
Early Morning Talk [Bonus chapter]


CHAPTER 572 – Early Morning Talk

By the next day, Ye Cheng and Li Jing went out to visit his mother. Although Li Jing wanted him to go alone, she just could not especially when her husband was giving her baby face and acting like he wanted to cry, she was forced to agree.

"Yes!" He tightened his fist and pulled his hands down in victory when she finally agreed.


"Yup. I am happy that it worked. I want to go and see my mother with you, my wife. I love you and I would keep on parading you around."

"Awwn, so nice. Okay, I suggest we get going before heading to work, hmm?"

"Yeah. Who knows what today would bring again with Hao Huizhong? Okay, let us head out. I know she would be glad once I tell her we are coming."

"Wait, what?" She paused, pulling him by the arm a bit. "You what? You haven't told your mother of our coming?"

"Umm, nope."