
modern apocalypse

A group of high schoolers are forced to work together to survive in the apocalypse, will they survive, and will they be able to put their broken world back together again?

Crag_the_croc · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Me and Dabby peer out the window of our second floor Biology class in complete awe. The rest of the class is either doing the same, panicking, screaming and crying, or sprinting out the doorway.

The people at the windows watch as Grace, a kid in our school's mother's head gets torn off by a creature outside of her car window. The car had been unlocked prior to let Grace in, I assumed. Grace lets out a terrible scream. Her eyes dart around wildly, not knowing what to do. At last, she whips open the back door of the car and grabs out Gabe. Gabe does not move, he just lets her drag him out of the car and into the school, watching as his mother is feasted upon by more creatures.

"That's so fucked. That's so fucked up. That is so, unbelievably fucked up." Dabby says, backing away from the window. Xe looks absolutely terrified. I look at xem, unsure of what to do. Xe looks back at me. Shit. i think. We are royally fucked.

A couple of the bigger students start to block the doorway with various pieces of furniture, including chairs, tables, and even- wait, is that a cabinet? I turn over to the wall where there are cabinets lining the space above the lab tables, (or were they used to be), and right there, is a bare piece of drywall, ripped up from the cabinet that had used to be attached to it being ripped from it. Dabby follows my gaze. Xe doesn't look surprised.


It isn't long before we can hear a chorus of what we assume to be the creatures shrieking. We hear the creatures banging on the door. Me, Dabby, and a few other classmates are huddled in a corner of the room. Our teacher, Mr. Crow, stands up against the tables and chairs and cabinets blocking the door, along with the students who blocked it up in the first place.

Everything is so loud. I can't even hear myself think, and I don't realize I'm holding my breath until I start to get light-headed. Dabby's breathing is quick, as if xeir having trouble breathing. I don't blame xem. That's when the screaming starts. A chorus of screams erupt from all around us, outside in the streets and in the buildings around us, and from inside the school too. A few students whimper.

I notice that the people blocking the door are having trouble, and I get up to help. Dabby looks at me with a face that says, what the actual fuck are you doing? But I help them anyway. I thought it might be a good idea since I'm two years older than most of the students in my grade, if that made any difference in my strength. Probably not. I don't know. Dabby gets up to help too, but I glare at xem, and xe sits back down. Xe is also older than everyone in our grade, being 19. However xe is on hormone blockers, and is about the height and strength of a middle schooler. Xeir efforts would make little difference, and I don't want to risk xem getting hurt, or worse.