue as I see who the figure is, I think of all the people I would have rather seen then him.

{I would gladly throw myself into Vilmos' arms like a woman in distress than deal with this guy… wait! Oh no…}

Standing behind him is another person who I don't really want to see either. With a mop of curly brown hair atop his head and sporting a goody-too-shoes look, the other guy's face makes me want to attack the closest supporting pillar to burry both of them (including myself) alive.

"Your Highness, I beg that you watch your footing as this building will most likely fall apart at any moment. In fact, you should not step any further less anything befalls you." [???]

"Daichi, you should know that I cannot do such a thing. When my subjects have been subjected to a crisis such as this, it is my duty as a royal prince to aid them." [Prince]

"I admire that about you, Your Highness. However, placing yourself in danger places a much higher burden on the Empire than the fates of these people." [Daichi]

Now that both people have stepped into the interior and are visible to our group, three shocked gasps ring out from behind me. Feeling a tug on my sleeve, I see that Laura seems nervous for some reason. Looking at me she asks,

"Shin, is that His Highness, the Prince as well as The Prime minister's son?" [Laura]

Trying to smile, but only offering a grimace, I affirm her question.

"Yeah, it's those two. Can't wait till they see it's me here. It's going to make our "story" useless to them. [Shin]

Hearing this, Laura shifts behind me and reaches for her daggers. Seeing this, I scold her,

"No. Don't do that. If you try to use force with those people, the entire school will be against us. Forget our story, we might not make it out safely." [Shin]

The Prince and Daichi make their way towards us, bringing with them a large group of people. When they are finally in a position where they can make out our faces, the prince's, and Daichi's face change drastically. The prince's face changes from one of concern to one of surprise then joy. In contrast, Daichi's face scrunches up as if a repulsive smell blew past his nose.

"Shin, you were brought here as well? I didn't see you in class? You were at school yet you did not inform me of your attendance which angers me slightly." [Prince]

"Yes, Your Highness, I was brought here as well. As why I did not inform you of my attendance, it was so sudden that I could not possibly inform you in time. In fact, I was ready to use the situation as a surprise arrival." [Shin]

"We've known each other for a long time, can you not call me by name instead? I've told you many times that you should just refer to me as Eren or Prince Eren at the very least." [Prince Eren]

"Unfortunately, I am but a commoner and am uncomfortable in referring you in such an informal way. Please accept my sincerest apologies, Your Highness." [Shin]

"Well, since you insist, I guess I'll allow it." [Prince Eren]

Glancing at the person behind him, I'm met with a cold voice.

"Shin" [Daichi]

"Daichi" [Shin]

There is nothing resembling intimacy in our discord. With both of us indifferent to each other, there is no need to go above and beyond to even pretend to care about the other.

Seeing our cold reaction to each other, Prince Eren frowns.

"We've known each other since we were infants, must you two always be cold to one another?" [Prince Eren]

"My apologies for showing that side of me, Your Highness. However, I do believe that there might be more important things to discuss at the moment. Should we not hurry and heal those people who are piled on top of each other." [Daichi]

"Ah yes, you are right Daichi. Hurry and call the healer. I'll listen to what Shin has to say while I wait." [Prince Eren]

"Your Highness, I believe it would be safer to continue a discussion outside if you must." [Daichi]

"Don't mind it. If anything happens, I assume that Shin would save himself. In that case, I need only follow the path he creates to safety." [Prince Eren]

"That's exactly why…." [Daichi]

"Daichi. Leave us and get the healers. The wounded must be tended too." [Prince Eren]

"…Understood." [Daichi]

Daichi turns towards the door and reluctantly runs to get the healers. Before asking any questions, Prince Eren waits several seconds to make sure that Daichi really went to get the healers. After confirming that only he and our group remains, he turns to me and sighs.

"I assume you have a decent explanation for this. I know you wouldn't be blowing up things for no reason. However, I have no reason to defend you if your reasoning is subpar." [Prince Eren]

"I don't know why you would think I'm responsible for the explosion, but I wasn't the source." [Shin]

"You say that, but that does not necessarily guarantee that you are not the cause or what pushed those to do these deeds." [Prince Eren]

Before I can defend myself, help comes from an unexpected source.

"Shin is not the cause, and he would never do anything like that! I-I mean… I-I do not think that is possible, Your Highness." [Laura]

Surprised by the outburst, both Prince Eren and I raise our eyebrows at her. With both of our gazes on her, she wiggles uncomfortably, and her face is beet red with embarrassment.

"Well then, I suppose that you might not be solely responsible for what happened. It seems that you made quite an honest and reliable friend there. I was under the impression that one couldn't talk to royalty that way, but that seems to been a misunderstanding on my part. What exactly is her name, may I ask?" [Prince Eren]

I glance at Laura and nod. Seeing this, Laura steps forward hesitantly and presents herself with a nervous stutter.

"I-I am c-called Laura Silva, y-your Highness." [Laura]

"I see. I'm glad that Shin has finally found a friend. I was worried that he suffered from an undiagnosed antisocial disorder." [Prince Eren]

"You are quite the comedian, Your Highness." [Shin]

"Yes. Now quickly explain what happened before Daichi returns. I assume that it would be more beneficial to be heard by me first. I also want the real details, not some sort of concocted story that you have created as an alibi." [Prince Eren]

Kati, Bode and Laura all freeze up when he mentions a "concocted story." I look at him and give him a knowing smile.

"What are you saying, Your Highness. I would never conduct such devious behaviour" [Shin]

After which, I encounter the real details of what happened on my side of the story and Laura nervously shares her part of the story; claiming the aid of Bode and Kati enabled the safe capture of the violent students.

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone's having a good time this summer and enjoying it to the fullest! I've been busy with work recently and I haven't bee nwriting as much as I should. I think i'm going to have to kick myself in the a** so that I can get back into writing.

By the way, we're almost at 15,000 views which is crazy for me so if you could... maybe share it with other people? However, no spamming cause thats annoying af.

Oh, in case you missed it, please check out the side stories I have posted in the auxillary section. They're good (debatable) and they provide a more in depth world view and more character develpoment. Please look it up :)

Your Exhausted Author,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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