
MHA: Neptune Origin (AU)

Grey is a 15-year-old kid who dies from an unlucky encounter. When he is reborn into the World of MHA, follow his story as he finds himself in a world devastated by the villains who have come to destroy society. "Wait. All Might? Heroes? Quirks? Who the hell is Steel Heart? I'm American? What about U.A.? This isn't the MHA I remember!"

DaoistSmileySmile · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

6 Years Later

(6 years later)


Sent flying backward, Gil grits his teeth, pain surging through his side from where Jada struck him. "Ha! Gotcha!" She shouts with a childish grin, her long white hair blowing behind her in the wind, her eyes glowing a deep red as two spheres of energy form on her hands.

"Tch" Gil grunts as he stands back up. Gathering the psychic energy, a dark green glow encases his body. Using the energy he gathers, he uses his quirk Enhancer, to absorb the energy heightening his physical abilities.

Blitzing forwards, he closes the gap between himself and Jada. Realizing she's in trouble, Jada grits her teeth before lowering her left hand and blasting an energy beam toward Gil.

Gil quickly dodges to the side, narrowly avoiding the energy beam. Taking advantage of the opening, he rushes toward Jada and lands a powerful punch on her side, causing her to stumble backward.

Jada recovers quickly and retaliates with a swift kick aimed at Gil's head. Gil blocks the attack with his arm and counterattacks with a roundhouse kick, which Jada evades by jumping back.

The two continue their intense battle, trading blows and dodging attacks with impressive speed and precision. As they fight, their quirk abilities intensify, causing the air around them to crackle with energy.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity of battling, Gil manages to land a decisive blow, knocking Jada to the ground. As she struggles to get up, Gil offers her a hand, a small smile on his face.

Jada accepts his hand, smiling back at him. "Ugh I can't believe I lost again" she pouts, her eyes returning to their normal chocolate brown, matching her skin tone.

"Hehe, I told you I'd beat you again. What has it been now? Three weeks since I've lost?" Gil chuckles, jokingly mocking Jada.

Ignoring the bait, Jada changes the subject. "You're still struggling to actually use your psychic abilities in a fight huh?"

As she asks this, she falls onto the long soft grass on the field they are in, breathing in deeply enjoying the smell of spring, the sweet smell of flowers and salt from the nearby ocean filling the air.

Gil nods, a slight frown on his face. "Yeah. It's hard to maintain concentration when I'm getting punched in the face or blasted with laser beams. Currently, it's just more effective to use my psychic energy as fuel for my enhancement quirk."

Gil sits down next to Jada, glancing over at her. She nods. "You'll get the hang of it soon enough."

Gil smiles at her, "Thanks for the vote of confidence. And speaking of getting the hang of things, how's your secret training coming along?"

Jada grins, excitement lighting up her face, "Great! Soon I will have a surprise for you! Then I will win for sure!"

Gil chuckles shaking his head, "I don't understand why you don't just let me help you train. You'd definitely improve faster with my help."

Jada shakes her head. "Sorry Gil, but I rely on you way too much as it is. We are friends but this is something I want to do on my own."

"Okay, okay I get it." Gil sighs.

The two fall silent, their minds drifting elsewhere. "I miss mom, and auntie" Jada whispers quietly.

"I know." Gil murmurs, his heart aching at the thought of his parents and his 'aunt.'

After meeting Jada, the two families grew extremely close. Apparently, Jada had taken a liking to Gil and the two became very close friends, practically inseparable.

From school, sports, studying, and going to the dojo, to just hanging out together, the two rarely could be found alone. Gil also has no complaints about this. Jada was very fun to be around, as her antics always manage to make him laugh, and the two frankly were very comfortable around each other.

One year ago, Steel Heart became much more active near the border, and his spies became much more aggressive. This increase in work pretty much required the two kids' families, who all worked in intelligence, to move around a lot because of their work.

Because of this, Jada and Gil were both left in the care of the Blake family servants. Jada's family is extremely rich, with their mansion being located right over near the ocean by the beach. The land is extremely private as the family purchased all the nearby lots for safety.

Even the weakest servant in the house is a former Hero, all with personal ties to Emily Blake, making them trusted friends.

This also was great for the kid's training, as many of the servants would take time out of their day to personally teach them.

Gil sighs, continuing to lie in the grass as Jada heads inside. thoughts racing through his mind. Despite his young age, he can't help but worry about everything.

'What if mom and dad don't make it back?'

'What if I never master telekinesis?'

These thoughts and more race through his mind, but he shakes them away. There is no point in worrying about these things. Mom and dad are strong, they don't need any help. And he will master telekinesis.

He forces positive thinking into his mind despite his worries.

As time went by, he kept up with his school routine and spent several hours every day working out in the home gym located within the mansion. His rigorous exercise regimen included weight lifting and cardio training, and he pushed himself to his limits every day.

Seeing her friend working so hard only motivates Jada to do the same. Gil is honestly shocked by how driven Jada is. Every hour he is in the gym, she is right next to him. For every second he is training, she is.

The young girl's competitive nature drove her to keep up with he level of hard work as Gil, who possesses memories from a previous life.

As the days passed, Jada's competitive spirit and determination only grew stronger. She was not content with just keeping up with Gil's exercise regimen, but she wanted to surpass him in every aspect.

Gil, on the other hand, was amazed at Jada's ability to keep up with his intense training schedule. He couldn't believe that a young girl like Jada was able to push herself to such an extent. Nevertheless, her hard work and dedication inspired him to work even harder.

Unknowingly, the servants of the house watch the two children with admiration. "They truly are incredible. With no adult supervision, they could easily laze around doing nothing, but instead, these two spend most of their day training."

Little did the servants know, that to Gil, this wasn't working at all! In his old life, he had trained rigorously as a semi-professional fighter.

Now, in this life, he has a chance to be a real-life superhero! Who would consider this as work? Jada on the other hand simply hated losing.

As the two continue their lives, they prepare for the world to come, and as the years pass, the time they so look forward to grows closer and closer.

After another six years, it's time.

"Welcome to A.D.V.E.N.T. the number one Hero training facility in the U.S.!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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