
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

6 months of work

* Narrator POV *

When Lady Aurora, Lucius' mother, found out about his tastes in books, she decided to use it as a catalyst to start teaching him literature, history, and the 'way of the nobles' as she likes to call it, or what is the equivalent of 'The extremely boring knowledge' for his father. And although King Soren wasn't appreciative of a kid starting to learn this kind of stuff at such a young age, he accepted to give her the right to teach him. In return, he will have the right to train him however he sees fit until Lucius reaches the age of 15, or what he plans to be Lucius' <Coming of age> ceremony.

Accepting this was hard for Lady Aurora, especially the fact that the <Coming of age> ceremony is held at the age of 18, but teaching Lucius to behave like a noble was something she couldn't just give up on.

Unaware of the changes that would happen in his future life, Lucius was happily listening to a maid reading him a book about the history of the "Celestia" family, and it was incredible.

* Lucius POV *

My mother's family, "Celestia" was fantastic, to say the least, and according to the book, only heroes who were able to save their country are given the privilege of marrying one of the true angels, citizens whose ancestors are core members of the Celestia kingdom, they don't accept to marry their children, especially girls, to an outsider, as they highly insist on the purity of their blood, and in fact, only 8 people were able to acquire this privilege, one of such is an elven king. King Arionthil Evenstar became full of himself and started making legends about how the elves are better than most races including humans, and saving for angels. And the only reason I was able to know about it, is that my mother declared me a genius, and took permission to start educating me in the way of the royal celestials, thus my new maid and teacher. And the way I see it, celestials took humans for granted, and wouldn't give up one of their core members, even less a royal such as my mother, who actually didn't share their view of other races, but still, Mother is a magician, and yet, she can compete with father in any physical action, excluding swordsmanship, which only gives away little to nothing about their combat power, but one thing I hate about them, is that elves, with their bad temperament and their arrogance, are considered modest in front of the common angels, let alone the noble ones, I wish I don't get to meet them, anytime soon at least.

The angels are a race of winged creatures, and their purest form is human-winged people, and yet, you could find winged were-creatures, and unless one of your parents forced himself on the other, such as the case for winged Ogres, you are accepted to be part of the Celestia Kingdom.

Now, in my case, I am the son of a princess, and although I don't know how, my father seems to have been some kind of a hero, and through this bond, he was even able to build 3 army bases in our Lumina kingdom's borders with a part of the soldiers being Angel healers. After all, angels are not only known for their high regeneration abilities, but along it comes their blood ability to help people highly regenerate their health, and if they are studying the profession of healing, they can do better than the healer of their same rank. In fact, a mid-rank 1 Angel Healer is able to heal injuries a low-rank 2 Healer from any other race might find hard to heal, and in even lesser time.

As Isadora, my maid, was reading, my mother got into the room suddenly and asked her to leave. Earlier today, my father called for my mother personally and looked at me just like a monster would look at its prey, and that was creepy. Now when my mother came in, she started talking about nobles' behavior, and all the studies a royal member should go through.

"- I know you want to read history books, but if you do well in noble studies and arts, I will reward you accordingly, are my words clear?

- Yes, Mother, but can I pick my rewards?" It seems my words flipped her over, she thought I was this simple-minded?

"-Umm, I plan to teach you all that I can for the next 5 years, and thus, I will let you pick 5 rewards, 1 each year, as long as you meet all my deadlines in your studies."

After I accepted my mother's condition, I asked her to accumulate my rewards until I completed my 5 years of hard work, and I could tell that confused my mother a lot.

And without delay, my mother started picking some books in the library and putting them in front of me.

"- First, I will have to teach you how to read, for you to read the books I will give you, so you will have to learn the lumarian language fast, in order to keep up"

And that was exactly what I needed, so I picked the first book, "The Alphabets of the Lumarian Language" and started reading vigorously.

~ 3months later ~

In these last three months, I have read a lot of books, it took me one week to completely assimilate the lumarian language, and as I could tell, that scared my mother more than it made her happy. Nonetheless, I went on with my reading list, I was first assigned a list of books regarding the history of the Lumina Kingdom, the Solaris family's history, as well as the Celestia Clan history, and among the three, the longest was the Celestia Clan's history, surpassing even that of the Lumina kingdom.

Afterward, I was taught to behave like a noble and to say the least, that was painful and boring even more than learning to fight under a martial artist in my home world, and I would spot my father multiple times mocking me while passing by, I could tell the bastard went through this before and was finding pleasure in watching me suffer. Because, not only was I hitten when making a wrong posture, but I was also further punished when showing anger. This method of training will indeed help me gain more control over my body, and even my emotions, but knowing the outcome of it didn't lessen the humiliation in the least.

It took me 2 whole months to reach an acceptable level in the ways a noble should walk, sit and eat. The latter 2 weeks were for further reading, more on the subject of 'Noble behavior'. My mother, just like me, plans to make my first birthday special, to say the least, and so, in the upcoming 3 months, she made a plan for me to learn how a crown prince should act, and how a King shows his superiority.

So she was planning to announce her plan for the next 3 months to me today.

While I was waiting in my room, reading the last book my mother assigned to me, she suddenly knocked on the door, and I could tell, because it was her usual melodic way of rather announcing her presence than asking for permission.

"- Did you finish the list of books I assigned to you?

-Actually, Mother, I was reading the last book, I think I will be able to finish by tomorrow afternoon.

- Good. Lucius, son, you should already know why am I here?" She asked

"- Isn't it to plan the course of action we will be taking in accordance with my noble studies in the next 3 months? Or is it to reward me for my spectacular work till now?" I almost said the last part mockingly. And surprisingly enough, my mother laughed at that, and she never laughs, this is taking a scary turn.

"- Since you showed a highly motivated attitude during your studies, it is only right for me to motivate you more" I cheered at that, must keep the baby attitude." And along with that, comes more burden and more studies, I'll make sure that you study more in order to make use of your brain, good luck son".

I guess I cheered too fast, and yet, it means I'll have some gifts coming in soon.

~ 3months later ~

These last 3 months, a lot of things happened, too much to the point that I even forgot to check on my status window for half a year. For starters, my promised gifts are meant to arrive on my first birthday, a cliche move but I like it. Besides that, it seems my grandparents will arrive on that same day, which surprisingly made Mom so happy since she never talks about them, and yet Father became glued to Mother, trying to make her laugh a lot these days, part of him showing how good of a husband he is. I guess I'll probably enjoy the show. Isadora accepted to start helping me learn to run as walking became less of a challenge for me, and as a way to thank her, I showed her "Plank", and it seems they don't have it around here, Isadora found it challenging to keep at it for 5 whole minutes, and she kept thanking for the rest of the day.

As for my noble education and studies, I can say that I became at least good at it, as Mother wouldn't find fault in my actions unless she actively tries to, and that's surprising for a queen who is at the top of the noble scale, to find it this challenging to spot mistakes in a kid's attempt to act like a 'grown-up', I found myself so proud of myself, that I couldn't hide it for a week.

That apart, I recently started learning more about Celestia's royal family tree, and if my grandparents do take part in my birthday, then it means that they probably acknowledge me, making me part of two royal family trees. But this is nothing but a small faraway matter, the big matter is that my grand-father happens to be the king of the kingdom of Celestia, and here I found myself wondering if my pops was actually awesome or dumb, how could he have done it, and if my grandparents were coming for me or to wage war against the humans. I guess this birthday won't be as fun as I presumed.

A.N: 1770 words, how's that, anyways, I know I'm writing slowly, but I changed previous chapters a lot now, and still deciding how the system's gonna be, the status window will be updated in the next chapter