
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 27

Next day...

Everyone else was already in the class standing around and talking to one another. But when a few of them saw Izuku come in, they immediately went over to him.

A spiky, red-haired boy with jagged teeth was the first of the class to actually introduce himself to Izuku.

"Yo, I wanted to talk to you after school yesterday but I couldn't find you!" He pointed his thumb at himself with a toothy grin. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima! I can't believe you launched that ball with that much brute force! That was amazing! I can't believe how large the gap between us and you Four Stars are! I'm so pumped up just thinking about competing with you guys!"

"Thank you." Izuku responded with a smile. He respected this young man a bit for not feeling down due to the obvious gaps between them.

A yellow-haired boy with a black lightning bolt design in his hair was beside him, supporting himself on a desk. "I'm Denki Kaminari, and man are you guys sure you aren't monsters?"

"Nice to meet you guys," Izuku nodded his head, extending his hand for a handshake.

If Izuku remembered correctly, this blonde was the one who actually said that there's no point in trying in the test yesterday.

And honestly, he lost what little respect Izuku had for him for making into U.A. However, looking into him now, he doesn't look like he was even a little bit affected by the gap of their abilities.

'Someone who'd crumble under pressure huh? Well, U.A will beat it out of him sooner or later.'

"Hey, hey, what was All Might like as a teacher?" A pink-skinned girl with horns asked excitingly.

"I bet he was an awesome teacher Mina, I mean, look at those three! Only Todoroki-chan can keep up with them!" Said an invisible girl.

Izuku cringed, remembering the first time All Might taught him how to use his Quirk. He shook his head and turned towards the pink skinned girl.

"He sucks." He said, earning an 'eh?' from almost anyone in the room, "He sucks at teaching so bad I had to teach him how to teach us."

Momo, who was already seated on her seat, and Bakugo who was in front of her all let out a chuckle remembering their trainer.

"I heard he's teaching here though," said Ochako, who was seated beside Camie, "If he's bad at teaching why did they allow him to teach here?"

"Also," Iida adjusted his glasses, "Please refrain from saying disrespectful words to our 'possible' teacher and the number one hero!"

"I think only they can talk bad about All Might," said the invisible girl as she turned towards Izuku, "I'm Toru Hagakure by the way, nice to meet you Midoriya."

"I'm Mina Ashido," said the pink skinned girl with a grin, "You are definitely much hotter in person!"

Momo snapped her head towards Mina and narrowed her eyes. Of course, this action was not missed by Camie who was looking at her.

'Oh my~' She nudged her boyfriend who looked at her with a raised brow before she pointed at Momo.

Bakugo looked over his shoulder and saw Momo's reaction and silently snickered. He leaned towards Camie and whispered, "Let the nerd deal with girl problems. It's rather interesting to watch, much better than the old hag's soap opera."

"You shouldn't say those words about your mother."

Bakugo shrugs, "She knows I don't mean anything by it. Oh, and she's asking when are you going to visit again."

"I'll stop by your house later."


What they didn't noticed, however, was Ochako's reaction from Mina's words.

The students coverse with each other until classes officially begun.


Everyone sat in a bored silence as the English teacher, Present Mic, the same teacher who had instructed the students taking the practical exam, wrote down four different sentences on the board.

"Now, which one of these four sentences is incorrect?" Their teacher asked in a rather bored tone.

'So normal.' Izuku thought. Though he should've expected this. U.A might be a Hero School, but there is still a word School there.

A few students raised their hands.

"Alright! How about you little listener!" Present Mic shouted with a smile, pointing at Izuku.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, he wasn't raising his hands, so why was he picked? In the end though, he just sighed, "The last one."

"Buzz! Incorrect!" Present Mic shouted, mimicking a buzzer while crossing his arms in an 'X'.

Izuku blinked his eyes before looking at the sentences on the board and realized he was really incorrect. However, he won't accept defeat that easily.

So he said, "But sensei, you can't burn water, it'll just boil and evaporate."

The blank look on Present Mic's face was worth it.


Second subject was math, and the class watching Momo answer the problem on the board with Ectoplasm, the cloning hero, watching her, and nodding a few times.

After awhile, Momo put down the chalk and turned towards Ectoplasm, "It's done sensei."

Ectoplasm nodded, "That is correct. You may return to your seat."

Izuku was staring at the board in slight amazement, 'Sometimes I forgot how smart she is. I wonder who's smarter of the two, her or Melissa?'


Their third subject was Modern Literature, and their teacher being; the Cement Hero, Cementoss.

"James Joyce was a major modernist writer whose strategies employed in his novel Ulysses (1922) for depicting the events during a twenty-four-hour period in the life of his protagonist—...."

'This is my least favorite subject as of late,' thought Izuku as he resisted the urge to yawn.

He looked over Momo, and he wasn't the least surprised that she was eagerly taking notes. In fact, even he was taking notes. He may not like this subject but that doesn't mean he can slack off.

He sighed, 'The time couldn't pass any faster.'


The fourth subject was Modern Hero Art History, and most boys couldn't properly concentrate due to their teacher.

The 18+ Hero; Midnight.

Izuku, however, was completely focused. Not because of Midnight's costume, but because the subject is all about heroes.

Not to mention that Midnight, despite the actions she displays on public, is completely professional and serious when it comes to teaching.

Even scolding Kaminari for not listening.

'I guess she's a teacher for a reason.' Thought Izuku, and continued to listen with great enthusiasm.



"Oh my god! This is delicious! It's almost as good as mom's!" Said Izuku as he devoured the food made by the pro hero; Lunch Rush himself.

"Indeed," Momo nodded with a small smile, "It is even better than the chefs I have back home. I wish Melissa was here to eat with us."

"You know how she can get when it comes to her inventions," said Bakugo as he took a bite from a spicy chicken, "She was probably quadruple checking the costumes we'll use later."

"My costume doesn't even have any tech-mumbo jumbo. It doesn't need any quadruple checking." Said Camie.

"She's perfectionist when it comes to things she made," said Izuku with a shrug.

"We're having Basic Hero Training later right?" Said Ochako, "So is All Might going to be our teacher?"

"I believe so." Said Iida, "I really can't wait! We would surely learn a lot from such an experienced and top ranking hero!"

"Right~" Izuku smiled, 'I hope he learned a lot about teaching from his time with us. It would be stupid if he just made us fight if he doesn't even have any basic knowledge of our abilities. Not to mention most of the students doesn't even have any basic training, making them fight on the spot is just....sigh, I hope he won't do that. It's called Basic Hero Training for a reason.'


"I AM-"

Izuku perked his head up with happy eyes to the door.

"-coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might yelled as he slid open the classroom door and thrust himself in.

Everyone was stunned to see All Might there.

"Whoa, its All Might!" exclaimed Kaminari.

"Wow! I heard it from the others, but I still can't believe he's going to be our teacher!" remarked Rikido Sato, a brown spiky-haired and full-lipped tall boy.

"Hmm, to learn how to save people from the man who was hailed as the symbol of peace. This is surely the Lord's sign that my path on saving others like our Lord and Savior is correct." Said Ibara Shiozaki, a beautiful girl with hair similar to vines.

"That's a costume from the Silver Age isn't it?" Asked Tsuyu Asui, a short girl with frog-like features, putting a finger on her chin.

"Its style is so different, it's giving me goosebumps." Said Mashirao Ojiro, a blond-haired teen with a large tail with a furry tip.

All Might proudly marched to the front of the room and turned to the students.

"I am your teacher for Basic Hero Training! It is a subject where you train and learn different aspects of heroics in order to learn the basics of becoming a hero! I ask you to take this subject like your lives depends on it, which is probably does, it's why you all came here to this school after all!"

All Might crouched down and flexed his muscles, "Let's get right into it! This is what we'll be doing today....." 

He then stuck his arm up in the air with a card that read 'battle' in hand. "....combat training!"

A grin appeared on Bakugo's face, "Combat Training."

Even Izuku couldn't help but feel a little excited about the thought of testing himself against his classmates.

Momo was too. She always compares herself to the two freaks, Bakugo and Izuku, which always ended in her defeat even though she always managed to put up a fight.

Still, she wanted to see just how good had she become after training with All Might.

"But of course! You can't be a pro hero without your costumes!" All Might shouted out as he pressed a button on a small remote.

Tall drawers on the side of the classroom slowly slid out to reveal many cases in them, each case with its own number.

"These are the costumes you designed based on your quirk and have requested before school started! Everyone get dressed and gather on Gym Gamma afterwards!" All Might finished in another pose.

"Yes, sir!" The class shouted.