
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Ch. 2 a new beginning.

The wheel stopped again. 


My new beginning. 

" Danmachi, huh?" God rubbed his chin as he looked at me. 

" Alright, you go two more wishes left." He spoke. 

I thought for a while before thinking. 

" I don't know." 

" What do you mean you don't know?" 

I shrugged. 

" Don't know." 

God sighed. 

" Sigh, fine." 

The wheel changed. 

" These are powers or golden fingers you'll be able to get that will help you on your journey." He explained 

I nodded before pushing the button again. 

The Wheel spun for a few seconds before stopping. 

" A gamer system." God pointed out. 

" What's that?" I asked. 

" You'll find out eventually." He shrugged. 

" Now for your last wish..." 

" Actually, I'll just save it." 

" What?" He asked in shock. 

" I'll save it." I repeated. 

" I.. I see..." he nodded. 

" Now... for your character creation." 

A panel appeared in front of me, showing a blank body. 

There were options that would change the character. 

The skin tone, birthmarks and hair color, etc. 

I clicked here and there as I created the most random character before deleting it and retrying again. 

I choose a normal skin tone, white hair with red tips, and golden eyes mixed with red. 

' A birthmark....'

I looked over to see a birthmark called the demon slayer mark, and it looked cool. 

[ Demon slayer mark]

( Description: a mark that amplifies the strength and endurance of the bearer. Grants the skill Transparent View. Grants the curse of a shorter life span, not being able to age before the age of 25.) 

I looked at the curse before tapping it. 

" Eh, I'll just die young with glory." I spoke to God as he looked at me before shaking his head. 

Shruggin, I went back to customizing my character. 

' Scars...' 

I chose a large scar on my back and one across my left eye. 

" Because you have chosen birth defects, I'll give you two points in compensation. And you can't do more than three." God spoke before I choose another one. 

' Don't know what these points are for, but I'll accept them in case.' 

I chose another scar on my shoulder. 

I went to the next choice. 

Curses and blessing.

[ Curse of blindness]

[ Curse of speech ] 

[ Blessing of Hope ] 

[ Blessing of Hero ]

" Hey, are these... mandatory?" I looked up to God. 

" Getting a curse will give you points, and getting a Blessing will spend those points." 

" How much?" I asked. 

" What?" 

" How many points will I get for a curse?" 

" Five." 

" And how much for a Blessing?" 

" Ten." 

" Tsk. And how much point do I have?" 

" 15 at the moment." 

" These points... what are they for?"

" For your status." He replied patiently. 

I circled my hand for him to continue. 

" For your strength, stamina, agility, luck, and charisma." He replied. 

I nodded. 

" And Danmachi. What place is it?" 

" Think of it like swords and magic." He replied. 

I nodded. 

" Give me the curse of Blindness." 

God looked dead in the eye. 

" Are you sure? You have been blind since birth." 

" You said it's a curse. That's means I could uplift this curse, right?" 

" Smart. But there is a condition to uplifting it and you'll have to find out yourself." 

" Tsk. So I'll be reborn as a baby?" I looked at him. 

God nodded. 

I sighed as I looked at the panel. 

' Transparent View should work once I'm blind right?' I thought, hopefully. 

I looked at the race category. 

Elf, dragon/human, Wolfman, catman, dogman, dwarf, pallum, etc. 

[ Elfs- Long life span with a high talent for magic and communication for spirits] 

[ Dragon/human- Long life span, high talent for magic, enhanced physical abilities...] 

I read through all of them. They had their strengths and weakness. 

Elfs had their pride, and dragons had their greed for money and lust. 

And dwarfs and pallums were their strength and agility, but they would make me short.

 I sighed as I looked at God. 

" Will these also cost points?" 

He nodded. 

I clicked my tongue. 

" How much?" 

" Three." 

I looked at Elf and Dragon/human hybrid. 

" Is there a way to have this elf race locked for a while?" 

" Hmm? There is one." 

God approached before he scrolled down the panel. 

" Ah! Here." 

[ Elf Bloodline] [ Black Clover ] 

( Description- Immense magical power. Longevity and use of magical stones.) 

" How much?" 

" Seven." 

" Seriously?" 

God nodded. 

" Alright, I'll just get the regular elf bloodline." 

God nodded. 

Long ears appeared on my character. 

I nodded. 

' So I have 17 points left.' 

" Alright, where do I spend these points?" I looked up to God. 

" Here." 

[ Yuto Takahashi ] 

[ Strength: G-]

[ Agility: G- ]

[ Stamina: G- ]

[ Charisma: G- ]

[ Luck: G- ]

Before allocating my points, I looked up to God. 

" You said I'll be reborn as a baby, right?" 

He nodded. 

" Alright. I'll save these points." 

But he shook his. 

" That can't do, I'm afraid. After all, you're saving your wish." 

I narrowed my eyes before looking down at the panel. 

' Since I'll be a baby again, I could train in the future. So, luck it is.' 

[ Luck: A- ] 

I spent all 17 points on luck. 

" Alright, I'm done." 

" Are you sure?" 

I nodded


" Yes." 

He nodded before holding my shoulder. 

" Good luck." 

I was pushed back as I was submerged under water, sinking into the darkness. 

It was dark and cold before it became warmer, and light started approaching before darkness again. 

But I felt the cold air. 

I couldn't see a thing as I could only try to speak, only for me to cry. 

( Third Pov ) 

" It's a boy!!" A elven doctor shouted as he carried the boy in his arms before a look of disgust for the child as he gave the baby to the mother. 

" A deformed baby..." he spat. 

" My baby...!!" The mothers eyes shook as she gave the child to a nearby nurse. 

" That is not my child!!" She screamed.

* A few hours later * 

" That's an abomination." A elven man spoke as he looked at the child with disgust. 

" It's better to get rid of it." The woman next to him spoke with a cold look. 

" Just give it to Elfia." The man spat before walking away along with the woman. 

A few hours later, an old elven woman came into the tree hut as she approached the crying child. 

" Waaa!!" 

" There there, child." The old lady spoke with a smile as she started humming. 

The baby stopped crying as it held the old lady's finger


The old lady chuckled as she carried the bay in her arms. 

" Now... what a unique child." The woman spoke as she observed the birthmark and scars on the baby


" A pity, though..." The old lady spoke as she walked out for the hut along with the baby. 

( Yuto Pov ) 

I was reborn again. And from the words I picked up, it seemed I was despised by everyone as I heard their comments. 

I didn't know who my parents were, but I was sure they were no different from these people. 

This old lady, with her wrinkled hands, held me as she carried me to somewhere I don't know. 

" There. Nice and comfy, huh?" The old lady spoke as she put me down and wrapped me in a blanket. 

The way she spoke was a different, but somehow I could understand it. 

This was my new beginning, a rough one but something I'll accept.