
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A new life in a new world

Just as Lucius closed his eyes, waiting to feel anything that could make him realize what he was going through, he immediately fell asleep.

But before he went to transmigration, Archangel Auriel decided to send him to Eldtrorse, surprising all the personnel in the room. Nonetheless, no one dared to defy his orders, after all, he's the leader of the said training center and an archangel at that.

Following that, Lucius' soul started to disappear, before a message appeared in his capsule.

[ The host has been successfully transmigrated ]

A while later, he was reborn again, only his parents were not the same ones. Due to his system's help, Lucius wasn't aware of anything around him for the first 2 months, as if he was unconscious, but his body reacted as normally as a newborn baby would.

Only after those 2 months did Lucius start waking up, and to his surprise, the people around him were talking in a language foreign to him, and yet he could understand it so easily.

* Lucius POV *

I suddenly woke up to find a colossal woman playing with my face. 'Is this a sick joke?' And if that wasn't enough, she started talking in a language I didn't recognize and still could understand.

"Lumina aurion, narcel solin lumina"

- Good morning, my good prince. -

I could understand this language so well that I felt scared, and said.

"Uwaa wa wuu waa waw waa"

Well, I said "How do I know this language so well", and proof of that I heard a voice answering my question.

[ The host is a user with the rank of a 'Corporal', due to that, the host has the right to automatically understand any language within this world, in a temporary period of 2 years, please use this time to better learn this language. ]

And then it clicked, I was reborn, and with a system at that, just like those fantasy novels I used to read before my parents' death, where truck-kun did its job thoroughly, as for my rank, and linguistic ability, it all was related to the ability to find traitors, I guess this could help.

I asked right away, this time with only my thoughts.

'System, open my status window'

[ Name: Lucius Celestia Solaris

Level: 0

Class: none - mana veins still locked

Subclass: none - mana veins still locked

Rank: Corporal

Title: Prince of the Kingdom of Lumina

HP ( Health Points ): 50

MP ( Mana Points ): 0 - Mana veins are still blocked

XP ( Experience Points ): 0



Strength (weight lifting, and attack power): 0

Agility (Movement speed-including evading-, and attack speed): 0

Constitution (Physical defense, and stamina): 0


Intelligence (Akin to Strength and Agility, but per mental abilities): 0

Wisdom (Akin to Constitution, but per mental abilities): 0


Luck (Shows how much the omniverse's lord creator, currently God, is in favor of the host's action or against them, its effect is the said 'fortunate' or 'unfortunate' events that the host may meet in his life): 47 (+40) - Each rank in the God's army enables the individual of that rank to have an additional 10 attributes in luck, thus, <Corporal> being rank 4, it gives the host a +40 in luck

Charisma (The host's ability to attract other people, from attracting the opposite gender to leading groups of people, most leader figures own this attribute): 8

Mana (It's the variant akin to blood, but instead of enabling movements through the use of energy, it enables magic and skills through the same use of said mana energy; mana energy is the energy needed to do magic and skills. Mana is a unique attribute since having it is common among creatures, but using it requires high mental fortitude or the help of a higher entity to unlock it ): 0 - All the host's mana veins are blocked.

Skills: None

Spells: None

Talent: Aura eyes - Blocked due to the age restriction - Can be unlocked at the age of 5 ]

'Prince? This complicates things a lot, and my eyes won't be able to help recognize allies before 5 years, I better ghost people until that age, at least that will minimize the damage'

As I was contemplating my status window, finding out more about my situation, and planning my next moves, my biological mother took me in her arms before starting to feed me with one of her breasts.

' Where am I?'

[ You are in the world of Eldtrorse, specifically in the royal castle of the king, situated in the city of Solaris, the capital city of the Kingdom of Lumina]

So I wasn't only a prince, but a prince allowed to live in the castle, next to the king. I read some novels where people transmigrate as nobles o princes, nonetheless, their parents just ignore them for the lots of siblings they have, and till now, I could see that I lack this problem.

~ 4 months later ~

These last months, I've been acting quite boldly, I started showing my interest in listening to stories, and that was hard, to say the least, not the "boring" hard, but the hard related to "focus". Lumarian language although understandable, is not my first language, heck, it isn't even my fourth, and so, listening to stories while trying to understand every word helped me better my understanding of the language, and indirectly, raise my wisdom attribute by 8, 4 months of playing the baby role did pay some results at least. In these past months, I found that I was the queen's son, and so, I totally have my right to inherit the throne, my father the king, would show up and play with me, not something you would assume a king would do, and yet I was able to find him changing behavior whenever in my presence as if looking out for me.

~ Flashback ~

It happened three weeks after I was born, I became accustomed to my schedule, waking up in the morning, doing my baby things (drinking and stuff), and then starting my first reading session (which ends with me sleeping every fu..ing time). In the afternoon, I'd drink my fair share of milk again, start my second reading session, and end in the same tired state. At night, I would wake up to drink again, and my father would use that moment to start playing with me. But that day, I was about to sleep when my father entered my room, almost like bunged in, and started looking around, and just when I was about to cry, I was lifted by somebody, I heard him say

"This child will be a perfect offering to the demon god"

My father looked scared, frightened even, and then he became angry, and just after that, he looked calm as if I wasn't being threatened by a crazy lunatic. At that moment, I felt that I was falling, then I was caught in a gentle way, only then did I realize that my father wasn't standing in front of me anymore, he was behind me, and to make it worse, his face was calm, yet it was painted in red, and all the crazy me could do was to laugh. My father was able to move faster than light and sound, he was able to kill a man in less than what it took me to close my eyes, and yet he was calm, but not the calm kind of calm, don't take it wrong, it was the bloody kind of calm, the one which promises death and destruction.

It took me a while to calm down afterward, but one thing I did was to stay glued to my father, that day, I started respecting my new father, he was cool and strong, and I will make sure to show him that I deserve to be his son at least considering his strength.

Afterward, I decided to choose the next book I wanted my mother to read for me, <History of the Kingdom of Lumina>, which surprised her, and to my shock, and yet she was happy to read it.

It took her 1 month to complete the book, due to the excess of information it provided coupled with her 'apparently' high hope of her child understanding a part of the book in the least. Needless to say, I did the deed, and that was another catalyst behind the big upgrade in my <Wisdom> attribute, and another one in my <Intelligence> attribute by 4.

The book contained a lot of information, but nothing related to my father, only things related to his father and all the kings before him. According to the book, Lumina was a weak kingdom mostly made of humans, thus also known as the human kingdom. In its early years, it was a weak kingdom, and yet, thanks to its unique way of using magic, its inhabitants were able to make up for it by starting to invent a lot of things. I could recognize trains and cars among other creations, this attracted the Celestia kingdom, the kingdom of the angels, and they gained both its protection and its business cooperation and help. Later on, humans became the wealthiest kingdom in the known continent. And the Celestia kingdom is always their biggest backer, for being the strongest kingdom in the known continent.

One thing I found lacking was the way my supposed grandfather died, and why would a celestial royal -my mother- marry my father, for instance, their alliance was as strong as it could be, so this marriage wasn't for that, sadly for me I have yet to show my maturity, that would be dangerous, to say the least.

Later on, I found myself bored only listening to my mother's reading, so I started trying to move, even though with four 'legs', but that was better than nothing.

Days went by, and I could get out of the main building once in a while, sometimes visiting the castle's garden, because our castle was so big and wide, with plenty of maids, and soldiers guarding it roaming in every corner, I guess my father got strict after last time's attempt.

When I wasn't in the garden or in my room, I would either ask my mother or some maid to take me to the library. And yes I could partially talk, it happened in my third month, I was thinking about a way to get more knowledge when I had this idea that if I showed myself as some genius, I was worth every investment, at an early age at that, and thus started learning to say some small words like 'father' and 'mother', 'hungry' for the sake of being a child, toys' and 'stories' to say to my mother, and 'the library' because that was my goal.

At first, Mother was so happy that she said she'll tell my father, the king, who got so happy that he came running, and asked me to start calling him 'Daddy', have some shame, old man. All I said tho was "Dad crazy", and it seems that was enough. Tho, I did use that opportunity to ask him to let me access the library, and just like you'd expect, he said: "Call me daddy, and I'll let you get to the library". The poor man, I bit his nose so hard he started bleeding and laughing too, the crazy man gave me a jab, and then he allowed me access right after.

A.N: 2034 words, how's that, I'll try to write more often, but enjoy this for now.

Next chapter things will start speeding up

Here's the status window after the time skip

[ Name: Lucius Celestia Solaris

Level: 0

Class: none - mana veins still locked

Subclass: none - mana veins still locked

Rank: Corporal

Title: Prince of the Kingdom of Lumina

HP ( Health Points ): 50

MP ( Mana Points ): 0 - Mana veins are still blocked

XP ( Experience Points ): 0


1. Physical:

Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Constitution: 0

2. Mental:

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 8

3. Unique:

Luck:47 (+40)

Charisma: 8

Mana: 0 - All the host's mana veins are blocked.

Skills: None

Spells: None

Talent: Aura eyes - Blocked due to the age restriction - Can be unlocked at the age of 5 ]