

a power hungry girl,trying to blend power and love in her life, catch up and binge on Marianne's life experience as she faces oddities despite her traumatic past, will she survive supernatural and dark forces posing a threat to her life? embark on this thriller novel as u also learn a lot of things that has some impact on your lives as past secret and real identity unravel.

Authoress_Mary · Teen
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8 Chs

Nightmare 2

"O lord", she gasped as she woke up from the nightmare of her traumatic experience which kept haunting her, she gazed at her alarm clock, " 12 O'Clock, gosh am late for my flight, shit".

She quickly dressed up and put on shades and nose mask to avoid crazy fans.

   During the years, she has achieved fame and wealth. She became traumatized after the event and was sent to Paris to study. She studied business law and became a business tycoon in the " cosmetology business empire ". She took part in many movies, photoshoot and auditions, she was a glamorous model, social media celebrity and has bagged so many contract and awards.

She discussed with her manager after her bags were checked, she entered the plane, reminiscences about her past business deals kept her busy, she was to have a meeting at her new business headquarters in Paris.

      Her driver drove her to her house, she loves being alone that is why she refuses to see her parent." Hello Madame ", all the inhabitants of the house chorused as she walked in, she nodded and strolled to her room.

" Cynthia ",she yelled, " yes ma", the maid answered and set to do her work. "Tell Beatrice to arrange my cosmetics and none should go missing, unless she's fired"; Cynthia ran to call her after she had performed her task.

Maryanne laid down on her king size bed and drifted into an uneasy sleep, as the words of distruction echoed " I know you like me but I hate you ", " nooooo", she screams as she wakes up.

    She waltzed into the washroom and took a quick bath. She put on a sleeveless A- line dress with turquoise coloured heels, her makeup was perfect, she had a hour glass figure.

  She drove herself to her work place, staring at the logo, " Anny's cosmetology and skin care Industry ", she smiled to herself, " finally my dream has come true". She walked straight to the laboratory after putting on a lab coat and nose mask".

         " the formula for our new product, the gloss finish, how is it?", her entrance shocked everyone, "its close to perfection, ma", James, the head of the laboratory department informed her. " you better, this lip gloss product is the hope for women with chapped or black lips and can even be used on the eyelids, this better be tested, bottled, packaged and designed by tomorrow ", she snapped as she cat walked into her office. " smell of home ", she sighed as her tensed muscle relaxed, she set off to work.

" hello ma, the business partner is here", the receptionist informed her through the telephone, " OK", she replied curtly. " tell him that I am busy", she said.

She sighed as she twirled on her chair, for four good years she has been striving to make a name for herself,

      After the traumatic experience, she recalled being told that she has been in the hospital for a month, her brain couldn't handle the shock. She loved and she still does even if he hurt her but her love has been channeled into hatred, she wanted to rip him piece by piece, she wants to ruin him, she thought in her mind unaware about the sudden change in her pupil, her hair turned to grey before returning to its normal color , chestnut brown.

    " I'm waiting for that damn fools call, she said. Her phone rang immediately as if reading her mind, " what took you so long Cynthia, you are fucking late ", she yelled, " ma'am calm down, I have information about him", she said, Maryanne calmed down as what she has been expecting to hear was ready, " your client, Mr Charles, he is a very deadly business man, he always plays dirty, he is the head of the group of bandits that attacked your cousins, he is involved in the under ground business which you know is illegal, he is thirty-  one years old, owner of Dazzle industry but its just a facade to carry out their illegal dealings ", she informed.

       " did you find out the reason of his coming here?", she questioned tapping her pen on her desk with furrowed brows, if she is to get rid of him, she must know the basics in order to create a solid plan although things might get tough but she is not inexperienced either.

" yes boss, he raped the daughter of his uncle, famous Benedict  and also killed both of them, he had to use a lot of money to cover up his act.  Secondly, he is in trouble as the Don ken is after him, you know the Don is very dangerous."she said,  " so what does he want from me?", she asked as her patience was hanging on a thin line.

      " he needs a collaboration with you as you happened to be the woman after his heart, he wants to marry you so as to take over your company and ideas also, his second reason for marrying you is to establish his reign in the underground business as you and I know that the Don has no heir apparent to the throne, by marrying you he would be much more worthier as he would use your wealth in his favour ", she said. Maryanne was already enraged, how can a worthless man seek all she had spent most of her life working on.

" Madame, I noticed that the deeds and every activity and secretes of the company is locked away in a safe, he carries the keys with him always as he is the only one that has access to it, you need to be careful boss, from the few days I've stalked him I have come to know that he is an evil and cunning man who would do anything to get what he wants, his main weakness is women and you are the woman he needs now, I heard him discuss about it", she informed.

       " hmmm, such great information, thanks and I'll make sure you get well paid today".