
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Ch. 1 Reincarnation

( ??? Pov ) 

* Bang! * 

A bullet hit the wall next to me as I ran through the alleyway. 

The gunshots behind me missed me as they got louder. 

I clutched my stomach to stop the blood from leaking. 

' It's hurts...' I thought to myself as I ran. 

It was raining. I hate the rain. 

Everything it rains it reminds me of my dead parents. 

Their faces come into my mind in this tense situation. 

Today's mission was a failure. I failed you... Iris. 

* Bang! * 

* Plutchi * 

" Argg!!" Held my leg as I limped through a corner. 

" Over here! He's been shot!!" 

I heard them yell behind them as they were getting closer, and I was getting slower. 

I knew I couldn't run forever, so I held my pistol as my body laid agasimt the corner. 

As soon as they crossed the corner, I shot three of them. 

I was able to kill three with my blurry vision. 

* Thud! * 

I watched a grenade rolled towards me. 

" Shit!" 

I quickly moved as fast as I could, ignoring the pain. 

There were too many. Not all of them were killed in the warehouse where i was trapped in. 

They chased me and used this to my advantage with the help of the night. 

I killed many in silence with the help of the shadows. 

I kept killing as the floor became red, mixing with the rain. 

I stabbed my dagger into the back of my assailant and covered his mouth before stabbing the back of his neck. 

I kept killing, and I couldn't stop. I can't stop. 

By the time I was done with this one, I went to the next. 

Like a shadow with no sound, I dashed at the next one, stabbing the neck and dragging him into the shadows. 

It was a common sight to see, the fear in their eyes as they were dragged into the shadows as they tried to speak and block the blood from leaking. 

I enjoyed it. The bloodlust flowing out. 

I'm sure they could feel it. 

Their hairs were standing up as they realized I'm hunting them one by one. 

The doubts settling in. The fear of the unknown. 

They don't know where I'm at, but I know where they are. 

Every. Single. One.

The fourth one seemed to be noticed as he swung his katana at me onlynto miss as I ducked and stabbed his chin up to his brain.

I took back my dagger before continuing my slaughter. 

indidnt pick up the sword as it wouldntakentoo much energy to swing it and not to mention the close spacenofbthe alleyways.

For the next few minutes, i continued to hunt.

Along the way, I was covered in wounds from the way that were lucky enough. 

And now I sit here waiting for death in this alleyway looking at the stars. 

( ??? Pov ) 

" So he's still alive." I spoke to my assistant, who opened the door for me. 

" Yes, sir." He replied.

I nodded with a stoic face as I approached the dark alleyway. 

The hairs on my back stood up asni and narrowed my eyes at the sitting figure. 

The countless bodies I have sent to their death have done their job in weakening this monster. 

I heard a low chuckle in this darkness as I tilted my head to dodged a flying dagger. 

But my assistant wasn't so lucky as the dagger hit his neck. 

I slowly looked back to see him struggling to get the dagger out of his neck. 

" Hehehe. The cameras are off." He spoke.

I clicked my tongue as I lookedIat my bodyguards. 

" Finish Him." 

They all nodded as they rushed into the darkness. 

But before they could even take a step, their throats were cut as I watched them fall to the ground, clutching their throats. 

I calmly looked up to see him walking out of the darkness. 

" End of the fucking road." He spoke as he pointednhis dagger at me. 

I was calm. I already achieved what I wanted. And the fact he was dying as well reassured me that my work won't be tampered with. 

" I won..." 

" I know fucker!" He spat. His eyes contained many emotions. 

Many gazes looked at us. People whispering at me and him. 

Some called the police since he was holding the knife at my throat. 

His shaking arms as tears streamed down his face.

I used this chance to swipe the knife away and punch him, but only for my fist to be caught and my face ending up being smashed through the window of my car. 

I was old... I accepted that my time was up as well. 

My face was filled with glass shards before throwing me to the floor and started punching me. 

I didn't scream. I didn't want tongue him the satisfaction. Insaw myself in his eyes.

I knew i succeeded in creating him. The most dangerous assassin. The monster of the night. I smiled at my creation as he punched my face in. 

( ??? Pov ) 

* Thud Thud Thud!!! * 

I kept smashing his face even though he died. 

I was angry, frustrated, and most of all sad. 

I heard the Sirens approaching as I lay on the ground, breathing the last bit of life I had. 

I was waiting to think if I could've done better, if I could be a better person.

But no... I didn't want to be.

And now I found myself standing in an empty space. I'm wondering if I'm being judged for my sins. 

" Oh dear no. you're not being judge yet." 

I looked behind me to see a old man in robes as he made his way towards me. 

" And you are?" I asked. 

" God." He replied as he passed me. 

" If not being judged by God than why am I here?" I asked. 

God turned around to look at me with a smile. 

" A chance of redemption." 

I frowned. 

" I don't need redemption." 

God chuckled as he looked at me with a fondly face. 

" You... remind me of someone." He smiled. 

" Don't care." I replied. 

God chuckled. 

" For your efforts to save the world the countless sacrifices you have made I have decided to give you a wish to go to any world you want." 

" World? Like what? Earth?" 

God shook his head. 

" Anime world's, fictional worlds!" He excitedly shouted. 

" Anime?" I tilted my head. 

" Eh? You don't know about anime?" 

" Nope! I was too focused on saving the world." I replied. 

" Naruto!? Bleach!? Dragon Ball Z!!!??" He shouted. 

" Nope." I sat down with a blank face. 

God pinched his tearducts.

" I swore he should have know about anime. Maybe this isnthe wrong one? No it shouldn't be." He tapped his chin as he looked at me before sighing. 

" Sigh, fine. Well don't the old fashioned way." He snapped his fingers. 

A giant wheel with words on it was summoned. 

" These words here are worlds of fictional places. I'll be sending you there along with some gifts. Now spin." He spoke as he waited for me to spin the wheel. 

I stood up and walked up to the wheel. 

' Highschool DxD, Fate/Stay night, Overlord, Rwby, Black clover, Naruto...Boruto, Novels Extra, Omniscient readers Veiwpoint...Solo Leveling...'

' Thats a lot of worlds.' I thought to myself. 

' But which is good for a second chance...' I don't know so I left it to luck. 

I pushed a small button in front of the wheel as it started spinning. 

I wondered to myself. 

' Why did I push that button?' I was lost. 

I didn't complete my mission on saving the world but I also killed my teacher. 

I stood there watching the wheel spin as I tried to find a reason to keep living. 

Was it strength? Glory? Destruction? I didn't know. 

' Maybe it's to find myself. To find a reason to live.' I thought to myself before looking up to the wheel as I slowed down. 

The wheel stopped at a world named Naruto.

But the wheel was pushed a little at Boruto. 

" Ahem! It seems like luck was in your favor." 

" You pushed it." I replied. 

" I don't know what you're talking about?" He shrugged. 

" I want another spin." I replied. 

" No." God replied. 

I stared at him. 

" Fine." He gave in.