
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 28

All Might was standing inside the Gym Gamma, waiting for his students to come. He was actually thinking on having them experience a villain and hero situation, however he decided against it.

Most of the students haven't had basic combat practice, not to mention with the law prohibiting the usage of Quirk in public, they probably doesn't have much time to train with it.

Right now, he wanted to see their abilities just so he can get basic idea on how to improve them.

"I'm surprised you aren't taking notes."

"Hm!?" All Might snapped his head to the side and saw his successor already on his hero costume, the one Melissa made for him. "Young Midoriya! How did you change so quickly?"

Izuku shrugs, "Well, nanotechnology is a thing."

"I-I see. And what do you mean by you're surprised I'm not taking any notes! That's rude!"

Izuku sighed, "All Might, as much as I respect you, I totally don't trust you as a teacher. Remember the first time you taught me how to activate my Quirk? If Katsuki's not there I would probably blown my arms off."

"That's just an exaggeration! You probably would've broken your bones at most!"

"Yeah, because that's way better."

All Might was about to say more when he perked up once he saw shadowy figures coming from the entrance of the Gym.

"Looks like our new heroes have arrived!" he grinned.

Izuku turned around and saw the students all dramatically walking towards them, each wearing a unique costume that appealed to their quirk.

Some though, doesn't seems like it compliment their Quirk at all. Especially Ibara Shiozaki, the girl with vines for hair who only wore a classic greek toga.

Momo was wearing the suit made by Melissa. A piece of black, sleeveless mock neck leotard with red outlines, a fingerless opera gloves, and a pair of black and red red boots.

Bakugo wore the costume he won from I-Island. His outfit was made of blacks and greens, with a hint of orange; it was mostly simple and sturdy, with two notable exceptions.

The first was the mask on his face, which wrapped around his head and ended in what looked like tiny explosions. The second were the two massive gauntlets on his forearms that looked like oversized hand grenades.

Camie's costume consists of a simple black catsuit with blending patterned lines and a zipper running down the middle, left slightly down to reveal her cleavage. She wears white cuffs around her wrists and white heeled knee-high boots, patterned with gray lines, as well as a loose black collar lined with metallic plates.

Ochako just wore a simple, pink and black skintight body suit that absolutely did nothing to hide her impressive curves, she also wears a pink boots, pink wrist guards, and a helmet with darkened visor. Honestly, Izuku doesn't know how will that help her, but he isn't one to judge.

Iida's costume looked like a cross between a robot and a medieval knight. The white plates were sleek, but sturdy, as was the black mesh between the plates. The boosters popping out of his legs—and his general attitude—gave even more credence to the robot warrior look.

'Huh, no wonder I find him familiar. So he's related to Ingenium huh? His brother probably.'

The others also wore their own hero costumes as they walked towards them.

His eyes stopped at Toru, 'Is that floating gloves? No, that's Hagakure. Why did she kept her gloves and boots visible though? It would make more sense to make them using the same materials as the rest of her costume....unless she's...naked....'

"Hey, Izuku-kun!" Uraraka grinned at him. "I love your costume, it looks really really cool!"

"Thanks Ochako," Izuku smiled not noticing that Bakugo, Camie, Iida, and Momo were walking towards them, "You're costume...is..uhm,"

"It's really embarrassing..." she admitted, her blush obvious even through her visor. "I just asked them to make a costume that stimulated my pressure points and helped with nausea, but they made it a lot tighter than I expected."

"Yours already look decent," said Momo as she stood beside Izuku, "At least yours actually help dealing with the backlash of your Quirk."

She glanced at Camie at the last part. The blonde girl just smiles and said, "I mean, like, I don't even know what Support Item I can use to help with my Quirk."

Before Momo could say anything more, All Might already began speaking.

"Looking good, students!" All Might's smile grew wider as they walked into a waiting room. "The clothes make the Hero, and I certainly think you'll make quite the impression when you all debut!"

All Might then took out a remote and pressed something, causing a large area in the center of the gym to split open, followed by a wide ring emerging.

"Before we start with the real Hero training, I need to know your skills first. I don't want to immediately start with something advance, especially if you're not ready for it. So first! I would like all of you to spar!"

"Awesome! Now that's manly!" Said Kirishima as he punched his palm, which created a spark.

"How will wins and losses be recorded?" Momo asked.

"Can I fight Izuku? Momo too, she's not bad, probably only one of the few who could keep up with me. The others though, meh, not so much." Bakugo asked, Kaminari then giving him a weird look.

"Will there be a punishment of expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?" Ochako asked in worry.

"How shall we decide the match up!?" Iida shouted.

"Isn't this cape fabulous on moi?" A blonde hair, fabulous looking boy added.

"Alright! Stop!" All Might held a hand forward, silencing the class, "Let me finish talking first. See this box I'm holding? The match up will be decided in random, a lottery. This way, you'll cultivate your skills on coming up with a plan on the fly. After all, when you became a pro, most of the time, you'll fight Villains whom you have no info about."

Iida raised his hands, and seeing All Might nodding at him, he asked, "Sir, what are the rules of the match? And how do you determine the winner?"

All Might grinned even wider, "Simple! No using any attacks that would endanger your opponent! And you'll win if your opponent was out of bounds, surrendered, or knocked unconscious! Any more questions?"

Seeing them shake their heads, All Might gave a thumbs up before taking out a box, "Alright, I will give you all five minutes for warm up! After that we'll start!"

Izuku already began to stretch, same with Momo and Bakugo. Their face were completely serious, and also a little excited.

The others noticed their expressions, and couldn't help but shiver. With Iida nodding in appreciation, 'They are completely focused. Even Bakugo who's usually very aggressive is surprisingly calm and composed.'

Ochako was taking a deep breath as her mind went to super focused state, 'Alright Ochako. Keep calm, this is just like the tournament you attended before, just with Quirks! Just remember everything sensei taught you, and you'll be fine.'

"Alright zygotes!" All Might's voice boomed, "Five minutes is up! Now prepare yourself!"

Instinctively, the class 1-A stood up straight as All Might put his hands on the box and picked a rolled papers.

He opened it and read the name written on it, "Eijiro Kirishima!" Said student just pumped his fist to the air in excitement as he jumped to the ring.

All Might gave him a thumbs up before taking out another paper from the box, but was stopped by Kirishima.

"Ah, wait a minute All Might-sensei," Kirishima grinned and pointed at Izuku, "If possible, I would like to have a match with you Midobro! Please accept my request!"

"Dude! Calm down! You're still young! You still have a bright future ahead of you!" said Kaminari in a worried tone.

"Kiri, there's being manly and there's just plain suicide! Hurry take back your challenge!" Exclaimed Mina.

However, despite the words of his classmates, Kirishima remained grinning, looking at Izuku with a determined gaze.

"Hmm, I normally don't allow it, but just this once I shall agree to your request, if Young Midoriya accepted it that is," All Might turned towards Izuku, "Young Midoriya, what do you think? Do you accept his challenge?"

Izuku looked straight at Kirishima for a few seconds before smiling and giving a nod, "How could I say no to someone who is looking at me with that kind of 'face'? Very well, I accept your challenge."

With that, Izuku hopped towards the ring and stretched his arms.

"Kiri, you idiot." Mina grumbled.

"He's really determined on fighting him. Hm, he has my respect." Said Ojiro, the blonde haired teen with a tail Quirk.

"May the lord assist him in this endeavor." Said Ibara, clasping her hands together as a sun seems to shine on her.

Behind her, Tokoyami, a young teen with a bird-like head was looking at Ibara with a narrowed gaze. 'Hmm, a champion of light, she's dangerous for a being of shadows such as I.'

Shouko, who was standing at the far back, crossed her arms and observed the fight closely. She was wearing a gray jacket with a vest, a gray baggy pants, a blue boots, and blue gauntlets.

"Alright!" All Might raised his hand, "Fighters ready!?"

Kirishima took a stance, as Izuku raised a brow, 'Boxing huh?'

Izuku smirked, his body lowered as he began to sway his back and forth. Mina, who was looking worried at Kirishima, suddenly widened her eyes seeing Izuku's move.

"Is he..." she muttered, eyes sparkling in recognition.

All Might brought his hand down, creating a miniature whirlwind,
