
Figuring Things Out



"Hao Huizhong is my brother."


"You said?!"

"I said, Hao Huizhong is my half brother."

Just breaking the news was way more than that. It was brain shaking for Li Jing who could barely believe what she had heard.

"Wait, wait, wait."

"I understand this is too overwhelming for you. But relax."

"I cannot relax. How in God's name did this even happen to you?"

"Me? Well, technically not me. It was all a product of my father's infidelity. Guess what?"

She did not say anything but the look in her eyes gave her away that she was indeed eager to hear the next trending annoying news.

"I found out that it wasn't my mother's friend's accident which separated my parents that ended up making him start cheating on her. It was something that he had done before and when this happened, his old habit resurfaced."

"Oh, I am so sorry."