
My Gambler

"My world is all about game. It's a give and take game, love. Are you sure you want to be with me once you find out how dark and cruel that world can be? I don't think so, Summer. " - Mr. Chae "I... I am all his and he is my gambler" - Summer.

heyitsmejovi · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 3

Again, as I look at the large room that is once again filled with silence, sadness and pain are hugging me.

"He probably took the money and is spending it now on his vices, Summer." I chuckled painfully. "Guess that money is more important than me," I added before I rested the back of my head on the wall as I stared blankly above.

"Ah, right," I chuckled again. If someone sees me like this, they will think I'm crazy because I looked calm after what happened, but I just don't have enough energy to express what I am truly feeling. I... I became used to keeping all my emotions inside of me, hiding them deep inside of my heart, and never letting out as well as the voices inside of my head.

I am also wondering how I still look calm and composed in this kind of situation. I guess I am crazy, right? I mean, who will stay sane after experiencing violence for years from the person you trusted and loved the most and worst, who sold you in exchange for money?

"I need work tomorrow..." I sighed and decided to eat the food even though I don't have an appetite. He said that he hates wasting food. My Dad gave me to him in exchange for money so he... how to put it in words? Did he own me now?

"No, nobody owns me but myself.." I whispered as I ate. But no matter how I analyze that, he paid 200 million. So, I should do everything he says or orders me, right? Will I become his slave? Those thoughts sent shivers down my spine. Just by thinking and imagining the worst and dark scenarios, I want to run away far from this place and never come back. All the bad news that I've read and seen in the news suddenly popped up in my mind. What if he killed me and threw me in the river? Or worst vanish in this world like a bubble, without a trace? Damn. Stop it, Summer!

Exactly after I finished the food, the woman from earlier arrived like she knew I was finished eating. I gave her a small smile and gave her the tray. She looked at it and nodded as she felt relieved at something.

"Don't forget to put an ointment on your burn. The bathroom is over there and there are clothes you can use in the closet." She said before she left.

I stayed sitting on the bed for about half an hour as my body refused to move. I guess my body had enough for today. But I still pushed myself to move and quietly looked for the light switch.

"Wow..." I whispered after light spread in the room. The room is amazing. It's in cream color and there are flowers and veins printed on the walls as well on the ceiling. There's also a small chandelier at the center of the ceiling and four lights on each side to make the room dim. There's a big brown carpet, the curtains are also brown as well as the color of the bedsheet. The rest of the furniture was all cream or brown. And everything inside of this room screams expensiveness and elegance except... me.

Then, I went to the bathroom. I am not shocked anymore when the bathroom is so spacious and looks expensive as well.

I looked at the large mirror in front of me and pitied myself after I saw how I looked.

"Mess..." I whispered while staring at my face in the mirror.

I am wearing a white nightdress and my hair is messy like a bird's nest. I looked like an injured maid.

I washed my face in the sink and brushed my hair with one hand. After that, I removed the bandage on my arm to apply an ointment. I bit my lower lip as I felt the stingy pain. I also put ointment on the scratches on my palms. And then, I decided to sleep.

I woke up to the sounds of knocking on the door. It's already seven in the morning. When I opened the door, I saw the woman at the last light.

"Mr. Chae said you will eat breakfast together." She informed me.

I took a bath and picked the most decent cloth that I saw in the closet. Most of the clothes inside are dresses. I picked the less revealing one. The above-the-knee length long sleeves dress. This is fine because it can hide the burn on my arm but not some bruises on my legs that are starting to fade.

After I finished, I went out of the room and almost jumped when one man in a black suit suddenly appeared at my side. Because of my reaction, he panicked, stepped back, and slightly raised his arms to say that he is not going to hurt me. He even looked around nervously.

"This... This way, Miss. Mr. Chae ordered me to escort you." The man said. He walked first then I followed him nervously.

I am looking nervously around while we are walking. I saw a man in a black suit. They must be the guards here.

When we arrived at the dining area, I immediately saw only a familiar person for me in this large place. He was sitting at the center, with his intimidating aura, and he was observing me as we walked toward him. Then the woman appeared, holding a plate of food and putting it on the table.

The man who escorted me, bowed before he left. As well as the woman.

"Sit." He said while still staring at me intently. I quietly sit on the chair beside him. There are a lot of delicious meals in front of us but I still don't have an appetite.

"Thank you..." I whispered when the woman placed a glass of milk in front of me. Then, she left again. I almost held her arm just for her to stay because I am not comfortable right now.

"Eat." I looked at him when he talked. My lips parted, I wanted to say something, but words didn't escape from my lips. All I did was start getting some food.

I only got one slice of bread. I started to peel the edges of it because I don't like it. While I am doing that, I can still feel his stares at me, watching my every move quietly yet very attentively.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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