
MHA: Neptune Origin (AU)

Grey is a 15-year-old kid who dies from an unlucky encounter. When he is reborn into the World of MHA, follow his story as he finds himself in a world devastated by the villains who have come to destroy society. "Wait. All Might? Heroes? Quirks? Who the hell is Steel Heart? I'm American? What about U.A.? This isn't the MHA I remember!"

DaoistSmileySmile · Anime & Comics
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New World

(Author- Hey I hope you guys all enjoy! If you do, please comment!)


The following four years were some that Gil would never forget. Growing up in a loving home, his life was nothing but perfect. While learning to control his own bodily functions was definitely a struggle, it didn't take him too long.

What really shocked him about the world he now calls home, is one single fact. He knows this world. My Hero Academia. Or well, one very similar.

This world had many key differences from the world in the anime he had watched back on earth. In this world, villains ran rampant and the world was filled with war. Places like Russia, China, Australia, and Large Chunks of the United States were all taken over by various villain factions.

Heroes operated less as tv propaganda, and more as elite mercenaries that worked alongside the government to combat the villains.

Heroes are only the best of the best. However, because of their incredible power, they challenged their superiors in the government and often disobeyed orders. This led to much tension between the Heroes and the Government which tried to control them, causing many of the strongest and most useful Heroes to become vigilantes.

To solve this issue, those who were heroes, or entered Hero School, were granted immunity from government control, and would instead be treated as private mercenaries, who can be hired by the government.

This movement allowed heroes to work together with the government on even terms and brought about the current world system for becoming a Hero.

Despite the strong opposition, Villains quickly took rise causing chaos throughout the world. Villains like All For One, Steel Heart, Cryptic Soul, and Laughing Devil, developed their own factions, and fiercely fight against the Heroes to this day.

Despite All For One being defeated by All Might in Japan recently, his faction managed to prevent collapse under the command of an unknown figure.

The United States, where Gil was born, has had some of the worst villain issues. Steel Heart and Laughing Devil both developed their factions and conquered much of it. With only South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida managing to stay out of their hands.

With two villain factions as strong as the Steel Fists and Laughing Devils present, the country is at constant war and experiences some of the most direct conflicts with villains.

Gil is aware of all this. His parents are both Heroes based out of Florida. Because of this, it was easy for him to learn much at a young age.

His first two years had been spent relearning to read and write, as well as being a kid. Going to Preschool and Kindergarten followed after. Despite having the memories of an older self, he still very much fit his age and didn't have any issues making friends.

Now, at the age of four, it's finally time....

----4 years later----

Gil groans as he looks out the window of his mom's car, lazily staring aimlessly at the passing cars. "Mom, how much longer till we get there? I'm so bored."

Gil, despite being mentally older than his body, often acted his physical age naturally. He has never had to fake his personality, as being mature was hard!

No matter his old memories, he felt as if he really is only the age of his body, as his mind operates like that of a child. Uncontrollable boredom, incredible imagination, and love for story times were natural for him.

"Almost hunny, it's only about five minutes away." His mom replies with a smile. His mom is a beautiful woman, standing at around five foot, with long bright blond hair, smooth pale skin, and emerald green eyes.

Gil most definitely took after his mother in his appearance but has the hair of his father. His short auburn hair glows softly in the light. His soft pale skin and emerald green eyes complement each other nicely.

At this time, Gil smiles as the car finally pulls up to the large white building.... The Quirk Doctors. Thankfully he knew he didn't have to worry about being quirkless. He has already learned that he is significantly stronger than other kids his age.

Not in a natural manner either. When one is born with the ability to utilize a quirk, their physical body also gets a specific boost in strength naturally. This is ranked on an F-SS scale. No matter what your quirk is, you will receive a physical boost.

This boost is an unknown phenomenon. We currently do not know why some people receive larger boosts than others. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it either. Those with strong quirks will sometimes have weak boosts, while useless quirks will come with great boosts.

Using the clearly high boosts he has compared to other kids, Gil is certain that he does, at the very least, have a quirk.

Gil can't help but sigh gently in relief at this. He has always had a love for being strong. In his old life, he dedicated himself to MMA, trying to become the strongest. Now, his goals are no different, and having these physical boosts are the bare minimum of becoming strong.

"Mommmm let's go!" He chuckles as he unbuckles his seatbelt and leaps from the car.

"I'm coming, but just hang on!" She gently scolds Gil as she locks the door and follows him inside the building.

The inside of the building is almost exactly the same as the outside. Flawless white wall with a very clean and crisp appearance. The waiting room is well furnished and clean, it has a few sitting in it waiting for their appointment, including one girl who looks to be the same age as Gil and her mother.

"I'll be right back baby. I'm just going to check you in. Can you go sit down on the couch over there for me?" Gil's mother asks as she heads over to the receptionist.

Walking over to the chairs, Gil sits down and waits as patiently as he can. After only a moment, Gil feels a soft tap on his right shoulder. Turning, he sees the young girl. She has soft brown eyes, medium-length smooth snow white hair, light chocolate skin, and a very bright and friendly smile.

"Hey! Are you also here to learn your quirk?" She asks sweetly.

Her sheer friendliness can't help but make Gil smile, "Yep! What about you?"

"mhm! Imma be the strongest!" She says while flexing her right arm with a huge smile.

"Hm? That's impossible though." Gil says with a soft smile.

"Huh? Why?" She asks confused.

Gil smirks as she falls into his trap, "How can you be the strongest when I'm here?" He asks with a straight face while pointing to himself.

"Ehh? And who are you?" She asks while puffing her cheeks out in annoyance.

"My name is Gil. What's your name?" He asks curiously.

"Hm. I'm Jada. But you don't look very strong." She asks while looking him up and down.

"Neither do you!" Gil chuckles back amused by the little girl in front of him.

"Yes, I do!" She comes back while crossing her arms.

Looking up from her phone, the girl's mother sees her daughter talking to a young boy and she walks over. The mother of the young girl is tall for a woman, standing at 5ft11. She has dark skin, long silky black hair, and is covered in scars. Her most notable feature, is the fact that her left arm is gone from just above the elbow.

"Jada are you bothering him?" She asks with an exasperated expression.

"Mom! I'm not bothering him! Am I?" She asks while looking at me with big puppy dog eyes.

"No mam. She's not bothering me." Gil replies with a smile.

"Jada, play nice okay?" She says with a chuckle.

"Hm? Miss Emily?" A soft feminine voice asks mildly surprised.

Emily turns to look at Gil's mother, her face lighting up. "Hello Alice! It's so good to see you. You can drop the formalities, this isn't work."

"Ah of course. I'm sorry." She chuckles slightly embarrassed.

Is this your son?" Emily asks

"Yes, Gil, this is my boss, say hi!" His mother asks with a sweet smile.

"Hello Miss Emily, I'm Gil!" He introduces himself with a smile. Looking up at the woman, he can't help but feel a hint of admiration and respect.

How could he not recognize the name of Emily Blake, also known as BladeSinger. The former rank three Hero in the United States, and the former rank 17th nationally.

"Hey kiddo." She chuckles in response.

Before the mom can introduce Jada, the girl beams a large smile, "Hey! I'm Jada. Nice to meet you!"

"Hello sweetie. I'm Gil's mom, you can call me miss Alice."

"Hello!" She greet his mother before turning back to him.

"Hm. We should go in together! I wanna see how strong you are." She says with a challenging glare.

"Hm? Is that okay?" He asks as he glances over at his mother.

Emily nods her head, "It should be. I'm okay with it if you are." She states as she turns to face Alice.

"Hm? I guess I don't have a reason to say no."

"Yay!" Jada shouts excitedly with a big smile.

"I'm gonna be stronger than you!"

Gil chuckles shaking his head, "No chance."

"Hmmm!" She hums while glaring at him, but her glare wasn't one of anger, but more confidence.

At this time, the woman at the desk stands, "Miss Alice? It's time for you and your son!"

Hearing this, Gil can't help but feel his throat grow dry, and his stomach fill with butterflies. This is perhaps the most important day of his entire life.

After all, even if his base abilities are good, it will be his Quirk that will truly decide wether he can reach his goal of becoming the strongest.

Even if it's weak, he will still try his best, but, at the very least he hopes that it will have decent utility.

Walking up to the desk, his mother smiles, "If it's okay, would it be allowed for miss Jada here to join us and have our appointments at the same time?"

"Hm? As long as both of you are okay with it it shouldn't be a problem." The woman replies with a positive nod.

"Yay! Thank you lady!" Jada beams a wide smile.

"Haha of course cutie!" She chuckles in response. At this time, they all follow the woman down the hall till they reach a room.

"In here! Good luck both of you. I hope you both get amazing quirks." She smiles with a friendly warmth.

As the two enter the room, sitting inside is a thin old man. Dressed in a lab coat, he has a shiny bald head, a well-kept white beard, and deep green, friendly eyes.

"Welcome. Let's begin children."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DaoistSmileySmilecreators' thoughts