
My First Step Towards Power Began When I Married Vados

This is a translation I found on mtl, it was extremely awful so I decided to fix it up and add my own little snu snu chapters in there. Don’t expect much but I hope you enjoy :) … OG Title: I’m in the WesternCapital: Marry Vados at the start OG Author: Sbaer … In an alternate Dragon Ball universe, Kahn, a warrior from Planet Vegeta, becomes the elder brother of Kakarot. When the tyrant Frieza destroys their home planet, Kahn, along with Kakarot, is sent to Earth by their father, Bardock. Unlike his powerful brother, Kakarot, Kahn struggles with limited combat abilities due to his low-level warrior status. Years pass, and in Age 762, the long-awaited system Kahn has been anticipating finally activates. However, there’s a catch: the system requires him to marry a woman to unlock its full potential. With the help of a matchmaker, Kahn finds a bride who is renowned for her beauty and grace. As Kahn’s strength grows exponentially with each passing day, his wife proves to be the perfect partner—gentle, virtuous, and endlessly supportive. Together, they navigate the challenges of the Dragon Ball world, facing formidable foes and embarking on thrilling adventures, all while Kahn continues to develop his extraordinary powers. This unique tale of love, strength, and destiny explores the bonds of family and the pursuit of greatness, set against the backdrop of one of the most iconic universes in anime history.

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17 Chs

The Fall of an Emperor

Vados narrowed her eyes at Frieza, her mind racing. She then noticed what Frieza had mentioned. Connecting the dots, she realized that this 'lord' must be Beerus, the God of Destruction for Universe 7.

The role of a God of Destruction is to annihilate planets, and if Beerus had ordered Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta, it wouldn't be surprising. Gods of Destruction often act on whims, but Beerus might have had other reasons as well. However, without concrete evidence, Vados couldn't outright accuse Beerus. She decided she needed to consult Whis to uncover the truth. If it wasn't Beerus, then who? Yet, Vados found Beerus to be the prime suspect.

"Frieza, brace yourself. You're about to experience true despair," Kahn declared, his voice filled with unwavering determination.

Kahn clenched his fists, focusing his energy to gather at his back. There are two ways to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation: one is to break through in a state of extreme anger when the basic strength is sufficient; the other is to have enough S cells in the body and reach a combat power level of millions, then focus the energy on the back and burst forth, surpassing the limits.

Kahn chose the latter path. Growing up on Earth provided him with a peaceful environment, allowing his S cells to flourish.

"Super Saiyan? What's that?" Bulma blinked, puzzled.

"I don't know, but it sounds incredibly powerful. That might be why Kahn is so confident in facing Frieza," analyzed Krillin.

"Come on, Saiyan," the elder Namekian urged, his eyes filled with hope. The Namekians silently rooted for Kahn, knowing their planet's fate rested on his shoulders.

Vegeta watched Kahn confront Frieza, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. If the legendary Super Saiyan existed, he should have been the first to transform. However, "Kahn, as long as you can defeat that bastard Frieza, it doesn't matter who transforms first!"

Vegeta decided it was better to support Kahn over Frieza. Despite losing to Kahn on Earth, he despised Frieza even more. Vegeta's sole desire was to see Frieza dead.

Kahn began to mobilize the energy in his body, gathering it on his back. His hair started to flutter, and the rubble around him floated upward, defying Namek's gravity. A powerful aura began to form, enveloping the area.


As Kahn's aura intensified, dark clouds covered the sky, and thick bolts of lightning struck down. The air grew heavy with a sense of impending doom.


White energy swirled around Kahn, transitioning to golden flames. His black hair flickered between blonde and black.

"Wow!" Bulma's eyes widened in amazement. "Krillin, who's stronger now, Kahn or Frieza?"

"I… I don't know!" Krillin replied solemnly. "Their auras are too powerful to gauge. But from what I can sense, Kahn might have the upper hand."

Frieza, though unable to sense ki, felt the oppressive force emanating from Kahn. For the first time since encountering Beerus, Frieza felt genuine unease. "Super Saiyan… could it be real?"

Despite his unease, Frieza remained outwardly calm. "Come on, Kahn. Show me this legendary power of the Saiyan race!"

Vegeta's eyes were wide with anticipation. He hoped Kahn could transform into a Super Saiyan, proving its existence. If a low-level warrior like Kahn could do it, so could he.


Thunder and lightning clashed, and strong winds howled. The spectacle of Kahn's transformation surpassed even Frieza's final form. The aura and oppressive force were overwhelming.

At that moment, Kahn felt the time was right. He unleashed the energy gathered on his back.


Thick bolts of lightning struck down, forming a daunting thunder pool around Kahn. He stood at the center, surrounded by golden energy flames. His aura erupted like a volcano.

"Aaaahhhhh!" Kahn's deep shout echoed throughout the world, shaking everyone to their core. A dazzling golden light engulfed Kahn, obscuring his form.


As the golden light dissipated, Kahn's true form was revealed. His hair stood erect and golden, his eyes a piercing emerald green. His face, handsome and majestic, exuded fierce dominance.

Blonde hair and blue eyes—Kahn had become a Super Saiyan. His physique had also grown more muscular, with defined muscles that radiated explosive power.

"Handsome! So handsome!" Vados, watching from above, couldn't help but gasp in amazement with stars in her eyes.

Kahn was already strikingly handsome, but in his Super Saiyan form, he was breathtaking. To Vados, his appearance was mesmerizing. Seeing the enamored expression on her face, Merus sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Kahn in Super Saiyan mode is impressive, but you don't have to act like a love-struck teenager," Merus muttered.

"Khan now has the power to defeat Frieza," Merus said aloud.

"Yes," Vados replied, her eyes fixed on Kahn. She could see that his strength had increased fiftyfold after transforming into a Super Saiyan. Kahn, whose normal combat power was in the tens of millions, had skyrocketed to 500 million. Even at 100% power, Frieza's combat strength was only 120 million.

Vados surmised that Kahn had more tricks up his sleeve, so she wasn't in a rush to have Merus intervene.

"He's so handsome! Is this really Kahn?" Bulma blinked her wide eyes, her face reflecting awe.

"Is this the Super Saiyan Kahn talked about?" Krillin was shocked.

The sheer force of Kahn's aura made it hard for Krillin to breathe.

"The legendary golden warrior, a Super Saiyan!" Vegeta, hiding in the shadows, was overwhelmed by Kahn's transformation. The moment Kahn transformed, the Saiyan blood in Vegeta boiled. His instincts screamed that the Kahn before him was the legendary Super Saiyan!

When Planet Vegeta still existed, everyone thought the Super Saiyan was a myth. Who would have thought that more than twenty years after the planet's destruction, a Super Saiyan would emerge? Vegeta had witnessed the birth of a legend.

"Come on, Kahn, take down Frieza!" Vegeta, despite his resentment towards him, chose to support Kahn. Regardless of who transformed first, he wanted Frieza dead.

At this moment, Frieza frowned. He could not sense ki, but he felt an extremely dangerous aura from Kahn. Could the Super Saiyan really be the nemesis of the Frieza race?

"Impossible! I am the strongest emperor of the universe. I will never lose to a Saiyan!" Frieza dismissed the thought. He believed himself to be invincible. A mere Super Saiyan, no matter how strong, was still just a Saiyan. How could he compete with the emperor of the universe?

"This is the power of a Super Saiyan? Incredible!" Feeling the surging energy within him, Kahn was ecstatic. A Super Saiyan's strength multiplies fiftyfold. Now, he could easily defeat Frieza with just one finger.

"Krillin, Gohan!" Kahn called out to Krillin and Gohan, who were hiding behind a boulder. "Get out of here and gather all the Dragon Balls. Make a wish."

"Oh, right!" Krillin snapped out of his shock and nodded.

"And me?" Bulma pointed to herself. Should she leave with them or stay?

"You go too. I'll find you when it's over," Kahn said.

Krillin, Bulma, and the others didn't hesitate. They quickly organized and left. Kahn then turned his attention to a hill and spoke to the air, "Vegeta, if you're smart, you won't interfere. If possible, give the Dragon Ball to Krillin and the others to make a wish. I'll remember this favor."

"What?!" Vegeta, hiding in the dark, was shocked. He had suppressed his ki, but Kahn still found him.

"Damn it!" Vegeta cursed. "Who cares about your favor!" Despite his anger, Vegeta eventually picked up the Dragon Ball and left.

"Huh? Is Vegeta going too?" Frieza followed Kahn's line of sight and saw Vegeta chasing after Krillin and the others. But he had no time to deal with Vegeta now.

After Vegeta left, Kahn faced Frieza again. "Frieza, it's time to settle this."

"A Super Saiyan? I'm not afraid of you." Frieza, not wanting to take chances, powered up to 100%.

"Come on, Saiyan," Frieza taunted.

"Aaahhhh!" Kahn shouted, his aura flaring up.


Frieza stomped the ground and disappeared, reappearing in front of Kahn with a powerful punch.

"Too slow!" Kahn caught Frieza's punch with his right hand, then leaned forward and punched Frieza hard across the face.


Frieza's eyes widened as he staggered back tens of meters.


Kahn pursued him. Frieza had barely recovered when Kahn's face was inches away, his expression fierce.

Frieza's face changed drastically.

"Heh" The corner of Kahn's mouth raised slightly, then he landed a right uppercut on Frieza's face, followed by a powerful kick to his stomach.


Kahn's kick sent Frieza flying along the ground. But Frieza was not easily defeated. He quickly stabilized himself and shot into the sky.

"Stupid monkey, don't get carried away!" Frieza shouted.


Frieza raised one hand high, and a fiery red giant energy bomb quickly condensed! The destructive energy fluctuations dyed the sky red.

"Kahn, this move can destroy the entire planet Namek. If you have the guts, take this head-on!"

"Aaahhh!" With a wave of his arm, Frieza launched the giant energy bomb.




The bomb's sonic booms echoed through the air, indicating its destructive power. The energy bomb was capable of obliterating Namek.

"Hmph, you dare challenge me with such a pathetic attack?" Kahn snorted in disdain, then leaped towards the giant energy bomb.

Seeing this, Frieza was stunned for a moment. Could Kahn really be planning to take the bomb head-on?!

"Haha marvelous! You're just asking to die!" Frieza sneered after his initial surprise. In his view, Kahn's direct approach was sheer madness. Frieza was confident in his overwhelming power.


In the blink of an eye, Kahn collided with the giant energy bomb, resulting in a massive explosion of energy. A fiery red energy storm swept away the clouds, and the shockwave spread like ripples, causing tsunamis tens of meters high on the surface of Planet Namek. Even from space, the fiery red energy storm was clearly visible.

Crack! Crack!

As the energy storm raged, cracks stretched across the surface of Namek, extending beyond the horizon. It was clear that if this giant energy bomb had hit Namek directly, it would have easily destroyed the entire planet.

Looking down at the devastation below, Frieza couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Oh ho ho ho ho! Look, Kahn, this is what happens when you underestimate me! I am Frieza, Emperor of the Universe, and you'll pay dearly for underestimating me!"

High above Frieza, Vados and Merus watched the energy storm below with calm expressions. Vados' serene face showed no concern for Kahn's safety, and Merus shared her confidence.

They were well aware of the vast power difference between Frieza and Super Saiyan Kahn, leaving them unworried.

In the next second, Frieza's laughter was cut short. From within the energy storm, a figure surrounded by golden energy flames shot out at incredible speed, heading straight for him.

"No way!" Frieza exclaimed in shock as Kahn's face came into view.

In the next breath, "Bam!" Kahn delivered a powerful uppercut to Frieza's jaw, sending him reeling. Kahn followed up with a crushing elbow to Frieza's head.


The sound of bones breaking could be heard as Frieza's pupils started to shriqnk, his scarlet eyes turning dull. Under the immense force, Frieza's body plummeted from the sky like a meteorite.


Frieza crashed into a nearby mountain, shattering it to pieces.

"It's over," Merus remarked calmly.

"Congratulations, husband. You've avenged your parents," Vados said with a smile.

"It seems my involvement wasn't needed after all," Merus sighed with relief. Kahn had easily handled Frieza without their interference.

"Merus, you should head back now," Vados said. "You have your own duties to attend to."

"Alright, I'll return to the Galaxy Patrol headquarters. How about you, Vados?" Merus asked.

"I have other matters to handle. You can go back first," Vados replied with a smile.

"Very well, I'll take my leave," Merus said.

With that, Merus took out his Angel staff, turned into a streak of light, and left Namek.

On the ground, Frieza, with his skull crushed, lay on the brink of death but was still alive.

Kahn descended from the sky, looking down at Frieza with an expressionless face.

"Damn… damn monkey!" Frieza struggled to open his eyes, his voice trembling with rage. "How could I… lose to you monkey! I'm superior! I'm better!"

Frieza's fury was palpable. He had never imagined he would be defeated by a Saiyan, whom he considered inferior.

"Is a Saiyan really inferior to you, shorty?" Kahn's emerald green eyes glinted coldly. "As I said, the era of Frieza's tyranny in the universe is over."

"Tch…" Frieza gritted his teeth. "I… don't accept this!"

"Don't accept it? You slaughtered most of the Saiyan race, yet here I stand. If you had eradicated us completely, this wouldn't be happening," Kahn said. "Frieza, you should have finished the job back then."

Frieza's face twisted in frustration. He had destroyed Planet Vegeta and most of the Saiyans with it, but a few had survived. It was these survivors who now defeated him.

"If I could do it all over again, I would drive you all to extinction!" Frieza screamed in hysterical regret. If only he had known, he would have annihilated the Saiyan race completely.

"Too bad, you won't get that chance again," Kahn said.

Kahn flew into the air, stretched out his right hand, and aimed at Frieza lying in the rubble. "Father, Mother, after more than 20 years, today I finally avenge you. I hope this brings you peace."

A cold, murderous intent flashed in Kahn's emerald green eyes.


A golden energy blast shot from Kahn's palm, heading straight for Frieza like the scythe of death.

A second later…


A violent explosion erupted, centered on Frieza. The energy storm swallowed him whole, and Frieza's screams echoed through the sky. Kahn watched as Frieza's body was dismembered, broken, and ultimately disintegrated in the storm.

When the energy storm finally subsided, a bottomless pit remained where Frieza had been. His presence had been completely erased.

At the same time, Krillin and Vegeta, who had just arrived at the village where the Grand Elder lived, felt Frieza's energy vanish.

They looked toward the distant sky.


The sound of the explosion reached them moments later.

Vegeta's mouth twitched, then he began to laugh uncontrollably.



For the first time in his life, Vegeta laughed with pure, unrestrained joy.

"Frieza, you finally got what you deserved!"