
Twin Elven MILF

"Ahm!" Terra's eyes slowly opened up.

A shocked expression on her face, she struggled at her hands tied in her back. "What! Ana! Ana! Wake up!"

"Uhmm... where are we?" Ana opened her eyes confused. She tried to move her hands but she can't. "Oh my god! Are we captured?"

"I don't know but looks like it." A worried face on Terra. She got up in a seated position.

"Where are we?" Ana looked around the room. "How did we end up here?"

"I don't remember what happened, and where are our armors?" Terra looked at her body.

"Oh shit! We can't travel. Let me see you hands." Ana jittered.

"Do you see it?" Terra turned her back and showed her hands.

Two black bracers with runic symbols attached to it.

"Yes! Come here, let me try to break it off."

Both stood up in front of the bed with their back against each other.

"Argh! What kind of bracers are these? Must be high grade. It so sturdy!" Terra frowned.

They tried with all their strength to destroy the bracers but failed.