
Twin Elven Booty

Jurion arrived at the portal in hell with the two female lying on the floor.

"Let's take a look at what we have here."

Jurion's eyes became red and his pupils became a shape of a sharp fang.

Demon Eyes!

Name: Ana Sapphire

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Soul corruption: 0%

Lust meter: 0%

Combat Power: Strong

Sexual preference: Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex

Affection towards you: -100

Instant Soul Bind Sexual Fantasy: Hard Core Sex

Unlockable Skill: Bow Mastery

Name: Terra Sapphire

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Soul corruption: 0%

Lust meter: 0%

Combat Power: Strong

Sexual preference: Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex

Affection towards you: -100

Instant Soul Bind Sexual Fantasy: Choke Fuck

Unlockable Skill: Sword Mastery

"Talking about coincidence, an elf huh. I guess I need to soul bind these ladies before they go. Now let me take a closer look at your appearances."

Jurion brushed away the hair covering their faces.

Pinkish to white hair, sharp nose, thin pink lips, pointy ears, snow white skin. Dirty and bloody face.

"They look exactly the same! Are they twins? Or blood related maybe?"

Jurion carried both of them to a room in the ground floor of the castle and placed them on a bed.

"Just in case you wake up." He tied their hands on their back and put an anti-travel bracers on it.

"I'm sorry ladies. I need you behave for now until I get to know you more."

Dux bring out my stats.

Name: Jurion

Race: Demon

Class: Lesser Demon

Level: 8

Exp: 0/12,800


Gluttony: 1000/1000

Lust: 1000/1000

Wrath: 3728

Pride: 399

Greed: 1

Sloth: 1678

Envy: 3000

Available points: 2


Demon Eyes

Lust Aura

Soul Bind

Soul Corruption



Gene Assimilation


Geo scan

Strip Touch

Portal Stamp

Inferno Orbis [-]

- Fire Bullet

- Fire Grenade

- Rapid Fire Bullets

- Rapid Fire Grenades

Inferno Clypeus [-]

- Cut Damage Resistance

- Blunt Damage Resistance

- Shockwave Resistance

- Fire Immunity


Exotic Polus

Exotic Servus

Exotic Kletor

Exotic Papilla

Anti-travel Bracers


Goblin Genes: 100%

-Goblin Dick: able to cum multiple times in a row whenever you want.

Orc Genes: 6.7%


- Attack Towers


Main goal:

Revive the Demon God

Current Progress: 2/1,000,000,000,000

Main Quest:

Soul Bind a female Elf.

Rewads: 12,800 Exp

"Dux explain the portal stamp and the new item."

[Portal Stamp add a new exit location on explored worlds.

Cost: 5000 Lust Energy per portal.

Exotic Papilla a ring attached to a targets nipples stimulates the target sexually.

1 ring will steal Lust Energy 20/second.

2 rings hides demonic presence.

Cost: 1000 Lust Energy each.]

[Nice! now I can add more travel points to other worlds. This is convenient. Marcelin will no longer go to the forest every time she goes back to her planet.

Now these exotic papilla, it doesn't say soul bounded so this means I can attached this to enemies too or anyone for that matter, so I can steal lust energy even with an enemy? But why hide demonic presence? Hm.] Jurion holding his chin with his right hand.

He pondered for a while he paced back in forth in the room.

[Oh yeah! Dux you told me about your previous master. Are the elves in alliance with the angels before?]


[That's why.]

[So if they are in league with the angels, then we can't let them go back when they woke up. They might report our location and raid us. I need to soul bind them first.]

Strip touch!

Strip touch!

The straps on Ana's armor loosened, but she remained asleep.

[Hm, this is inconvenient. I guess I need to improve this skill more.]

Strip touch!

Strip Touch!

He did the same with Terra. The straps loosened too but Jurion did not remove the armors, instead he used Strip Touch more as soon as he have Lust Energy.

Minute cracks starts to form on the surface of their metal armors.

Strip touch!

Strip Touch!

Strip touch!

Strip Touch!

An hour later their armors completely broke revealing a chain mail.

Strip Touch!

The chainmail was fragmented. Silky clothes remained. Their clothes doesn't do them any justice, it barely covered their big round boobs, nipples so big it blots out over it, slim waist and wide hips.

"Yes! What a powerful skill. This skill is dope!

I can reduce the targets armors to ashes if I want it to. This will be useful in battle."

Jurion's palms glowed a blue light over their lower limb armors.

Strip Touch!

Strip Touch!

Strip Touch!

All the armors of the two sleeping female was reduced to nothing.

"I'm sorry ladies but I need to do this. Can't let you run around and escape or destroy this palace. I need this place to get stronger for now."

"Uhmm!" The twins moaned occasionally. Their face contorted as if having nightmares. Their boobs wiggled with every movement.

"Now let's see your corruption status."

Jurion decided to see the soul corruption on Ana's.

"What? Only 16%? I need to increase my greed in order to make this kind of enemies soul corruption faster."

Jurion put his last 2 remaining points on Greed.

"Looks like they won't be waking up soon.

They looked really tired."

"Dux tell me about the elves."

[Their planet is called Dydralis.

Elves has a similar physical features to human beings, except that they have pointy ears, very long life span and able to use magic. They are vegetarians.

A typical elf can live up to 1000 years in human life.

They don't age in appearance. Their bodies fully mature at 15 years old and keep the same appearance throughout their life span.

So you can't tell the difference from a 14 year old to a 1000 year old elf from physical appearance alone.

As they grow in age so is their ability to use magic.

They enchant their weapons with different effects.

They are highly intelligent species, they live in communities. Some of them even have kingdoms and armies.

Their main weapon is a bow and sword. Some use daggers. Their marksman is extremely accurate and dexterous. They also have mages specialized in various elemental magic and healing spells.

Very difficult to corrupt, if they manage to escape 100% corruption they can revert to 0% in an instant.

They resist soul corruption very well, 100 times more resistant compared to humans.

There is also a variety of elves called the dark elves, there are almost the same except for the color of the skin, they have darker skin complexion and has more affinity to black magic.

One of their combat style is assassination. Stealthy and cunning. Aside from that they eat meat.

They don't socialize often with the regular elves but there are in peace with them. In times of war they both cooperate and help each other.

And most important thing, they hunt demons!]

"Elves huh. I need to take good care around them.

I bet they will be a strong enemy if I got on their bad side." Jurion has a deep thought in his mind for a long time.

"And that's why the corruption takes a long time.

If I leave them now the corruption will be back to zero."

"But I can't help it. I need to do some improvement in here so I guess I will corrupt you later."

A moment later.

"Now, I'm really intrigued about this skill."


A clone appeared on Jurion's side. A complete copy of him but with red skin.

"Wow is this is how I look? Not bad. Aside from the horns and white hair, I completely resembled my previous body."

"I really wonder what happened with me when I transported here. Did the experiment cause some mutations on my genes?"

"And why do your skin color look different? Aren't clones supposed to look like exactly the same?"

Jurion was talking to his clone.

"That's odd, maybe an effect of the skill. I wish they look the same so they won't know the real me in battle."

The clone curiously looked at Jurion and smiled at him, a mischievous look in its face.

"Do you speak?" He asked while he looked at it in the eyes.

"What do you want me to say?" The clone spoke. Poof! the clone disappeared after 30 seconds.

"What the?" Jurion was astounded.

"Am I dreaming or what? That clone seem to have a mind on its own. I should have tried giving it instructions, see if it obeys."

"That skill will be useful in the future, I just need more Lust Energy regeneration to maintain him in battle."

"I will experiment on this skill next time."

Jurion went to the throne room to fetch some water that Marcelin brought and left it in the room where the elves rest.

Then he went one of the exit doors of the city to create another attack tower.

In the morning Jurion went to check on the elves.

Main Quest:

Soul Bind a female Elf.

Rewards: 12,800 Exp