

"Now let me inspect this new skill for a second." Jurion curiously brought out his status screen.

[Strip touch an active skill which enables you to magically remove the targets clothing and/or armors with a single touch. Cost: 100 Lust Energy upon activation.]

[This is the first time I got a skill not from leveling. Has this anything to do with Marcelin's affection being maxed?]

After enjoying another sweet sex due to their excitement. He used demon eyes again on Marcelin non-stop until he finally unlocked more information. Jurion's pupils became vertical and his iris became red.

Name: Marcelin

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Soul corruption: 100%

Lust meter: 100%

Combat Power: Pathetic

Sexual preference: Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex

Affection towards you: +100 (max)

Instant Soul Bind Sexual Fantasy: Already soul bounded

Unlockable Skill: Strip Touch

[This demon eye skill is really useful, why didn't I improved on this long time ago. I wonder if there are still improvement for this ability.]

After resting, Marcelin changed her clothes and went back to Earth to sell the loot and buy all her needs and wants then bring it to hell.

"Dux bring out my stats."

Name: Jurion

Race: Demon

Class: Lesser Demon

Level: 7

Exp: 0/6400


Gluttony: 1000/1000

Lust: 1000/1000

Wrath: 3000

Pride: 399

Greed: 1

Sloth: 1678

Envy: 3000

Available points: 78


Demon Eyes

Lust Aura

Soul Bind

Soul Corruption



Gene Assimilation


Geo scan

Strip Touch

Inferno Orbis [+]

- Fire Bullet

- Fire Grenade

- Rapid Fire Bullets

Inferno Clypeus [+]

- Cut Damage Resistance

- Blunt Damage Resistance

- Shockwave Resistance


Exotic Polus

Exotic Servus

Exotic Kletor

Anti-travel Bracers

Genes: [-]

Goblin Genes: 100%

-Goblin Dick: able to cum multiple times in a row whenever you want.


- Attack Towers


Main goal:

Revive the Demon God

Current Progress: 78/1,000,000,000,000

Main Quest:

Slay 500 orcs.

Rewards 6400 Exp, Portal Stamp

Progress: 0/500.

[Dux explain to me the attack towers.]

[Attack Towers: Attack enemies with magical damage in a 100 meter radius. Cost: 1,000,000 Lust Energy.]

[ Dux how can I built this attack tower? ]

[Just select a place where you want to construct the tower and channel your Lust Energy to it.]

Jurion went to the castle wall perimeters just outside of the city entrance. There he selected the attack tower in the status window.

He stretched his right hand palm facing forward.

A purple circle with different geometric symbol inside it appeared with a bright light in the ground about a 10 meter radius.

A purple ring formed in the air and spun around the circle creating gust of wind sending dusts in the air, a concrete was magically created and slowly ascended on the ground.

"With my Lust Energy recovery, it will take me almost 10 hours to construct this tower." Jurion mumbled.

"Dux tell me something about the orcs." Jurion sat down channeling his energy on the building.

[Their habitat is in planet Barbora.

Orcs have a large body built in general.

Their face have a similarity with an animal called pig in planet earth.

Orcs have a pack mentality where an alpha (the strongest most powerful) commands the group.

Their population can grow fast due to their high fertility rate. But they cannibalize on their live siblings to gain more power keeping their population to a moderate account.

It is also known that orcs eat the dead body of their enemies and comrade to recover from damage and improve their strength.

In the same tier orcs are 5 times stronger than their goblin counterpart.

An orc population left unchecked will cause a disaster.]

[Orcs huh, I think they will be a pain in the ass. I need to increase my resistances to improve my survivability.]

10 hours later Jurion managed to construct the attack tower. The tower was huge, 20 meters tall and 10 meters wide. Made out of concrete, at the top, a large crystal menacingly glowed in dark red color.

"Ughh! That was tedious!" Jurion stretched his body, elevated his hands up above his head. His joints hurts.

A pair of bracers dropped on his hands.

Jurion bought some of the anti-travel bracers.

"This will be useful in the future."

"Now time for an experiment."

He went to the volcano, crouched down and placed his hand near the flowing lava.


Fire damage has been detected...

Developing a resistance...

Fire Immunity 100%, immune to fire damage.

"What? That was fast. And why am I immune to fire while other damages only half?"

"Is it because of the magical orbs I'm using? That makes sense."

He put his hands on the lava and nothing happened.

"Whoa! Its like playing with mud, this is awesome!"

Jurion swirled his hand in the red molten rocks. Then he dipped his feet in it too until half his body was immersed.

"Hahaha this is great! I never thought of doing this before! So fire can never hurt me huh? Awesome!"

The twin moons shone brightly in hell, one abnormally large and a small one just behind it.

The entire place was shrouded in darkness.

"Oddly enough I like the purple color of the moon. I haven't really witnessed this kind of moon pigment before."

"Since its too dark now to go to other planets then might as well practice my abilities to improve them." Jurion conjured fire bullets, rapid fire bullets and fire grenades and hurled them on the empty ground.


Fire bullets damage increased!

Rapid Fire bullets damage increased!

Fire Grenades damage increased!

Jurion can fire his skills unlimited times due to his Lust Energy recovery.

"Now that is what I'm talking about. With this skill plus my armor suit and weapons I'm confident I can bring down those yarramans. Just wait for me in there. I'm coming back!"

"Talking about suit. I wish I could recreate my old suit, I missed it."

"And also it would be nice to bring nature in here, some water, animals and plants, that would be great!"

Pow! Pow! Pow!



Jurion continued on throwing his skills continuously.

Fire bullets damage increased!

Rapid Fire bullets damage increased!

Fire Grenades damage increased!

Jurion spent all night practicing his skills, he improved his muscle coordination and refreshed his battle routine.

Morning came and the sun has risen. Jurion stood in front of the portal crystal and a second later He vanished.

Jurion arrived at an unknown location.


"Was that an explosion?"

Curious, he slyly moved towards the sound, he carefully hid his presence. With his strength and agility he climb up to the jungle canopy and hop from tree to tree.

At the distance, in a clearing a battle was ongoing.

Two massive orcs, 10 meters tall, holding a metal club, wearing thick armor and smashing the ground. Below them several hundred orc army holding hammers, swords and shields fighting an army that looks like human except that they have pointy ears.

Skinny but very fast moving. The human like army are few in numbers and scattered. Visible wounds in their body and look exhausted.

At the back rank of the army a pointy eared woman holding another unconscious female in a princess carry trying to run away from the battle.

"Run away Ana! Go! Leave us here! We will hold them out!" A male pointy eared man shouted.

"I'm sorry for this! I promise I will come back for you!" The female answered, a tear drop flowed out on her eyes. She turned her back and sprinted away.

Jurion curiously observed the battle in the top of a tree.

A moment later.


The last man on the human like army got his body bisected in the belly. The army was annihilated.

The orcs without a second thought followed the escaping woman. Jurion followed them at the back.

Unbelievably the two massive orcs are fast runners too. They covered the distance between them and the escapee in just a minute or so.

Jurion on the other hand shoots rapid fire bullets from time to time to snipe the orcs from the back.

The horde gained on the escaping female.

She dropped the lady she was carrying and readied herself to fight, she was visibly exhausted, panting, sweaty and has low energy.

When they are about to attack her, their attention was shifted to the back.

Pow! Pow! Pow!



Pow! Pow! Pow!



Fire bullets and explosives bombarded the group.

The female collapsed and fell on the ground unconscious.

Pow! Pow! Pow!



Orcs fell down blown to pieces.

"Arrrgg!" The orcs stampedes towards Jurion.

Jurion turned his back and fled, making sure the distance between him and the army never got close.

He shot fire bullets and fire grenades when they were in range to reduce their numbers.

And when the army got close enough he stopped his attacks and scram again.

Hit and run tactic.

This continued until only the two massive orcs remained.


Quest complete!

Level up!

Skill unlock!

Portal stamp

Rapid Fire Grenades

Items Unlocked!

Exotic Papilla

Jurion didn't have the time to see the notifications as he is busy shooting the two massive orcs.

Rapid fires has a minimum effect on their bodies. It only grazed them which eventually healed in a second.



"Argh!" The huge orc on the left got his face exploded destroying its helmet.

Jurion redirected his aims on their face and only used fire grenades.


The large orcs swung their metal bats towards him. The trees fell down like a stick.

Jurion evaded the attack.


The trees where he hid got smashed to a crisp like twigs.

"This is not good!" Jurion hopped from tree to tree in a haste.


He moved to the direction of the two female he saw.

The two orcs tailed him.

When Jurion arrived at the location he touched the two females and tried to activate the imprint.


Restricted area!

Unable to use imprint!

Eliminate the source of the spell to use teleport!

"What? Oh shit! Maybe this is the reason why didn't travelled back to their planets using their imprints!"

He run away from they females and led the two orcs in a clearing in the jungle.

"Lets try it here."


Teleport restricted!

Eliminate the source of the spell to use teleport!

"Dux where is the source if the restriction spell?"

[The two orcs after you.]

"Like I thought. So there's no choice but to kill them huh. Bring it on! Dux show me my new skill."

[Rapid Fire Grenades, shoots 3 fire grenades at the same time. Cost: 15 Lust Energy.]

"Nice, put all of my available points in Wrath."

The orcs was on sight.

Demon Eyes!

Name: Orc General

Race: Orc

Gender: Male

Soul corruption: 90%

Lust meter: 0%

Combat Power: Strong

Sexual preference: -

Affection towards you: -100

Instant Soul Bind Sexual Fantasy: -

Unlockable Skill: -


Jurion jumped back.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The head of the orc without helmet was hit.

"Argh!" The orc screamed, smoke subsided and the orcs' eyes was closed and bleeding.

"Yes! This is getting effective. A little bit more then you are dead!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!


"Argggghhhh!" The orc wailed.



The ground shook the entire forest decimated.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Jurion threw fire grenades targeting the orcs head again and again.

15 minutes later the orcs fell down dead.

Jurion went to the females hurriedly and touched both of them. All of them vanished and reappeared in hell.

Main Quest:

Soul bind a female elf.

Rewards: 12,800 Exp.