

a power hungry girl,trying to blend power and love in her life, catch up and binge on Marianne's life experience as she faces oddities despite her traumatic past, will she survive supernatural and dark forces posing a threat to her life? embark on this thriller novel as u also learn a lot of things that has some impact on your lives as past secret and real identity unravel.

Authoress_Mary · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Love gone wrong

"Knock knock", a deep masculine voice echoed in the hallway, " come in", she replied. He strolled in as he took his seat while gazing at the beauty before him.

      " what brings u here Mr charles, she said as she went through the file brought in by her assistant. Charles is one of the top fan of Maryanne, on her popular blog " Anny's review ", her alluring body captivated him, such was her beauty that made men drool, and here he was doing the same despite him being a well known business man. What a shame?.

     " hi", he extended his hand for a handshake, she stared at it "I don't shake hands , I find it disgusting", she remarked as he withdrew his hands. She continued typing without sparing him a thought but it didn't matter to him, for mars sake, he was staring at his teen celebrity crush, he was so obsessed about her that her pictures were hung on every conner of his room and he had a sex doll of her made to pleasure himself, his very own dirty secret.

     " I hope you know its unethical to stare at a woman like that",she said without batting an eyelid breaking into his dirty chain of thought of how he was going to pin her to his bed and have her scream his name all day long. " uhm..... Uhm..... Yeah the deal i mean appointment, I am the manager and owner of ' make over enterprise' as you know..... "," wait did you say make over enterprise, the multi millionaire company ",she interrupted him, he was glad he got her attention unknown to him the consequence.

          " yea, I'm here to make a deal, I demand for your new product, 'gloss finish'".  "its ready and would soon be launched for public sale", she concluded, " it can also be used on men for example you", she added sarcastically. " OK, I vouch to be the first buyer of the product and I'll be needing 300 packets ", he said.

     " but that's little, think of what you stand to gain if you can purchase 500 packets at the launching of it." She bargained.

"If I agree, what's in for me?", he asked,  " what about a date to Vienna?", she suggested. He grinned widely " let's go today so I can have a taste of you?", he said before he realised what he said, "I'm sorry ", he muttered.

  " I'm not offended besides you give me what I want, my body will belong to you ", she offered, she had done a background check on him and she knew his weaknesses, " what ever you want name it ", he said.

" I want your Small industry, the one located beside the park", she requested while biting his earlobe, he was already aroused and he wanted her, but this demand " isn't that much to ask?", he queried. " you can leave , the door is over there or u can just sign this document", she said as she made her way to sit on his laps making his member to rage on.

      "OK", he said as he signed it, he kissed her passionately.

" mhhhmm", the managing director coughed as he came in to drop the files, he knew she was up to no good as he left .

" easy tiger, let's wait till evening so I can put on something lacy for daddy", she spewed those dirty words like it was nothing but it was having immense effect on Charles, who was barely controlling himself. He nodded like an obedient puppy as he made for the door, " nice doing business with you" she winked at him, he rushed of as he could barely control himself.   " she will be the death of you Charles, you just gave up one of your company for her, well it was worth it ", he thought as he sped off.

Meanwhile Maryanne was feeling disgusted " men, just drop your panties, they'll give up all they have". She phoned, " Cynthia  prepare my bath and place an order for a dress and shoe, I've already picked it out already ", she said as she hung up. 


A hooded woman hopped up the stairs as she clutched the files close to her chest, she entered the elevator as she punched in the sixth floor, ' ding', the elevator opened as she walked out, she was doing something risky and she knew it as she knocked on the door which bore a number, 102. She heard the sweetest voice which ordered her to enter.

" so you are among the board of directors, what can you offer me in exchange for this ", the strange woman offered.

The hooded woman took off her hood as she gazed at the money, " I'm miss Veda, I offer you the illegal transaction that happened last month between our industry and Shiva industry, they deal in human parts and also ammunition and hard drugs which they export to other countries, the brain behind the ammunitions is jack, you can find other information on the documents and from this graph scale, it indicate our industry's profit is decreasing", she said quickly looking around as she was feeling insecure about this woman's aura and gaze. " you might find it strange but I can hear your heartbeat, and you seem scared but I don't plan to keep you here for much longer, tell me, how can I believe you won't be caught", the strange woman questioned, " well I quit working there when I was informed of your offer, I'll take this money and travel to Singapore this night", Veda said smiling, " OK, take the money and leave", the strange woman said, " its 40 million  euros in there", she said as Veda gasped. She took it and left.

        " hello, what a naive woman you brought Joel, I want her dead, I read her emotions and I know she's not one to be trusted at all, we've got what we wanted so get rid of her and do a clean jib, you can have the money she's with ", she ordered him.