
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Going through transmigration

* Lucius POV *

Suddenly, I could open my eyes, even move them around, but not to see, well not technically. All I could perceive was formless lights with different colors at that, along with the majority of my surroundings being dark, and then I heard.

"- This one is already awake!

- His soul, it's unique, his karma is just slightly positive as if he struggled to do good deeds.

- Here's his file, this one was called Lucius Donovan, whose father was a gang leader, who died at a young age to leave him, at the age of 15, in control of their gang. He has positive Karma in accordance to his actions that led not only to his siblings not having any relationship with the dark world of crime, but also, to minimizing the crimes in the areas under his control.

- A gang leader with positive karma is a good man who was misled by the world and still fought to keep his nature."

Those seeming lights were discussing my life as if my presence didn't matter, some seemed to act arrogant while others were having scientist-like behavior.

As they were discussing among themselves, a golden light suddenly emerged, causing all the other lights to go mute, while I turned my head towards it to see it waywing closer to my way, before stopping and addressing me.

"- Greetings, youngling. I am an Archangel and my name is Auriel. As you may be thinking, you died, and as you might have realized, souls around here are not meant to see anything, and so that must be the case for you, all due to some restrictions put in place. Anyways, my job, as an Archangel, is to seek out and gather special souls who possess unique qualities, strengths, or destinies that make them vital assets in the army of God, and guide them towards embracing their divine purpose."

All that explanation about my death, and me meeting an archangel is, to say the least, surprising.

"- Sorry to say, but I only heard about the 4 main archangels of god, and your name doesn't match any of them.

- The ones your kind, humans as you call yourselves these days, are only a part of god's vast army, there are numerous archangels across the omniverse of god, and deploying more than 2 archangels in a planet under the control of an intelligent species, as in your case, is quite rare, but Adam's descendants, all thanks to his past merits, have gained favors, among others is the protection of 4 archangels you already know. As for why I showed up, I am tasked with the responsibility of meeting the most special of souls in order to guide them to reincarnate in a way they can help god. You being the first to wake up makes you the only one qualifiable enough to meet me."

As I started analyzing his words, I remembered him saying that in my soul form, I am intended to be blind, which I'm not, and so decided to point it out.

"- Sorry to interrupt, but you said that souls are normally blind?

-Yes, and?

- Well, I definitely cannot see you, but I can see a golden halo around you."

This revelation made him go all mute, and although I couldn't see his reaction, I am sure it could've been worth it.

"- Are you sure? Do you have aura eyes?

- I am not sure what that is, but I can say that everybody in this room, has a white light, except three guys."

Following my statement, I point out at three lights in front of me.

"-That is green, and those two are purple."

The green-colored light didn't move after my statement, but not the purple ones, they kinda started to flee. The golden light flickered and when it was back, the purple lights were glued to it.

"- You captured them?" I asked confused, but I had to say, this archangel knew he needed intel, and what better than a spy, yet he still choose to look confused.

"- Yes, all thanks to you. Lucius, you should know that as you were a key factor in finding those spies, you deserve to be rewarded, a war is coming, not only to your world but to the whole omniverse of god. And you still can participate in it.

- What's in it for me?

- You will have a new life, with a mission of course, and if you could accomplish your mission, you will be rewarded, besides you will be able to join the army of god, enabling you to do unimaginable things.

- Will I be able to meet my brothers again?" This was all that mattered to me, without my brothers, there's no reason for me to live.

"- Well, if you can become a general in the army of god, then you most definitely can meet your siblings and even protect them. Now would you accept to join the army of god, young Lucius?

- Sure, what's my mission?" Now it all depended on what I had to do.

"- For that, you'll have to wait till the system of god is integrated into your soul, and then, you will receive everything you need to know, as well as the reward for your help today.

- Sorry to ask, but how much will that take?

- 2 hours for your system to be ready, and 5 hours is the time needed to integrate with the ship, your soul will go through a short-term hibernation during the integration, and you will only feel asleep for a moment before waking up as if nothing happened, it's shortly after that you'll get access to your system." Said a white light from behind. And that got me thinking, 2 hours of free time, so I asked.

"- Sir archangel, if I have 2 hours for myself, doesn't that mean that I can use them to help you find more spies, obviously, not for free," I said in the same tone I do when closing a deal.

"- I think that's a good idea, I let this angel here take note of every man you point out to, and this one will be making contacts to arrest any suspect as fast as possible. In exchange, I'll give you some resources for your future mission, you, call me when it is time for him to transmigrate.

- Yes sir."

~ 2 hours later ~

* Lucius POV *

I came back from my tour, and it took us 2 hours, to find 32 spies, how awesome is that? Archangel Auriel came back earlier than anticipated, just after I was meant to have my system, he ordered an upgrade in my system and gave me the rank of a corporal, saying that the base where we were was one of the 100 top recruiting centers, and thus by pointing out the spies, I provided help to ensure that very crucial information to our camp stays a secret for the enemies. He also sent me on a pretty tough mission, saying that if I am able to finish it, or even show crucial help before failing, he will ensure my family's safety in this war, and that was all I needed to hear for motivation before I went to integrate with my system.

5 hours later, I was ready to transmigrate, and before I could check my system, Archangel Auriel sent me off and said whatever I was to ask will be answered by the system, and with that I transmigrated.