
My Gambler

"My world is all about game. It's a give and take game, love. Are you sure you want to be with me once you find out how dark and cruel that world can be? I don't think so, Summer. " - Mr. Chae "I... I am all his and he is my gambler" - Summer.

heyitsmejovi · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After I finished, I looked at him. He raised his eyebrow at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Uhm, can... I mean, do you have a...concealer here?" He stopped sipping on his coffee after hearing what I said. I almost slapped myself for asking that kind of question but I just wanted to hide the bruises on my legs!

"A what?" I bit my lower lip and looked at my hands on my lap. I guess he didn't expect that my first question to him would be like that. Of course! You idiot, Summer!

"Concealer," I repeated in a soft voice. I heard him sigh.

"There should be one on the dressing table in your room." He said. I nodded without looking at him.


"You can use everything inside your room. That's all yours." He added. I looked at him. Our eyes met.

"T-thank you but..." He stared at me while playing with his cup of coffee.


"Can I go home?" With that question, his expression suddenly changed. It became dark and serious like he didn't like what he heard. I panicked.

"No. I will not let you go back to that damn house. Never." He firmly said that it was a final decision and I don't have a say on that matter. Ah, right, my father already gave it to him for money. Bitterness and pain, again, spread in my system.

He let out a heavy sigh.

"Samantha Merphie." My lips parted as I felt something that I could not explain when I heard him call my name. There was something when he called my name like that. I am used to people calling me Summer.


"Do you really want to go back to that house?" He asked while looking straight into my eyes. I couldn't answer. Do I want to go back? No. I don't want to. I don't want to go back. I knew that well to myself.

"Just say it. I'll accompany you there though for sure, your father wasn't there anymore." He said.

"I... I need to get my things." The only thing I said. I guess he got it because I saw a ghost of a smile on him before he slightly nodded.

"But I need to go somewhere first. You don't need to accompany them! I can go there on my own!" I said, quite panicking. I even waved my hand causing him to tilt his head.


"Work." I simply answered. I waited for him to ask about my work but he did not. Instead, he only nodded.

After that, I excused myself to go back to my room. I almost jumped again when the man in a black suit suddenly appeared again beside me without any noise.

"Jarred." With that one call, the man in the black suit moved away from me and apologized to the man sitting in the dining area.

After applying concealer to the bruises on my legs, I went out to my room. The guard named Jarred was not at my door anymore.

When I went down, I saw Mr. Chae in the living room. He was having a phone call but his eyes were all on me. I stopped and waited for him to finish the call.

"Seven in the evening. That's your curfew." He said before he left the living room.

When I went outside, the guards looked at me but let me walk peacefully. The large gate was also opened.

I looked once again at the large white mansion, "So he is the one living here." I said. I thought this mansion was already abandoned. I often went here before, but I only stayed outside. I went there a day after my father hurt me. Just to escape. For my bruises not to get worse because I know he will hurt me again the other day when he sees me.

I looked at the opposite side and smiled a little bit when the little house I built using coconut leaves was still there. I shook my head before I started to walk.

"Summer!" A big smile immediately appeared when I saw a little girl running in my direction. Behind her was the man who waved at me while smiling.

I am safer and more peaceful in this place as well as with the people here. The very first place where I felt at home.

"Hello, Camille!" I greeted the little girl and carried her in my arms. I felt the pain in my arm but I didn't let them notice it.

"Sister Eder gave me five stars yesterday!" she proudly said to me. I laughed and kissed her on her cheek. She is so cute!

"Winter." I greeted the man who went beside us. He caressed Camille's hair with a smile then, he looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me with a concerned tone. I only smiled at him. He knew my situation. He is aware of that. About my father and about how he was treating me.

"Let's go inside?" I only said. Then, he got Camille in my arms. He carried her with one arm while he put his other arm on my shoulder and gave a light tap like he is consoling me.

I smiled politely at the Sisters of the orphanage as we entered. The children ran towards us to greet me.

I laughed while patting their heads and pinching their cheeks. Winter excused himself and helped the Sisters to arrange the chairs. We are going to teach the children how to paint and also, we are going to play with them.

"How are you?" Sister Eder asked after she sat beside me. We are watching Winter and the children having fun.

I only smiled at her. She nodded and gave me a gentle smile as she put her hands above mine. That simple gesture made me soft and it provided comfort like she was saying that everything will be fine and I hope that too. As they have said, actions are better than words.

After we spent time with the children, I decided to bid goodbye to them at five in the afternoon. Winter escorted me to the entrance of the orphanage though he insisted on walking me from home I declined. Winter didn't know that I was not leaving at my father's house anymore.

Winter is staying at the orphanage. He grew up here. He chose to stay here and declined all the parents that wanted to adopt him. When I asked him why he didn't want to get out of the orphanage, he said that he is waiting for someone. That someone who promised to come back and get him. The Sisters respect his decision and let him stay. It was also somehow a good idea because he can help the Sisters at managing the children. All children in this orphanage were all victims of violence. Some of them were rescued and some of them were left by their family members here for their safety. Winter was also once a victim of violence by his stepfather. I knew he had an older brother but he rarely mentioned it. And I, too, was a victim of violence. That's the reason why this orphanage was close to my heart. I am one of them because I also experienced what they have been through.

"Take care," Winter said as he patted my head.

"Yep. I'm going." I also waved at him while walking.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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