
MHA: Neptune Origin (AU)

Grey is a 15-year-old kid who dies from an unlucky encounter. When he is reborn into the World of MHA, follow his story as he finds himself in a world devastated by the villains who have come to destroy society. "Wait. All Might? Heroes? Quirks? Who the hell is Steel Heart? I'm American? What about U.A.? This isn't the MHA I remember!"

DaoistSmileySmile · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Quirk? New Friend?

(Author- Hello! I hope everyone does enjoy this!)

Gil watches as Jada is removed from a large round x-ray machine.

"Good! Now soon as it finishes processing the data, I should be able to tell you your quirk and enhancement levels." The doctor states with a warm smile.

Despite spending such little time with the man, Gil can already tell that the man truly is a kind man. Tiny mannerisms such as how he talks to him and Jada, his smile, and the look in his eyes. He felt comfortable around this man.

"Hey, mister! What is it? What's my Quirk? It is strong? What is it?" Jada asks with wide eyes staring at the old man excitedly.

The old man chuckles, his soft smile growing a little brighter, "Well hang on. I'll know in just a minute."

Jada turns to her mom running over and giving her a big hug. "Mommy I did it! I'm gonna have a quirk!" She shouts excitedly, the obvious nervousness very noticeable.

"That's right hunny. I'm sure it will be a great quirk." Her mother replies as she begins to gently brush her daughter's head with her hand.

"Mommy…. Will I be able to be a strong Hero like you?" Jada asks quietly, a slight quiver in her voice at the uncertainty.

'That's why she is so desperate to be strong. Her mother is an incredible Hero, and if I remember correctly, then her father is current rank 6 in Japan and currently ranked 41 nationally.

With such amazing parents, of course she would feel pressured to be strong.' Gil can't help but look at Jada with a mix of approval and empathy.

After a moment of the doctor working with the computer, he turns to Jada. "Congratulations! Your Enhancements are all amazing!

B-rank Mental.

A-rank dexterity.

S-Rank physique!

"Yay!" Jada squeals as she hugs her mother.

Gil looks at the little girl next to him in shock and admiration. All three of her stats were incredible, and her having an S-rank physique was crazy!

The doctor smile warmly congratulating the little girl. "With an S-rank physique, you are completely bulletproof and should be able to take most attacks that lack quirk energy with little to no damage.

As for your mental and dexterity, both of those are impressive as well."

Alice smiles warmly at Jada. "Congratulations! That's amazing!"

Gil nods, "very cool."

Jada smirks, "See I told you I am stronger!"

Gil shakes his head, "Don't be so sure yet. I haven't had my turn."

The doctor then clears his throat. "Now for your quirk…. It's quite incredible."

"What is it?" Jada asks wide-eyed, her eyes glittering in excitement at the man's statement.

"It's a unique quirk. It is unnamed as no one has ever possessed it before. It allows you to absorb and store solar energy from the sun and stars, and then manifest it as a type of radiant energy! It is undoubtedly an S-rank quirk!

"Yes! I told you I was strong!" Jada squeals, her long white hair bouncing behind her as she jumps up and down, beaming with the most adorable smile.

"Wow." Gil chuckles. That's insane. He might actually be weaker than her when it comes to stats and quirk.

"Well. Your turn boyo." The doctor chuckles as he gestures for him to lie down inside of the pod like X-ray machine.

Walking over, he can feel his stomach sinking to his feet. 'Am I just overthinking things? What if I'm not as strong as I thought?' These thoughts sweep through Gil's mind, but he shakes them aside.

'It's fine. If I don't have talent, hard work can make up for it.' He thinks to himself calming his nerves.

In his old world, he always felt lost. The only thing he was talented at and enjoyed was fighting, but it was difficult to use such talent in that world without being a government slave.

However, in this world, his love for fighting and his talent for it could truly allow him to live to the fullest!

It didn't matter if he was strong or weak. He would become the strongest Hero. No matter what.

As he steps into the pod, he closes his eyes these thoughts running through his mind.

No matter his quirk. He will become the strongest.

It feels like hours pass in the few minutes that actually did. The bright lights shine through his closed eyelids as he feels a strange aura encompassing his body.

After time passes, the pod he is laying in unclasps and the lid swings open allowing him to exit it. As he does so, he stands there nervous, unsure of himself, but determined.

The doctor turns to him and his mother. "Congratulations! You have an

SS-Rank mental

A-Rank Dexterity

A-Rank Physique!"

Gil smiles, relief sweeping through him. An SS-Rank Mental with A-Rank Dex and Phy? That's amazing!

"I can't believe it! My baby is so talented!." Gil's mother smiles while hugging the boy excitedly.

"An SS-Rank Mental with the other two both being A-Rank? He definitely has incredible potential." Emily muses with a smile.

The doctor smirks. "Well dam. What two monsters did you bring here today?"

They all look at the doctor's wide eyes waiting. Well of course Jada with her incredible stats plus her quirk would be described as a monster, but if he is saying multiple, that can only mean that....

"Gil, your quirk is the B-Rank Quirk Psychic. It grants you telekinetic powers. That paired with your SS-Rank Mentality is a very powerful quirk."

Gil feels the nerves flow out of his body like a breaking dam. Thank god. "Yes! Mommy, you hear that? Did you hear?" He asks excitedly.

"That's amazing Hunny!" She states proudly staring at her little boy.

The doctor coughs, interrupting the sweet moment, "That's not all. You also have the B-Rank Quirk Enhancer."

Hearing this everyone falls silent. A dual quirk user?

Psychic, a Quirk that is directly connected to Mental, allows you to use telekinetic energy abilities based on how strong your mind and willpower are. Enhancer, a Quirk that is connected to both Mental and Physique. In exchange for sacrificing your energy and putting strain on the body, you can significantly enhance your physical abilities.

Immediately Gil realizes the synergy between the two quirks and smiles excitedly.

'With this! I can be the Hero I dream of!'