
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 21: Exhibition Match

Mina was against Izumi and the whole class agreed that Alex's group should fight with them only.

"Let's go, Izumi." Mina grinned at her and Izumi nodded.

Mina immediately began the fight by copying Momo, putting more slick acid on the ground as she slid around.

Izumi tried to predict her movements, but Mina was slippery like an eel. Not to mention her extreme flexibility.

Mina could fold herself like a pretzel. Izumi's concentration suddenly got shot as Mina spewed acid on her.

And the ground she was on before dodging started to sizzle. Izumi sweated and she ran around, dodging.

Mina learned a thing from Momo though, she shot slippery acid from time to time.

She then got boxed in by Mina. Izumi slipped and was hit on the torso by acid.

"Shit!" Izumi's armor started to malfunction immediately. As Mina's acid increased in intensity lately.

Izumi then surrendered as she hasn't still prepared countless gadgets and gizmos for eventualities.

Tsuyu immediately raised her arm in surrender. She would definitely not try Mina's acid.

Ochaco was against Mezo Shoji, the four-arms fraudster. And Rikido Sato, sugar man. He could multiply his stats by eating sugar.

His greatest weakness is rain. "Sorry!" Ochaco carried a steel beam and she swung it towards them before giving back its mass.

They felt their ribs shatter and got thrown back to a wall. The duo groaned as they clutched their torsos.

"That's gotta hurt..." Toru winced as she looked at Ochaco fearfully.

The others then got to fight more normally, to the relief of Yagi.

"Alright, it's time to see powerful people fight. Remember that this isn't a common occurence!" Allmight announced.

"So I'm fighting you? Fine." Alex sighed as the students got sent away.

"Why are we so far away?" Kyoka asked as the two were quite far.

"Trust me, we're not safe here." Momo put some clear shields in front of them and Kirishima dug his feet under him as he braced.

"Get ready." Kirishima said and the others nodded. Ochaco putting support beams on the wall.

"For whaaaat!?" Yuga Aoyama, the french fraudster screamed as fire suddenly hit the shield. Mina put it down immediately before they watched the two fight.

Allmight blocked a tail swipe from Alex, grabbing the part of Alex's tail that didn't have spines.

Before he could throw him away, he got hit by a fireball to the face that exploded.

"Carolina smash!" Allmight jumped as Alex was flying in the air.

He got hit by a double chop and he crashed through a building cleanly. But he just stood back up while shaking his head.

"That's crazy..." Tenya's glasses fell from his face as they saw their power.

Alex didn't quite like the powerful hit and his mouth started to crackle with fire and smoke.

He roared loudly, startling the peanut gallery. "Oh boy, he's in rage mode." Izumi smiled wryly.

Alex's body increased by at least 50% and he was definitely furious.

"Texas smash!" Allmight released an uppercut and Alex met it with a tail smash by front flipping.

He then roared on his face as Alex dodged his blows while dishing his own blows.

His fists got covered by green scales and a thick shell, but once Allmight clashed his fist with his. It cracked immediately.

"Raaah!" Alex did an unexpected maneuver as he did a tail swipe sideways.

Allmight's sides got riddled with spines and he winced.

"Agh!" He suddenly felt his muscles twitch and spasm. His nerves were firing like crazy as he broke into a cold sweat.

"That poison is really fearsome..." Yagi couldn't believe how strong his poison was. It was debilitating and Yagi had to end things fast.

"Come on then, let's give them a show." Alex released a bellowing roar as he slammed his blackening hands on the ground.

"That sounds scary as hell. I would never want to hear that in the wild." Denki shuddered.

Alex's hair turned golden as sparks of electricity crackled on his fur.

"Detroit! Smash!" Alex and Allmight's fist crashed against each other and the former got sent flying.

"Aeugh!" Allmight got hit by a laser beam of lightning and he crashed through multiple buildings.

The structures started toppling on the ground and the peanut gallery saw Alex grab a part of a building with one hand while running.

He then threw it with maximum might. Allmight punched it, sending shrapnel of concrete and steel everywhere.

"Ahhh! We're gonna die!" Mashirao Ojiro, the tail boy crouched down.

Alex's arms hardened with a roar and the two started a fist fight.

The simulated city was being hit by a hurricane of wind pressure as the two of them beat the shit out of each other.

Alex caught his leg with his tail and he grabbed him. Jumping in the air, Alex spun as he built momentum, ready to throw Yagi on the ground.

"Oklahoma smash!" He spun around, countering Alex's grips that were akin to hydraulic presses.

"California smash!" Allmight built momentum of his own, spinning around before punching.

Alex dropped to the ground like a meteor and the ground quaked.

"Missouri smash!" Allmight tried to give him a chop, but Alex caught it with his hands and slammed him to the ground.

Alex winded up for a ground pound and Allmight brought his arms in a defensive stance.

The ground cratered and dust exploded everywhere as tremors shook UA.

"Texas smash!" They heard Allmight shout as he released an uppercut that caught Alex on the chin.

Yagi breathed heavily as his neck changed to purple. Everybody was in awe at the fight.

"I had to hold back, but that was intense." Yagi spat purple liquid from his mouth as he kneeled down.

Alex then recovered from his concussion and he started healing him.

"You hit hard, old man." Alex grinned at him and Yagi felt that he didn't hit him enough.

"Your poison is as terrible as David said. I can't even feel my legs anymore." Yagi felt like he was being tortured.

"We got something for him!" Izumi ran at them and she stabbed a stim on his thigh.

They isolated Rumi's antibodies for it just in case Alex poisoned someone and they didn't want that person to die a horrible death.

Everyone has a couple of stims in their bags like an epipen.

"Thanks, for that young Izumi." Yagi started to breathe more easily as the poison receded from his body.

"Drink a lot of water, you're gonna want to urinate that still." Alex advised and Yagi nodded.

"Dude... You're so strong, what?" Denki looked at him like he was a mythical creature.

"Mon ami! Tres bien! Such power yeah?" Aoyama did hip thrusts again and he sighed.

"You have been hiding all this power? What for?" Bird man Fumikage was edgy as hell.

"So people will underestimate me. It's not good to show you powers to enemies. Ain'r that right? Allmight." He looked at Yagi and he nodded while sweating a bit.

"Oi, oi, oi, what the hell are you doing? Allmight?" Aizawa appeared with other teachers like Vlad King and Cementoss, the lego looking motherfucker.

"I had an exhibition match with a student." Yagi twiddled his thumbs.

"You what?" Kan blinked dumbly at him and cementoss looked at the destruction they caused.

The replica city looked like a damned warzone.

"We were just playing around a bit." Alex took off some spines from Allmight's body.

"Hah, Allmight... Did you just throw hands with a student?" Kan sighed heavily.

"Based on the damages here, Aizawa or Kan would definitely get killed by the attacks being thrown here." Cementoss is their construction specialist.

And when he analyzed the destruction, it's like the place was bombed.

"Yeah, we were just playing a bit." Alex still believed they would leave them alone if he continued.

"Yeah, no." Aizawa took him by using his scarf and he also took Kan with him to Nezu's office.

"Oi, Nezu." Aizawa sounded extremely tired.

"Kukuku, am I a dog? A rat? Or a mouse? Guess." Nezu spun on his rolly chair.

Alex suddenly sniffed the air as he transformed his nose and his eyes turned to slits as he focused on Nezu.

Nezu's hackles stood on end as he saw his eyes.

"You're a prey animal, so not a dog. A big, white rat. Mixed with other things, a chimera huh?" Alex read him like a book.

"Ahem... Tea? Aizawa, Kan, why are you here with the top first year?" Nezu drank some tea, but he was shaking a bit.

"I want this guy to be in Kan's class. Swap a student for me." Aizawa was annoyed as hell.

He won't be dealing with a super powered kid that can fight Allmight, nope.

"Really!?" Kan was the opposite, he was really excited to get the 1st ranker. The best that has ever appeared really, destroying every record of UA.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Alex huffed at them. And how will he make friends with kids? He was already lucky that he made a few due to plain chance.

"No, you don't." Nezu smirked at him, messing with him.

Alex glared at them and Kan took him to the other class instead 1-B.

"Oh my, I didn't even accept yet." Nezu chuckled and Aizawa begged him.

"Please do. I don't get paid enough to deal with those kinds of prodigal fuckers." Aizawa explained.

He was already getting tired just imagining the shit they'll argue on.

"Well, this seems fun. So I'll accept if he agrees to it." Nezu sipped on his tea.

"Nooo! He won't accept it." Aizawa was in despair.

"Ahhh, I just love the smell of human despair." Nezu laughed.


"Sensei! Where were you? And who is that?" Another protagonist with orange hair called Kan out.

"Hmph, I got us a new student. He's from 1-A and Aizawa wanted to trade him." Kan showed Alex who was being carried like a sack of potatoes.

"Hello, I'm Alex." He greeted them without any energy at all.

"Ooh! Me! I'll go to 1-A! See you suckers! I'll be the best!" A blonde haired douchebag left the room in a hurry.

"That's weird." Alex never thought that their class was better. After all, fat tail boy Mashirao was there.

And any decent martial artist would kick his ass. Aoyama's navel laser is pretty much useless too, it has such a huge drawback. Making his stomach ache so badly that he'll get incapacitated with a few shots.

"A new student? We welcome you to this covenant, amen." A vine-haired girl prayed for him.

"Oh, a fellow foreigner! Howdy!" A small blonde with horns greeted him.

"Okay, we will be welcoming him to 1-B! His name is Alexander Godfrey." Kan introduced him to them.

"And you'll be fighting him to see how you can deal with a superior opponent." Kan agitated the fire of teenage ego.

They certainly didn't like that. And Alex's unwillingness to be there looked like boredom.

"Is that so?" The orange haired chick cracked her knuckles.

"Kan, another fight? Really?" Alex deadpanned at him.

"Gets the blood flowing!" He grinned and he thought that he was tired already.

'Oughta break his ego before he gets a big head.' Kan nodded sagely.

"I think you're having weird thoughts, but whatever. I still need to go home and prepare some training programs." Alex sighed.

They went to the simulated city again and Alex was in front of 19 students.

He then thought of a way to beat them all in one fell swoop. But he couldn't simply use the rajang on them.

'I guess I do have vouchers saved up.' He thought of Rumi and Mitsuki.

"Ohh, can't get bricked up right now. They'll think I'm a pervert who gets off on beating kids." Alex sweated.

He then bought a monster that was at the same level as a rathian.

A middle-class large monster, the Tigrex. His body transformed and muted orange scales appeared on his body.

His jaws snapped shut, sounding like a brutal croc crunching on a turtle.

"Uhh, Kan-sensei... What's his quirk?" One of them asked him. "I don't know, it sounded cute. But that thing doesn't look cute." Kan grimaced.

Alex then started breathing in large amounts of air. Strong enough that the whole class felt a small suction.

Then, everything was ringing. Their organs vibrated violently and their eardrums exploded. Hit by a concussive blast wave that threw them 20 feet in the air.

Alex roared with so much devastating might that he was heard for over a thousand miles away.

"Oh fuck, I didn't regulate that well, sorry." Alex started throwing them some vitajuice.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.