
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Ch. 3 Escape

( Yuto Pov ) 

It's been five years, and the old lady, Elfia, passed away. And I was branded an outcast. 

And now I'm a slave being sold at an auction. 

But because of my appearance, I wasn't sought after. Even though I was an elf. 

I was waiting and waiting for the right time. 

[ Ding! New Mission!] 

[ Escape!!!] 

[ Rewards: B grade item ] 

' There!' I thought inwardly. 

I felt the stares of everyone as they looked at me and the rest of the slaves. 

My ears twitched as I heard their voices and the shouts of raised prices. 

My turn was over, and since I am an unwanted item, they'll kill me. 

" Over here freak!" I was dragged behind the curtain.

My hands and neck were in chains with a metal collar. 

The bodyguard of the merchant dragged me by the cuffs as I observed him with a transparent view. 

His spine. That was my target. 

And as luck was on my side, the skinny bastard had his knife behind him. 

As we entered another room, I quickly took the knife and stabbed it into his spine. 

" Gah!! Mfffph!!" 

He fell as his legs became useless as I covered his mouth. Before he could react, I used the rest of my energy to finish him off.

" Die." I spoke as I stabbed the man's throat. 

His blood dripped and splashed onto my face as I dripped him and checked his pockets. 

Taking a few coins, I put them into my inventory. The same goes for the dagger. 

' No keys. Tsk.' I thought to myself. 

I sighed before taking a lockpick from my inventory before I started jigging my cuffs. 

* Clink! * Thud! * 

They opened as they dropped to the ground. 

' If I'm going to escape, I'll need a distraction to increase my chances. But I'll need a key.' 

I slightly opened the door and tilted my ear to hear not footsteps but the voices of the slaves. 

" That was Yuto, right?" A elven woman looked at her cell mate. 

" Yeah." A Wolfman replied as he lowered his head. 

" A good kid..." 

I sighed. 

' I can't hear the keys jingling. I'll guess I'll have to lockpick it.'

I opened the doors as I felt eyes cast on me. 

" Yu..yuto?" The elven woman whispered shouted. 

I walked up to her cell before locking it. 

" Hey hey, what are you doing!?" 

" Escaping." I replied. 

" Alright." The Wolfman spoke as he watched me unlock the elevator woman's cell. 

* Click * 

I continued to unlock others' cells. 

A few minutes later, I managed to unlock every single cell. 

" Alright, now how do we escape?" 

" Here." I gave the Wolfman the dagger as he accepted it. 

" Thanks..." he replied as he noticed the blood on the dagger. 

" Hunt." He used his skills as he dashed through the doors with immense speed. 

" Eberyone, run!!" The elven woman shouted as she busted through the door. 

I followed behind the crowd as they made chaos inside of the auction. 

" Yuto! Run!!" The Wolfman shouted as he held back two gaurds. 

I ran through everyone and dodged as many as I could. 

With Transparent View, I was able to predict their movements and swerve through the crowds. 

A group of slaves overpowered a guard and took his sword before killing another. 

" To freedom!!" The elven woman shouted as she pushed me forward. 

A group of gaurds came through the front door as the elven woman blocked them. 

I looked around a while before feeling the sun kn my skin. 

' The sun! A window!!' 

" Get them!!" I heard the voice of my slave trader as I ran up the seats and up to the second floor. 

I grabbed a curtain that was drooping and climbed it until I reached the ceiling. 

I touched the window but couldn't feel any handle to open it. 

I punched it and kept punching even if it hurt. 

* Crack! * 

I heard a crack as I continued. 

* Shaa!!* 

The glass shattered as I climbed through it. 

It was small, but I could fit through even though I got a few cuts. 

I ignored the pain as I crawled and stood up before looking down. 

More gaurds filled the room as I made my escape. 

I smelled the salty ocean as I made my way towards it, hoping to find a ship. 

Activating transparent view again ran across the roofs as I heard guards rushing toward the action house. 

' Sylvia, Cayden... I'm sorry.' 

I ignored the screams and kept running. 

I dropped down onto a cart before running again. 

I heard the waves hitting the port as I was closer to freedom. 

I hid behind crates and sneaked onto the ship, hiding in a barrell with some food. 

I hid in there for as I stayed silent. 

" Ah shit why is this heavy!" 

" Shut it! Just carry it into the ship!!" 

A few minutes later, I felt the barrel drop. 

[ Ding! Mission completed! ] 

I clicked on my rewards to feel a soft fabric. 

[ Blindfold ] [ B Grade ] 

[ + 250 Mana ] 

I equipped the item as I covered my eyes. 

A few days later...

" Hey, We got a kid here!!" A sailor grabbed me by the arm as he lifted me. 

I punched the Sailors face before trying to run. 

* Thwack * 

" Argh!" 

I tried to run, but I was surrounded by sailors as they stopped me. 

" Hey! What's going on here!!" The Captain approached. 

" Captain!!" The sailors shouted. 

" Huh!? Why the hell is there a kid on my boat?" He spoke to the sailor who shook his head. 

" We don't know, sir." 

" Tsk! Just get rid of the kid when we reach the next stop." 

" Get over here, kid." A sailor tried to grab me, but I slapped his hand away. 

" He's a feisty one! Hahaha!" 

" Oioi, the kids blind!! Don't tell me you got punched by a blind kid!! Hahaha!!" 

" Hahaha!!!" 

Everyone laughed. 

The sailor I punched tried to grab me again but failed as I dodged his hand. 

" Woah! Kid got moves!!" 

" Easy on the kid." 

I kept dodging until I accidently fell. 

" Got you!" The sailor shouted as he carried me by the arm. 

I was taken to an empty room where I was trapped in. The only interaction I had was the sailor who gave me food. 

' Fuck this place.' 

I touched my ears the once pointy ears I had were gone as they were cut off by the slave traders in their sick twist of having fun. 

By the time I unlocked gamers body, it was a default look unless I got some item that would heal it.

' Status.' 

[ Yuto Takahashi ]

[ Mana: 1,250/1,250 ]

[ Health: 100/100]

[ Strength: G ]

[ Agility: G ]

[ Stamina: G ]

[ Charisma: G]

[ Luck: A- ]

' Luck...' I sighed as I tilted my head back against the wall. 

I continued to wait for them to drop me off at the next stop. 

And while I'm waiting I'll be training.

I punched the air as I wanted to get the skill for fighting. 

I have done this before with lockpicking and pickpocketing my captures.

[ Lockpicking lvl 2 ]

[ Pickpocketing lvl 2 ]

* Knock Knock * 

" I got your food here." The door opened for the Sailor to drop the plate of food on the floor. 

" Hey, can you tell me more about Orario?" 

" Sure." 

I grabbed my food as I started chewing. 

" Dungeon City is a place filled with adventurers and gods. They form what is called a Familia...." 

He began to explain the meaning of a Familia. 

I listened to him. 

' Orario...' 

4 days later...

" Here's your stop." 

I was stood there with no shirt and only with ripped pants. 

" Can I at least get a shirt?" I asked. 

" Here." 

I caught the shirt and released it was too large. 

" It's too big..." 

" Don't have anything smaller. And here, for the road." 

He gave me a bag of apples.

" Thanks....Captain." 

" Sure, now scram." 

I put the shirt on and left. 

" Are you sure it's okay to leave the kid?" 

" It's better for the kid to leave. The sea isn't a place for a blind boy." 

[ Ding! New Mission ] 

[ Steal 25,000 coins ]

[ 1,430/25,000 ]

[ New Skill ]

A port city, a place where merchants come and go as they move their goods and sell some of them here. 

It was a great place to steal. 

I pickpocketed many merchants and anyone who had any signs of wealth. 

When I get caught, I will run. 

And hide then steal again. 

Money, food, and fight for a place to sleep even in an empty alleyway. 

I stayed vigilant and always checked my back before stealing or sleeping. 

I fought thugs and ran from thugs that were trying to take advantage of me. 

I kept running and hiding like a rat. 

The more I ran and hid, I was able to get another skill in the process. 

[ Hide lvl 1 ] 

( By staying in one place and hiding behind cover, your chance of being found is 90% )

I became bolder. 

I started breaking into homes with my lockpicking skills and stole jewelry, items, and anything that looked to be worth for a few cash. 

But I knew it was a matter of time before I got caught, and my luck runs out. 

But before that I need one last job. 

[ 24,854/25,000]

It's been 2 weeks since I have been dropped off here, and tonight's mission was to steal from a wealthy merchant. 

Usually, people would focus on his warehouse, but I was I knew a place where he could have stashed some money. 

His house. A mansion that had a view of the ocean so the bastard could look at the beautiful sunset. 

I fixed my dirty cloak and put my hood as I watched the gaurds patrol around the mansion. 

I was looking at their skeletons and insides and how they moved. 

Some moved faster and some slower, and a few moved at a moderate pace. 

I tracked their patrol, and at which time a certain gaurd moved to one position to another. 

It would be best to get to the rooftop, but they have gaurds there as well. 

' Lucky for me their are bushes.' 

I could hear the bushes rustling against the soft wind. 

Their leaves floated around in the air before dropping to the floor. 

While being blind it had enhanced my other senses. 

My sense of touch, hear, smell, and taste have been enhanced. 

I checked my equipment. 

' Grappling hook, bobby pin, knife.' 

I nodded as I attached the grabbing hook by the edge of the roof I was on and lowered myself to the ground and taking the grappling hook back before hiding in the shadows as I approached the mansion. 

The gaurds were changing positions at the moment as I used this chance to climb the high wall. 

Using the grabbing hook I swung it around before throwing upwards. 

The hook was caught and I pulled myself up with the rope.