
My First Step Towards Power Began When I Married Vados

This is a translation I found on mtl, it was extremely awful so I decided to fix it up and add my own little snu snu chapters in there. Don’t expect much but I hope you enjoy :) … OG Title: I’m in the WesternCapital: Marry Vados at the start OG Author: Sbaer … In an alternate Dragon Ball universe, Kahn, a warrior from Planet Vegeta, becomes the elder brother of Kakarot. When the tyrant Frieza destroys their home planet, Kahn, along with Kakarot, is sent to Earth by their father, Bardock. Unlike his powerful brother, Kakarot, Kahn struggles with limited combat abilities due to his low-level warrior status. Years pass, and in Age 762, the long-awaited system Kahn has been anticipating finally activates. However, there’s a catch: the system requires him to marry a woman to unlock its full potential. With the help of a matchmaker, Kahn finds a bride who is renowned for her beauty and grace. As Kahn’s strength grows exponentially with each passing day, his wife proves to be the perfect partner—gentle, virtuous, and endlessly supportive. Together, they navigate the challenges of the Dragon Ball world, facing formidable foes and embarking on thrilling adventures, all while Kahn continues to develop his extraordinary powers. This unique tale of love, strength, and destiny explores the bonds of family and the pursuit of greatness, set against the backdrop of one of the most iconic universes in anime history.

Ximnax · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

on Beerus’ Planet

After Frieza was defeated, Kahn swiftly eradicated the remnants of Frieza's forces on Namek. Following this, he joined the group in gathering the Dragon Balls. With the assistance of the Namekians, collecting the Dragon Balls became a much simpler task. Unlike Earth's Dragon Balls, which are scattered all over the world, Namek's Dragon Balls are kept in the villages of the seven Namekian Elders.

Because Kahn and his companions had saved the Namekians in Dende's village, the elders were eager to express their gratitude. They willingly presented their Dragon Balls to Kahn and the others. Once all seven Dragon Balls were collected, Dende used the Namekian language to summon the mighty Shenron, Porunga.

Their first wish was, of course, to revive Piccolo, which was the primary purpose of Kahn's trip to Namek. Originally, Gohan wanted the second wish to be the resurrection of his father, Goku. However, Kahn stopped him. After defeating Frieza, Kahn telepathically contacted Goku in the afterlife, instructing him to find Fortuneteller Baba. She would arrange for Goku to meet King Yemma and then travel along Snake Way to train with King Kai.

In the original timeline, Goku learned the Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb techniques from King Kai. Having already died once, it was essential for Goku to learn these powerful skills. Thus, the second wish was used to resurrect Tien Shinhan, and the third to revive Chiaotzu. Vegeta had initially wanted to use a wish for immortality, but after a candid and intense conversation with Kahn, he gave up on that idea.

After making their wishes, Kahn and his companions did not immediately leave Namek. They knew the Ginyu Force was en route and wanted to protect Namek from further destruction. While they waited, Gohan, Krillin, and Dende visited the elders to unlock their potential.

A few days later, the Ginyu Force arrived on Namek under Frieza's orders. Upon landing, they discovered that Frieza and his army had been annihilated. They soon met the same fate. This time, however, it was Vegeta who took them down. Though initially outmatched, with Dende's healing abilities, Vegeta was able to recover from near-death injuries and eventually surpass even Captain Ginyu.

With the Ginyu Force defeated, Kahn and his group prepared to return to Earth. Before leaving, Kahn asked Vegeta about his future plans. Vegeta, though unsure, responded arrogantly, claiming he had his own plans. Kahn didn't press further and left Vegeta to his thoughts.

Kahn, Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin boarded their spaceship and set off for Earth. After a journey of over a month, their ship finally entered the solar system. As they neared Earth, Bulma grew increasingly anxious. Kahn had promised to marry her upon their return, and she had been eagerly awaiting this moment.

While Gohan and Krillin rested, Bulma sat next to Kahn, a dreamy smile on her face. "Kahn, you haven't forgotten your promise, have you?"

"What promise?" Kahn asked, feigning ignorance.

"You promised to marry me when we got back to Earth," Bulma reminded him, pinching his arm playfully.

Kahn laughed. "Of course, I remember. A man's word is his bond. As long as Vados has no objections, I will marry you."

Bulma nodded, satisfied with his answer. As they spoke, neither noticed the warning beeps from the spaceship's radar. A massive meteorite had entered their flight path and was hurtling towards them at an incredible speed.

Just as Bulma was discussing their future children, Kahn's sharp senses picked up the danger. "What's that noise?"

Bulma snapped out of her daydream and noticed the radar's alarm. "I'll check it out," she said, rushing to the cockpit with Kahn right behind her.

Her face turned pale as she saw the imminent threat. A kilometer-wide meteorite was on a collision course with their spaceship, less than a hundred kilometers away. In the vastness of space, this distance was negligible given their speed.

In the blink of an eye, the meteorite struck the spaceship. The vessel disintegrated instantly, exposing Kahn, Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin to the vacuum of space.

The impact caused Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin to lose consciousness. Although Kahn could withstand the collision, he could not survive in the vacuum of space.

"Bulma…" Kahn thought as he struggled.

"Am… am I going to die?" he wondered, his strength fading.

Exposed to the vacuum of space, Kahn also gradually lost consciousness. In his final moments, he saw a rainbow of light wrapping around Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin. As he succumbed to unconsciousness, the same light enveloped him.

A graceful figure appeared — it was Vados. With a flick of her finger, the rainbow light carried Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin toward Earth, while she took Kahn, transforming into a colorful stream of light, disappearing into deep space.

On Beerus' planet, Whis was sitting by the lake with the oracle fish, enjoying a peaceful moment. Suddenly, a stream of colorful light descended from the sky, landing perfectly by the lakeside.

"Oopsie," Whis remarked, raising his eyebrows. "Sister Vados, what brings you here?"

Vados, holding an unconscious Kahn in her arms, smiled. "Whis, can you do me a favor?"

"Anything for you, sister. What do you need?"

"Lord Beerus is sleeping, right? So you shouldn't have much to do now. Could you be my husband's teacher for a few years and help him become stronger?"

Whis sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I suppose I could, but why can't you do it yourself?"

"I have my reasons," Vados replied. "Help me out, and I'll treat you to a delicacy you've never tasted before."

Whis perked up, intrigued. "A delicacy I haven't tasted? That's hard to believe!"

"Trust me," Vados assured. "It will be a feast like no other."

After a moment's hesitation, Whis nodded. "Alright, I'll do it. Just remember your promise."

Vados beamed. "Thank you, Whis. I owe you one."

Taking Kahn from Vados, Whis checked his condition and found him only unconscious. "By the way Whis, I have something I would like to ask you."

"Did Frieza destroy Planet Vegeta on Lord Beerus' orders?"

Whis nodded. "Yes, Beerus ordered Frieza to do it. Why the sudden curiosity?"

"I just needed to confirm something. Thank you, Whis." Vados smiled then left Beerus' planet, satisfied with her findings.

Days later, Kahn woke up on a soft, comfortable bed, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. He quickly stood up, alert.

"Where am I? What happened after that day?" Kahn wondered, scanning his surroundings. He remembered the collision and losing consciousness in the vacuum of space, but nothing more.

Not sensing immediate danger, he relaxed slightly, but his thoughts turned to his friends. "I survived, but what about Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin? Where are they?"

He couldn't sense their energy, meaning they weren't nearby. Realizing he wasn't in any danger he walked to the window and looked out, though the environment unfamiliar but not unrecognizable.

A small lake lay below, with a familiar figure sitting by it—Whis, the Angel of the Seventh Universe, and Beerus' pet, the oracle fish.

"Am I on Beerus' planet? Whis saved me?" Kahn realized, shocked.

He then noticed Whis had suddenly disappeared and now he was in the same room as him.

"Hello Mr. Kahn, I see you're finally awake."

Khan was startled for a moment before quickly recovering.

"You saved me?" Kahn asked as he approached Whis.

"No," Whis replied, smiling serenely. "Someone else rescued you and sent you here to be trained by me for a few years. How do you feel about that? If you don't want to stay here, I can also send you back to Earth."

"You didn't save me?" Kahn was taken aback. He had assumed Whis was his savior, but it turned out to be someone else. So, who saved him, Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin?

"Then, who saved me?"

Whis shook his head again, maintaining his calm demeanor. "I'm sorry, but the person who saved you asked me to keep it a secret. I can't reveal their identity."

Kahn was puzzled. "Are you playing a mystery with me?"

Whis chuckled softly. "I assure you, it's no mystery game. The person who saved you has their reasons for remaining anonymous."

Kahn couldn't think of anyone who would save him and send him to Beerus' planet to train under Whis. The person who could make Whis agree to such a request had to be someone with significant influence.

"Beerus can be ruled out since he's currently sleeping," Kahn thought, analyzing the situation. "The rainbow light that appeared that day resembled an Angel's ability."

At present, Whis was the only Angel he knew, but Whis had already stated he wasn't the one who saved them. As an Angel, Whis had no reason to lie. So, who else could it be? An Angel connected to him, perhaps?

A name popped into Kahn's mind: Vados!

"Wait, my wife might actually be Vados, the Angel from Universe 6!"

The thought made Kahn's scalp tingle, and goosebumps appeared. If his wife was indeed Vados, then…

But how could that be possible? He had never met Vados before. How could she be his wife?

Vados, the Angel of Universe 6, would have no reason to marry him, let alone live on Earth. She had her duties as an Angel. Yet, the resemblance between his wife and Vados, even down to the name, was uncanny.

"Sigh… let's think about this another time," Kahn decided. For now, he was safe, and the truth would come out eventually.

"So, Mr. Kahn, please tell me your decision. Do you want to stay here and be my student, or do you want to return to Earth?" Whis asked, snapping Kahn out of his thoughts.

"I choose to stay here as your student," Kahn replied without hesitation. "But can you inform my family on Earth? I don't want them to worry about me."

"Of course," Whis said amiably. "Since you have made your decision, you can stay here and study with me. I will make arrangements to inform your family."

"Thank you."

Kahn didn't doubt Whis' words at all. Although it was his first time meeting Whis, he felt he could trust him.

Whis nodded. "Mr. Kahn, take the next two days to rest and get familiar with the environment here. We will officially start training after that."

Gradually, night fell. The nights on Beerus' planet were very quiet, as dark as ink and as cool as water. Kahn, in his room, didn't feel sleepy at all. It was his first day on Beerus' planet, and he hadn't use his system to sign in yet.

"The special reward for signing in on Namek was the Potential Unleashing Capsule. I wonder what the special reward for signing in on Beerus' planet will be? Destruction energy? Or the power of 'destruction' itself?"

No matter what it was, it could greatly improve Kahn's strength.

"It turned out to be a blessing in disguise!" Kahn grinned, feeling excited.

"System, sign in at Beerus' planet!"

[ Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the daily check-in and receiving the daily check-in reward: 15,000 combat power boost cards. ]

[ Ding! The host signs in at Beerus' planet and receives a special reward: God's Control Skill: Ultra Ego. ]

"Damn!" Kahn was so shocked that he could only express his excitement in one sentence. "It's Ultra Ego!"

"Hahaha!" Overcome with excitement, Kahn had difficulty controlling his emotions.

Ultra Ego is a divine technique that emphasizes aggressive combat, allowing the user to grow stronger through their fighting spirit. The more damage and attacks they endure, the more powerful they become, with no upper limit!

From the upper limit perspective, Ultra Ego is incredibly powerful! More importantly, Kahn felt his fighting style aligned perfectly with Ultra Ego. While Ultra Instinct's ultimate dodge was powerful, Kahn preferred to confront attacks head-on.

With his unlimited energy, Ultra Ego suited him perfectly.

(/N: sorry y'all I've been getting over COVID and just didn't have the motivation to fix these chapters up but I'm feeling better now so I hope you enjoyed :) )