
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


There have been a couple points in my life where I've had an amazing sleep. The first time would be when my dad took me "hunting" at the age of 5. In reality, it was more of a workout than an actual hunt. Our trek took us up and around the mountains surrounding our home in the middle of winter. Of course, I was dressed appropriately, however my dad made me carry a small "Go Pack" which while 10kg (~22lbs), was quite heavy for a 5-year-old. It took all of about 1o minutes for me to sweat through my thick winter coat. My father who was wearing his personal "Go-To-Hell" pack which weighed over 50kg (~110lbs), didn't even mind carrying all of that weight while hiking up and around mountains. It got to the point that I wondered if my dad was even human.

When we reached the summit, we ate, and I immediately passed out due to exhaustion. I woke up much later than usual the next day. The sun was already high in the sky and hunting usually takes place in the early morning before dawn. Thinking I slept through the hunt, I sprang up before my dad told me to lay back down. I thought he was mad at me, but he didn't mind at all. In fact, he was proud of me, a 5-year-old who didn't complain on the walk up, when some of the soldier he knew complained walking up and down much smaller hills.

The second-best sleep was when I knocked myself out swinging my dad's nunchucks around. Yup, that's all I remember. All I know is that I woke up feeling quite refreshed. Of course, it wasn't until later that I figured that it was the painkillers coursing through my system that helped me have such a wonderful sleep. If I were differently minded, I probably would have thrown myself into drugs long ago to reach such a blissful sleep. However, I hate drugs and the people who use them recreationally, so there's no way I would stoop that level.

So where would this sleep session rank? I think it would have to be a close third.

When I wake up and open my eyes, complete darkness greets me as I scan around my room. The candle which lit up the interior when I entered has long since extinguished leaving behind only a slight mellow smell. I pull myself up into a sitting position and stretch out my arms and back which are quite stiff. While the bed itself certainly isn't the worst he's ever experienced, the thin mattress and the coarse wool sheets did not help its mediocre performance.

"Good thing I can sleep just about anywhere." [Shin]

Having slept on a field of rocks on a mountain top in a thin tent with only a slim nylon membrane between myself and the rocks, I learned how to fall asleep quite quickly. However, waking up in the morning after sleeping on rough surfaces will usually leave a body with bruises and aches.

Finally working up the will to leave the bed, I swing my feet off the edge of my bed and get dressed. I grab one of the sets of clothes in the bottom of my backpack and put them on before picking up my dirty clothes on the ground and hanging them up at the foot of the bed. If I knew about a place to wash them, I would have brought them there but I'm not knowledgeable about such a place so just lay them out. It's important to air out any dirty/wet clothes if you cannot wash/dry them properly.

The set of clothes that I decided to wear are my personal favorites; being a set of M04 desert pattern clothing (shirt and cargo pants). While the Kaross army preferred woodland camo, like my father, I prefer lighter colors which are more useful in a variety of environments. While admiring my clothes, a knock on the door brings me back to reality.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Hello, are you awake?" [???]

Not recognizing the voice, I use my Delusional Skill to see who exactly is on the other side.

The 3 people are:

|Name: Róża Burkhart. Title: Valkyrie. Equipped: Mithril Sword x2|

| Name: Elea Salo. Title: Beast of Pray. Equipped: Orichalcum Bow|

| Name: Astrid Dahl. Title: Impenetrable. Equipped: Adamantium Tower Shield|

{Ho? These people are serious. Seeing how I don't have a weapon; I'm probably screwed if I try to fight them. Let's see what they want.}

"You may enter." [Shin]

Hearing my response, the door opens revealing 3 girls who I've never seen before, who then step inside.

The one at the lead is almost obnoxiously attractive. While super model might be an accurate description of her looks, her gait and posture seem to demonstrate an air of nobility, making me to believe that she no doubt resided and was comfortable in Karossian high society. Slightly shorter than I, the light reflecting from behind seems to turn her strawberry blonde into a red golden tint.

{Wait. Strawberry blonde, last name Burkhart. …Is she that Marquis' daughter? And I swear that I've hear the surname Salo before…}

Looking at the girl to her left, I sense that she has experience in martial arts or battles. Her posture and her foot work place an emphasis on maneuverability without compromising her center balance. Even her blue hair is cut short so as not to be grabbed in a fight, convincing me that she knows how to fight. While she is somewhat wiry in body, a sense of strength which belies her frame emanates from her, making her seem like a troublesome opponent.

The final girl is…huge in all the right places. Standing a little taller than I, on her back is an even larger tower shield. A shield user must have a good base if they are to absorb impacts from a blow and she has one without a doubt. From nice thick thighs to a toned rear end, she's fit, to say the least. Moving my eyes upward, her flowing brown hair parts at her face which almost seems to rival the firsts. As for the rest of her body, let us say that I cannot imagine plate armor ever fitting around her due to the two mountains on her front.

I hurry up my analysis before I'm seen as a pervert for staring.

With both sides staring at each other, the leader is the first to speak.

"Shin Okamoto? I'm sorry but you're going to have to come with us" [Róża Burkhart]

Seeing how fighting would be a bad idea, I try to be as reasonable and pleasant as possible.

"Oh? Alright, where are we going?" [Shin]

{I say this but there is only really 3 options. The first and most probable is to a large room where either the rest of the school is assembled, or the important people are assembled to pass judgment. The second possibility is that they are here to kill me, but don't want to do it in the building so they'll take me outside which would explain their weapons. The third possibility is somewhere they can keep an eye on me until the issue is resolved or decided upon. You couldn't possibly have someone accused of manslaughter around other people. Now then, I wonder which one it is.}

"You are being brought to the dungeon so you can be monitored due to people accusing you of murdering the teachers at the gate. We have been sent by the request of both the Prince and Ms. Garcia. You must follow us quietly and without resistance, criminal." [Róża]

"Aren't I only accused? Actually, am I the only one accused?" [Shin]

"…No there are 3 other criminals being detained." [Róża]

"…Of course, there are. To what extent have you been informed of?" [Shin]

"We only heard that you were involved in the teachers death. The detailed announcement of what happened will be made later tonight at the conference. The prince and Ms. Garcia told us to pick you up and put you in the dungeon for now. The prince also gave us these weapons to deal with you if you were to resist, claiming that you were "capable." [Róża]

"I see. Well then, shall be head off?" [Shin]

I turn around and grab my bag, hoisting it onto my shoulders.

"You won't be needing that, leave it here." [Róża]

"If it stays here, something may get stolen. It's not like I have a gun in here. Plus, I might need a pillow in the dungeon. I'm sure that there won't be much cushioning in there anyway." [Shin]

"We were told to…" [Róża]

"Lady Burkhart, you mentioned earlier that the prince suggested you bring weapons in case I resist. This backpack of mine was one of the last gifts that my late father gave me before being redeployed. If you try to separate me from this bag, then I'm afraid I'll have to resist." [Shin]

"H-How do you know who I am?" [Róża]

"My father served by the Emperor's side for many years. Marquis Burkhart was one of the few nobles that my father praised for his intelligence and calm demeanor. Of course, that would mean that I also know him and his daughter by sight." [Shin]

"But still, criminals shouldn't…" [Róża]

While Róża seems reluctant to let me keep my bag, help comes from an unexpected corner.

"Should it not be fine, Lady Róża? It is simply a backpack after all." [Astrid]

"Hmm…very well. You may bring your bag then." [Róża]

"I thank you very much for your compassion, Lady Burkhart." [Shin]

With that being said, we pass through the doorway, turn right, and enter the hallway, heading deeper down into the tower.

{I can see she inherited the same quality from her father; easily influenced and flattered. I'm actually surprised I got to keep my bag. This wasn't even a gift from my dad, I actually bought it a couple weeks ago and simply lied to them. Maybe they felt like it wasn't worth the trouble?}

With the Shield user keeping pace beside me and the archer bringing up the rear, Lady Róża leads us further down the hall towards a dingy and dark staircase.

Reaching the beginning of the stairs, Lady Róża turns to the group and says,

"I was told by Ms. Garcia that the stairs are slippery so be careful going down." [Lady Róża]

"May I mention a suggestion, Lady Róża?" [Elea]

"Hmm? Of course." [Lady Róża]

"We should have Shin go down first, then followed by Astrid, you and then I." [Elea]

{Having me go first then followed by the tower shield user means that I wont be able to turn around and work my way up. With her at the rear, I'll always be in her lane of fire… but she wouldn't shoot in a narrow stairwell and risk hitting her comrades, right? Hmm, just as I thought, I need to watch out for her.}

"I see. Then we shall take your suggestion and implement it." [Lady Róża]

All three heads turn towards me.

"I got it, I'll be the first to go down, but if I slip, fall and break my neck, I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you." [Shin]

"Criminal, Are you capable of such things?" [Lady Róża]

"Lady Róża, it was surely a jest." [Elea]

"I-I see." [Lady Róża]

"Could I have a light? It'll be kind of hard to see in the dark." [Shin]

"Of course, here." [Astrid]

After thanking her, I take the lit candle and begin the descent.

The stairs leading further down are covered in a thin layer of green moss which surprise me. The lack of sun in this area would make one think that plants could not possibly grow in this sort of environment. While moss can survive extended periods of time without light as long as certain conditions are met, the stairway is arid, and lack of humidity makes this seem like abnormal growth.

"Are we heading down, Lady Róża?" [Shin]

"Ah, yes, you're correct. Then, let us head down." [Lady Róża]

While musing that I somehow turned into the leader of my own imprisonment force, I step lightly down on the moss and begin my decent.

Hello everyone!

Sorry i havent been posting here and beeen more active in chat. I had heatstroke and a hand injury this week so i haven't been able to really post anything new (other than regular uploads) or write any new chapters for this story. I used up all of my stuff i had on hand so I'll have to kick myself in my own a** to get writting as soon as my hands are all good.

Thank you everyone for 15,000+ views!! I never thoght that i would even get this much traction so I would like to thank each and every one of the people who click on this webnovel and read it through!

I hope that you all had a great week and that I get better soon so I can keep uploading.

Your Wounded Author,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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