
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 23: No Holds Barred

"Kurogiri, separate them and let the recruits kill them all." Handjob guy ordered.

"Yes, master Shigaraki." Kurogiri spread himself and trapped them into a dome.

"Attacks don't work on him, I'm scanning him right now!" Izumi's optics analyzed Kurogiri.

"It's the braces! They contain his real body! It has larger mass than it should have!" Izumi revealed and Melissa started blasting.

But before they could hit Kurogiri, they got warped all over the place.

"Damn it! I should have scanned them first, stupid!" Izumi was falling and she saw that Tsuyu was with her.

She flew right to Tsuyu and caught her before she fell in the water.

Izumi then dropped her in a boat that was in the middle of the water.

"Kero, Izumi. Thanks for that." Tsuyu nodded at her as she saw the waters. It was infested with villains.

"What do we do now?" Tsuyu asked her as Izumi was the smarter one of them.

"We don't know what their quirks is. So I'll be doing this." Izumi shot cables from her arm and her arc reactor delivered a shock.

The water got electrified and villains seized left and right.

Izumi left it on for a solid minute before stopping, making Tsuyu gag at the smell of burnt flesh as they experienced electrical burns.

"I think they're dead." Izumi checked for any signs of vitals.

"H-how can you kill them just like that?" Tsuyu was shaken and Izumi raised her face plate. Staring at her with a grave expression.

"Because it's either them, or us. Alex always drilled it into us to kill villains if they have the intent on doing the same..." Izumi threw up and she fell on her butt.

"I-it doesn't mean I wanted to..." Izumi shuddered as she saw their eyes roll in the water.

Getting electrocuted violently until their corpses burned enough to smell.

"Fuck..." Izumi threw up again as she remembered their haunting visage as they died a brutal death.

"Izumi-chan... Come on, we have to regroup." Tsuyu wouldn't know how it felt, but she was sure that it must've been awful.

Izumi stood up on shaky legs and Tsuyu latched on to her. They then flew towards the one who Izumi can sense immediately, Melissa.

"Come and get it you fuckers!" Melissa shouted as she shot her repulsors at villains that were coming at them in droves.

Embodying the Murican spirit, she started blasting with her appropriate home defense repulsors.

Mashirao, Aoyama, and some tape guy named Hanta Sero were with her and Mina. Melissa then saw Mina brace herself. "Mashirao! Aoyama! Hanta! Close your eyes!"

"Eat this!" Mina fired her acid on them and they screamed bloody murder.

Unlike Melissa's repulsors that granted them an easy death, Mina's acid wasn't that merciful nor generous.

"Blergh." Mina puked as she saw a grown man scream as he melted into a puddle of goop.

"T-that's nasty." Melissa went green, but she prevented herself from throwing up.

The other three lost consciousness as they saw how Mina's quirk turned them into black goop.

"My sensors feel Izumi coming, we will guard them for now." Melissa sat down for a second as the horrifying screams resounded in her head.

"Y-yeah, that's a good idea." Mina was trembling.

"I... I didn't know that thinking of killing somebody and imagining it is much more different than doing it yourself." Mina shook like a leaf.

"There, there. Alex can probably smell people out things from miles away. He will bring uncle Might and take care of these guys." Melissa hugged her.

It didn't help that Mina's quirk melts people into goop as they scream for mercy.

Ochaco was with Momo. And she didn't have anything much to throw.

"Iida, run away and get support." Ochaco took his mass and Tenya felt floaty.

"B-but I'm the class representative! I must lead us!" Ochaco thought it was cute that he was straight laced, but that's not the answer she was looking for.

"Go! We will hold them here!" Ochaco threw him at the gates and Tenya gritted his teeth.

"I will be back with support!" Tenya started to use his engines as jets, giving him the largest speed boost he's ever had.

"Villains, you aren't smart, are you?" Momo produced a new belt for her gatling gun.

"Where's your aegis now?" Momo pressed the buttons as her mounted gatling gun that was anchored to the ground roared.

"Yaoyorozu! Killing people is for last resorts!" Aizawa shouted and Thirteen nodded gravely.

"You've seen what that monster can do, Kirishima is the only one who can hold it." Momo was proven right as hurricane force winds kept hitting them.

"Tch, I'll give him some support. Thirteen, keep the other students safe!" Aizawa ran towards the source of the shockwaves.

Momo gulped as she felt her mouth get salty. Preparing to vomit upon seeing the torn limbs and guts around the floor of USJ.

"We have to help Kirishima!" Momo pointed at the way Aizawa ran.

"We can't! It's too dangerous! Stay here, kids." Thirteen rounded up the class. Or at least the ones left there.

"It seems that UA's students are a little trigger happy." Kurogiri appeared and students fell into a vortex, transporting them.

"You'll be stopping here!" Thirteen took the cap off of her gloves and she used her quirk.

Kurogiri's black, wispy body was getting sucked into the hole of her glove.

"Heh, you are too naive." Kurogiri opened up a portal behind her and Thirteen's back got torn apart.

"Shit! Eat this!" Momo fired an anti-material rifle at his neck brace, remembering Izumi's analysis.

Kurogiri warped immediately and they helped Thirteen.

"We have to evacuate the students, Momo. This isn't getting pretty." Ochaco frowned.

"Tch, our comms are jammed. We can't try and find that guy now. We need to get the others to safety." Momo formed heliblades above her, still attached to her arm.

"What's our status?" Melissa appeared with Izumi, they were carrying three unconscious boys along with Mina and Tsuyu.

Momo formed a net and Ochaco touched her. Momo's weight decreased a lot. She then spawned ammonia smelling salts to wake up Hanta.

"Sero! Tape the others to yourself, we will evacuate. Don't hesitate!" Momo saw that he was about to retort or something.

The kid with a tape dispenser in his elbows taped the others and Momo ordered them to get in the net.

"Melissa and Izumi are fast enough to support the others, I can't hold this for that long!" Ochaco held on to Momo as she started sweating.

Momo frowned as Ochaco's limit was fast approaching. It took a lot of concentration to decrease someone's mass instead of just gravity.

"Stay safe, everyone." Momo looked behind her as she turned into a human chopper.

Katsuki was currently surrounded in an urban environment and she was quiet.

"Keke~ look at her, she's frozen stiff in fear. How about it jou-chan? We'll let you live if you just stay there and let us have some fun?" A villain cackled.

They circled her like vultures and Katsuki's red eyes stared at them like they were dead men walking.

Katsuki locked in and her face turned emotionless.

"Your deaths won't be pretty in the slightest." Katsuki's suit heated up and she started sweating bullets.

"Huh? Shut up and just lie dow-" The guy who was yapping saw a black scale appear right beside him.

It then suddenly exploded with the force of a pack of c4.

"W-wha?" They were suddenly shellshocked and Katsuki flew like a jet right at them.

"Dieeeee! Scum!" Katsuki kicked off a man's head as concentrated explosions on her heel acted as jets to boost her kick's strength.

It didn't help that she was one of the most athletic amongst the group, just behind Kirishima and Alex.

She saw a guy with rocky skin run at her and she dodged his tackle.

Katsuki then gave a palm strike right at his torso, releasing an explosion upon impact.

The rock man flew for a solid 50 meters in the air before going splat on the ground. His two halves dropping at different intervals.

"VERMIN!" Katsuki roared as she charged at them. If they were willing to assault teens, then she has no qualms in killing them.

Shoko was freezing villains left and right, her other half was frozen with ice as her eye glowed a gleaming red.

"How pathetic, being beaten by a child. Do villains amount only to this much?" She looked at them like they were trash.

"Shoko! Come! We need to help Kirishima!" Melissa and Izumi came to her as she was making icebergs that was easily spottable.

"He's fighting a monster that can match Allmight, come on let's go!" Izumi grabbed her and Melissa grabbed Mina and Tsuyu again.

"I can help, kero." Tsuyu noticed that she was going to be dropped off to somewhere safe.

"No, you can't. Sorry, but you'll get in the way." Melissa dropped her off near the entrance.

"Maybe next time, Tsu-chan!" Mina shouted as she waved at her.

"Kero, I can fight too." She then suddenly was almost blown away by a shockwave coming from a nearby source.

"Or not, kero." She started leaping in retreat, knowing her limits.


"It feels like I'm punching vulcanized rubber." Kirishima frowned as he punched the thing called Nomu.

Nomu charged at him and they entered a contest of strength, pushing at each other.

"Tch, then I'll do this!" Kirishima swatted its arm away, letting its hand crash on the floor.

He then hardened his fingertips as it sharpened. Kirishima stabbed it right onto its chest as he couldn't reach its obviously exposed brain.

Kirishima might not be bright, but he knows a weakpoint when he sees one.

He took out its heart. But he almost puked in disgust as it regenerated nigh instantly.

"Heh, you hax abusing fuck. Nomu not only has super strength and shock absorption. He also has regeneration." Shigaraki smirked.

Nomu roared on his face, covering him with its spittle before it grabbed him on the face and dragged him on the ground like a plow.

Kirishima kicked its arm and he got fired up. "One for All, 60%." He whispered as crimson streaks of lightning appeared on his body.

Spreading One for All over his whole physique, he was brimming with power.

"Haaa!" Kirishima grabbed its waist and he suplexed it into the ground.

With a resounding boom, the ground cratered and he grabbed its legs. "Raaaah!" Kirishima was about to tear it in half, but his leg got caught as well and he was thrown aside.

"You've got me all fired up!" Kirishima stared at the Nomu and it roared before charging at him like an animal.

Kirishima and the Nomu punched the shit out of each other as his features got sharper and pointier.

"How? How can he match Nomu for this long?" Shigaraki frowned heavily as he scratched his arms and neck.

"Fuck you! That's why!" Aizawa got him with a drop kick because he was distracted.

He was about to capture him with his special scarf, but it suddenly turned into dust.

"Eraserhead... You fucking piece of shit mob, how dare you try to enter a boss battle?" Shigaraki glared daggers at him.

Aizawa prepared for a scrap, looking at Kirishima first.

"Nomu! Kill this fucking filthy ganker right now! Go plus ultra!" Shigaraki screeched and the Nomu locked into Aizawa.

"Shit." Aizawa suddenly got hit right on the torso by a large fist and he coughed up blood.

He flew right into a wall and bounced like a ball before he went splat on the ground.

'M-my ribcage must be broken... As well as my sternum. I can't last long with this.' Aizawa couldn't breathe.

Nomu went in for the kill and was going for a hammerfist. "Aizawa-sensei!" Kirishima wasn't fast enough to reach.

But Aizawa didn't suddenly lose consciousness as death claimed him.

A large winged appendage hit Nomu like a truck, sending it flying away.

"Don't worry teach, for I am here." Alex cracked his neck in his tigrex form.

"You're late..." Aizawa didn't want to admit it, but he was glad that he arrived. Late little prick.

"Heroes are fashionably late, aren't they? Now, come at me." Alex charged in all fours as the earth shook due to his absolute might.

Tigrex aren't called absolute power for nothing.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.