
modern apocalypse

A group of high schoolers are forced to work together to survive in the apocalypse, will they survive, and will they be able to put their broken world back together again?

Crag_the_croc · Horror
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5 Chs


I quickly swing open the door to the janitors closet, pulling myself inside. I lock the door. I glance around the closet, scanning my resources. a shelf full of cleaning supplies, a mop and bucket, and a shelf to my right held a few planks of wood and some nails, a hammer and a crowbar. I grab them and begin nailing the wooden planks to the door. All I can do is listen as the creatures bang against the door. Background noise includes the terrible screams of students and teachers.


Eventually, all the noise stops. I sit there in silence, too afraid to make a sound. Those creatures- abominations, could still be in the school. As I stare into the darkness, I notice a radio up on the very top shelf, next to a box labeled "confiscated items". I grab the radio, and sit back down. My finger hovers above the button atop the radio. I turn on the radio, and sudden jumbled static meets my ears. I turn the nob on the right side of the radio, until I get to a station with recognizable voices. The radio spews a worried voice,

"Um, so-" They sigh. "Disaster reigns over our small town. If anyone is listening, we urge you to take shelter until further notice. These "creatures" appear to be mangled human corpses, taken control of by some sort of parasite or disease. They appear quite weak, but are very strong and fast. They can be killed only by targeting and destroying the brain. Why they came in a sudden wave is unknown. Rumors suggest that it was kept a secret by the government before now. We will come back to you with any further updates." The line turns to static. I look at the door, wondering if its safe to leave yet. But my thoughts are interrupted by a loud crashing sound. Faint screams erupt from what seems to be upstairs, and I quickly switch off the radio. I can't take my eyes off the door as I listen to the fighting upstairs. It continues for what seems like hours, until it slowly stops. the silence is broken by a knock on the door.

"Hello?" A small voice says. I stay silent. Another voice comes from outside.

"We know you're in there. we're here to help. We cleared all those... abominations out of the school. It's safe, we promise." Skeptically, I say, "Okay. First just let me unblock the door." I take the crowbar and pry the wood off the door. I turn the knob, and flinch as light pours in through the doorway. "I am greeted by two teenagers, one was very tall, and had fair skin, and very light blonde hair. his eyes almost looked red. the other was short, and had dark brown hair and a skin tone that resembled caramel, similar to my own.

"Hi." The tall one says.

"Hey." I reply.