
Chapter 3: Trust me...

Moonlight rolled onto the dew-filled grass and woke up from the sudden coldness. She sneezed and then lifted her hand looking at the dew drops on her hand. She stood up and brushed all the dust and dew off her. She scratched the back of her head and noticed her antlers and ears were showing. she quickly hid them and sighed, standing up. Suddenly out of no where, Melody appeared. Moonlight fell to the ground, shocked and then she closed her eyes and opened them realising it was Melody. She stood back up and greeted Melody with a friendly "Hello." Melody looked at her curiously "Why did you sleep here instead of a house?" Moonlight nervously put her hands behind her back and unleased her claws "Because I like it here" She said in a meanish tone. Just as Moonlight was about to show Melody her claws, Melody responded quietly "Oh okay...." Moonlight sighed, putting the claws back and put her hands beside herself. Melody looked at Moonlight. "So wanna go into the village?" Melody said. Moonlight nodded and followed Melody to the village. Melody and Moonlight snooped around from store to store curious as ever.

"Moonlight, have you ever fought someone?" Melody asked politely. Moonlight glared at Melody. "Why..?" Melody shrugged. "Just want to know." Moonlight nodded. "Yes... Yes I have." Melody looked at Moonlight "Okay" she said, smiling at Moonlight. They both continued snooping around stores and stopped at the fast food joint. "Can I have a plain cheeseburger and some chips?" Melody said to the worker. The worker nodded "Sure! would your friend like anything?" Moonlight looked at the worker "Can I have a small raspberry drink?" she said quietly. The worker nodded and sent the order to the cooks. (2 minutes later..) "Order 317!" Melody and Moonlight stood up and grabbed their order and went to a table. Melody started piling her chips on her cheeseburger and Moonlight slowly sipped on her raspberry drink. (A couple minutes after they were done eating/drinking) "Moonlight, wanna go back home?" Melody smiled. "Sure!" Moonlight said happily. Melody and Moonlight walked out of the fast food joint and they walked to Melody's house. "you can stay with me, Moonlight, if you want." Moonlight shook her head "I'm fine in my stick hut." Moonlight spun around and started walking to her stick hut. Melody noticed Moonlight had a tail that popped out when she spun around. Melody took a picture. "Bingo.." Melody laughed. Moonlight continued walking to her stick hut and lied down, falling asleep not soon after she lied down....

I really liked this chapter to be honest. I can't wait to make chapter 4! ? Leave some comments on chapter 3 if you would like some of your suggestions in the next chapter! By the way, this is not inspired by anything. I am making it off the top of my head but sorry if it is related to a different novel/movie. That's all I wanna say. Baii!

OofTheWoofcreators' thoughts