
modern apocalypse

A group of high schoolers are forced to work together to survive in the apocalypse, will they survive, and will they be able to put their broken world back together again?

Crag_the_croc · Horror
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5 Chs


"See you tomorrow!" Forrest says to me as I walk away. I return the gesture with a simple wave and smile.

I make my way farther away from the front door of the school, and closer to my parents car, waiting for me in the front lot. My mother sits in the driver's seat. She notices I'm there and waves at me. I hear the click of the car unlocking.

But wait, there's something else too. Something loud. I stop in my tracks and turn in the direction of the noise. Mom does the same, almost mimicking my motions. The street is crowded with people, no, not people- well definitely not human, at least. The creatures are tall, pale humanoid creatures whose limbs are twisted and stretched in unnatural ways, and spots of purple and yellow rot dots their skin. They produce a terrible shrieking sound. One of the creature's faces is stretched out, elongating its mouth and other features on its face. It tears apart a poor civilian as they attempt to run away. They squiggle and twist and turn in its grasp, but to no avail. I can only watch as it rips each limb off the person as they slowly stop struggling and go limp, a mess of a corpse. The creatures walk slowly towards the school. I am frozen.

I have no idea what to do. They don't teach this in school. The only thing i can get myself to do is say, "what the fuck?"