

a power hungry girl,trying to blend power and love in her life, catch up and binge on Marianne's life experience as she faces oddities despite her traumatic past, will she survive supernatural and dark forces posing a threat to her life? embark on this thriller novel as u also learn a lot of things that has some impact on your lives as past secret and real identity unravel.

Authoress_Mary · Teen
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8 Chs

Deadly mission

"What a foolish man, you'll be doomed all because you of a woman's panties ", she muttered to herself in her room probably disgusted by his attitude. " Cynthia, come to my room",she ordered through the telephone, she started preparing a draft. She sent it to the team to work upon as she started scribbling ideas that popped in her head.

        " you must complete the task and no mistakes should be made, I have a job for you, I  need u to listen carefully ", she directed over the phone as Cynthia walked in, " yes ma'am", " drop that servant behavior we have work to do, organize the emergency bag and take it to room 102, keep it safely, I have spoken with the manager of the hotel, meet me at the Thornton industry", she instructed. "Yes boss", as she went out .

      Maryanne dipped herself into the bathtub of hot water and relaxed and drew up schemes in her mind. She took her time to dress as she twirled in front of her dressing mirror, when it struck her that she missed a part " hello Dennis, I need a favour, reinforcements for plan B and also the drugs ", she informed him after which she cleared her call logs.

        " a shame I'll be looking this beautiful", she said to herself. Immediately she marched downstairs, the driver approached her to take orders on their whereabouts, "we are going to Vienna hotel and take the Lamborghini then take my bike to the hotel later, it needs to be repainted", she ordered staring at him, her gaze daring him to refuse her orders, he ran quickly to fetch the car.

     She alighted from the car, as she walked in she was served a hot towel which her guard quickly took, she adjusted her shades as she walked in. " what a fool",she thought as she approached him, he looked dapper in his wine coloured tuxedo which matched her wine coloured slitted dress and her cherry shaped lips painted maroon. All the men attention was fixated on her each forgetting their beloved, such was her beauty that made men mad.

" hi Charles ", she greeted as she flashed him one of her deadly smile that could send ones soul wavering to the depths of hell, " hi goddess, you look so alluring ",he said as he smacked his lips, she positioned her shades on the table," I ordered a couple dinner set before you arrived, if you don't mind", he informed, she felt  disgusted within but she managed to say, " so romantic, your girlfriend must be lucky", " about that, I don't have a girlfriend and I'll love to make you mine, do you  accept to be my girlfriend because I'm deeply in love with you ", he confessed.

   She choked on her water as she stared in surprise, " this is more easier than I thought ", she said in her mind as she looked at his eager face, " I accept but not as your girlfriend but fiancee", she said as tears threatened to drop from her eyes thanks to the mint spray. Charles looked so happy as he took his mothers diamond ring from his pocket, " I have carried this with me today because I planned to propose on the dance floor but no need", hr said joyfully as he slid the ring down her finger, it was a bit wobbly, " I love you Charles ", she said leaving him mouth agape as he was shocked as everyone clapped, he hugged her as they walked towards the dance floor, dancing to pink-sweats song: at my worst.

         She was informed through the speaker on her ear that the food that was being served was spiked by Charles.

     Everyone clapped, the media took several shot of them as they went back to their table, " dinner is served, let's dig in", he said delighted, " uhmm.... I have to take this call", she said as she excused herself,  when she went far enough, he banged his hands on the table.

         She walked up to the bar man " two shots and mix this in", she threw both the package and money at him, she monitored him as he talked over the phone, he looked angry, when he was done with the call, their eyes locked as she signalled him to come over to the bar area.

       " aren't you gonna eat instead of taking alcohol because I have low tolerance to alcohol ", he asked with furrowed brows, she pouted " I just wanted to celebrate with you and I ate a lot of my maid's delicious lazania and I'm full but if u don't want to join me then feel free to leave me alone", she sniffed in pretence mucous as she played the pity card, it sure had effect on him as he gulped the first and second glass, he felt dizzy as she stood up and kissed him, he fell unconscious.

   She signalled to the guards to help her who helped her to take him to the room, as he fell on the bed she searched him, " yes I found it", she squealed in joy. She quickly changed into black leather pant and jacket with a head warmer to hide her hair. She jumped down from the sixth story building and landed safely as she hopped on her bike that had been hidden safely amongst the trees as she drove off discreetly but someone was watching her as she sped off, " fate is so cruel that we'll have to meet again in this manner", he mouthed.


        " Thank God you are here ma'am, the coast is clear, did you manage to get the keys?", she asked, " yes now move out of the way", she walked toward the safe and opened the locker with the key and slot in the card. " finally the deeds are mine, watch as I destroy you", she said, they heard footsteps, one of them said " we meet again but I didn't want it in this way", he said sorrowfully pulling his hood.