

Lara grew up with the intention that men are devil's this is because she always witness the horrible life of her mother. but during her time as a court lady in the palace of Morant. crown prince Shen fell in love with her at first sight. and his father choosed her as his mistress let's see what lara is going to do.is she going to be a mistress or will she be the future Queen?..

Little_lady_Bossy · Filmes
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5 Chs


The prince stayed in his lounge waiting for Lara but she didn't come ,he has been informed so many times that it was time for him to come out but he declined. It has been more than two hours still yet Lara is not back. He couldn't wait any longer so he went to the royal kitchen because he guessed that is where she is

The door flung opened as crown prince Shen stepped in with his two bodyguard following him. Everyone bowed looking downwards the prince looked around if he could see Lara but all to no prevail. He walked up to the head lady.

Lady Yin : good day your majesty,( a smile was plastered on her face ) what brings his majesty here.

Prince : where's Lara?.

Lady Yin : ( the smile on her face disappeared and was replaced by pure jealousy ). Your majesty, why would you be asking after a low class court lady, she's not that important.

Prince : you don't have the right to question me.

Lady Yin : I'm sorry your majesty. ( She made a slight bow ).

Prince : now I ask again, where's Lara?.

Lady Yin : I don't know your majesty. She hasn't come back from your lounge.

Prince : she left my lounge since two hours ago, so what are you trying to say is that Lara is Missing.

Lady Yin : it seems so your majesty.

Prince : ( he was quite for a while ) where are the two maidens who accompanied her ?.

Lady Yin : they have left but without her .

Prince : do you have any idea where she could be?.

Lady Yin : no your majesty.

Prince. : Something must be wrong ( he turned around to leave but paused and turned back ) everyone should search for Lara ( his voice was cold and sharp , he left without turning back. This was a shock to everyone,most especially lady Yin ).

Lady Yin was so angry that she flung everything on her table away.

In a dark cave, a girl sat down with her hugging her knees. It was Lara . She couldn't see because the cave was darker than darkness. She was so thirsty few seconds ago she opened her eyes and realized she was in the cave where the corpses of those who go against the law are kept. The bad odour made her vomit and she felt suffocated by the odour, there e was no good oxygen to breathe in and no light to see , she tried to scream so many times but the words never left her throat because it was so dried, her cheeks Still hurts from the slap she received from lady Yin and all her body aches, she tried figuring out why lady Yin reacted like that but no way, she remembered she had to give the prince a gift but now she's locked up what was she going to do?.