
My Gambler

"My world is all about game. It's a give and take game, love. Are you sure you want to be with me once you find out how dark and cruel that world can be? I don't think so, Summer. " - Mr. Chae "I... I am all his and he is my gambler" - Summer.

heyitsmejovi · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

I felt the heaviness of my body as I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a cream with a flower and veins print ceiling. The lights were dim and I was alone in this big room. I looked at my right arm which now has a bandage. There's also a trace of betadine on the scratches on my hands.

A heavy sigh escaped me as my mind wandered somewhere. Looks like my mind is still processing what happened. I closed my eyes again when I felt like I was about to cry again. Due to what happened a while ago, I fainted.

I heard the door open but I didn't have the strength to look who came in or open my eyes. I heard footsteps getting closer to me. Based on the sound of footsteps, was coming from her heels. It must be a woman.

When I opened my eyes, my hunch was right. I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a plain black dress and also, an apron. She was holding a tray of food. She smiled at me when she noticed that I am now awake.

"How are you feeling?" She said in a gentle voice. I slowly got up from the bed and she helped me.

"Where am I?" I asked in a weak voice but she only smiled at me before she put the tray in front of me.

"You need to eat first to gain your energy. Here's an ointment for your burn. Good thing it is only a first-degree burn." She said instead of answering my question.

"I'm not hungry..." I whispered and then moved closer to the headboard of the bed, hugged my knees, and looked away from her. The window was a little bit open and I saw a glimpse of the moon in the sky. Full moon.

I heard the woman sigh before I heard her footsteps again. She's leaving. I did not bother looking at her and just stared tiredly at the window.

When I finally heard the door close, I decided to get up from the bed. I immediately felt the cold from the tiled floor as I put down my feet. The cold traveled not just from my feet but also to my whole body. Now I felt more alone. I slowly stood up, walked mindlessly towards the window, and opened the curtain. The window has a seat so I climbed there as I looked longingly at the moon and the night sky. I opened the window slightly and immediately felt the night breeze touch my skin. It feels calming. I think I was on the second floor. I saw a garden below.

"What are you thinking?"

I turned my head and saw the man earlier. The man whom my father has a deal with. The man he called Mr. Chae.

He was still in a suit but his coat was hanging on his left arm and the two buttons of his white polo were unbuttoned. He was looking at me like he was reading my soul. I couldn't look at him for too long because his gaze was strong and... dangerous for me. I felt him walk towards me and stopped when he finally reached the distance he wanted. Then, he sat on the other side of the window seat. He was so tall and big that the window seat suddenly became small.

When I glanced at him, I saw him looking at the bandage on my arms then, he looked up and our eyes met. I gulped and looked away. I hugged my body even more not because of the coldness from the breeze but because of the aura that this man near me excreted.

The whole room was filled with silence. And it even felt... scary.

"Does your father... always hurt you?" he suddenly asked after a long silence. His breathing became heavy as he waited for me to answer.

"N-not always..." I answered, almost whispering.

He scoffed so I looked at him. His face was dark but sarcasm was evident in him.

"Not always my foot." Then, he fully faced me. He put one leg above the seat and his coat beside it.

"Then how can you explain the bruises on other parts of your body?" he seriously asked. My lips parted. I couldn't answer so I chose to look away. "The Doctor said those bruises were from…" He sighed and decided to not continue because it was obvious. "There were also old scars and still healing bruises." This time, he almost whispered.

The bruises from the last time he hurt me still haven't healed yet because the violence that I received from that was too much unlike the past ones. It was like he intentionally doubled the range of violence because he knew this thing would happen. I smiled bitterly.

"And you didn't even bother to report what he was doing to you? Huh!" I held tightly to the sleeves of the clothes I am wearing.

He sighed like he had some problem. "Since when did he start hurting you?" he asked again. I closed my eyes because I am starting to feel that familiar feeling again as I remember all those painful and traumatic memories. As I remember all of those horrible memories, my body also remembers all the pain that I felt during those times.

When he moved, I automatically moved away from him and raised my arms to shield my body. Like my reflex was used to that. Like everyone would lay their hands on me and... hurt me as my father did to me.

When he did not do anything, I slowly put down my trembling hands and looked at him with teary eyes. His lips were parted and he was staring at me darkly but there was a softness on it at the same time anger in his eyes.

He knew it. He immediately noticed it because of my sudden reaction when he just moved a bit. He immediately knew how badly my father treated me.

I am always like that. My body will immediately react and shield myself if someone- a stranger to me, will lay their hands on me. That's why it was so easy to notice and know the reason why I was being like that. No need to question.

Then, he stood up without looking away from me. His eyes were still locked on me.

"Rest. We will talk tomorrow." He said before he turned his back and started to walk towards the door. I thought he was going to leave but he stopped, he was looking at the tray that was placed on the bed.

"Eat your food. I don't like wasting food in my house." He coldly said before he finally left the room.

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