

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 34: Prelude to UA’s Sports Festival (3)

Chapter 34: Prelude to UA's Sports Festival (3)

~Third POV~

[After School, UA High School, Class 1-A, Japan]




Chattering was heard as Class 1-A was about to leave, only to be stopped by a crowd of students with Ochaco muttering concerned, "Whoaaa… What's going on?!"

Kinoko nervously asked while near Itsuka in a nervous tone seeing a bunch of students at the door, "N-No way out! What're they here for?"

Bakugo goes to the entrance, stating the obvious, followed by Ren, Ida, Ochaco, and Toga in a bored tone, "Scoping out the competition, duh, small fry. Cuz we're the kids who survived a villain attack. Makes sense they'd want a look before the sports festival. No point, though. Move aside cannon fodder."

Some people got offended by Bakugo's crude words. Ida spoke out loud in a stoic tone, being strict with Bakugo, "Can we please not resort to calling those we don't even know cannon fodder?"

But soon, a young man of average height with slick blond hair, which gets shorter the further down his head, styled so that it's parted to the right, his bangs left hanging over his right eye. His irises are a periwinkle blue, his pupils white, and his eyes are shaped so that they're slanting downwards towards the far sides of his face, usually left half-closed; this, along with his signature smirk and head tilt, gives him a rather contemptuous look.

He came out greeting Class 1-A in a condescending tone looking down on the students gloating even at them, "It's true. We came to get a look, but you sure are modest. Are all the kids in Class 1-A like this one? Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if what you're offering is quite… disappointing."

Ren gazed at the person with mild interest as he thought with a sly grin, 'Ah. The problem is child Neito Monoma. [Observe].'

[Neito Monoma Lv.15 UA Student

Description: Neito has a rather complex personality since it differs depending on who he is addressing: he is particularly mocking, loud, and sarcastic with Class 1-A, provocative in battle, and outside of these contexts, he is a calm, kind, and intelligent person. Neito hates and envies Class 1-A with a passion over how they became the center of attention among U.A.'s first years because of the U.S.J. Incident.

Truthfully, he only wants his class to stand out as they do, although he vents this feeling by throwing countless taunts towards his rivals, gloating over Class 1-B's successes and disparaging 1-A for their failures and shortcomings, taking almost any opportunity to do so.]

Ren blinked a bit, reading the info. But soon, Neito asked about the possibility of them being replaced in a smug tone, "Depending on the results of this sports festival… they might consider transferring you with a General Education student."

This got Class 1-A from his nerves, but soon Ren moved forward, yawning in a bored tone, asking with a raised eyebrow, "Ahhh… you are done with your pep talk? Good. I believe if you have enough time to gloat or declare war, then you have time to grind for the Sports Festival. But…"

Leaning closer to his face with a sly smile on his face, he spoke, surprising Neito with his bold words with a smile on his face, "… please do try your best, Neito Monoma from Class 1-B. Only by having worthy rivals could an individual grow for you or us."

Turning his face towards his Classmates in Class 1-A, he raised some papers with a happy grin, telling his class in a confident tone, "Come on guys, we have a free week using the Gym of UA! Let's get going and start grinding already unless you want every class to beat us! Time to get our game on!"


Bakugo took one of the papers, knowing the schedule, seeing no point in wasting time. The rest of the class spurred in the moment, not wanting to let this opportunity go to waste. Stunning the students of their focus.


[Next Day, UA Gym, Class 1-A, Japan]

Turning to the next day, Class 1-A began training for the upcoming Sports Festival. There, alongside the gym, was an assortment of standard training equipment all eyes at times were watching Ren practicing his Quirks, opening portals, and developing them in particular ways.

While everyone was training at their own pace. Ren eyes everyone improving but notices everyone eyeing him using his [Warp Gate], [Attract and Repel], and [Full Cowl] pondering to himself with a noticeable frown, 'Hmm… these Quirks are good and all but lacking… I wonder if I can refine [Warp Gate] or [Erasure] into something more suitable…'

As he was pondering this, he was tapped on the shoulder, turning his attention to surprisingly Toru Hagakure, asking in a curious tone, "Sup Toru. Do you need any help with something?"

Being friendly with her, Toru blushed lightly as she admitted needing help in a sheepish tone, confessing her worry, "Yeah… I heard from the boys you might have a way to help me out in some gain. I was placed in 19th, just above Mineta-kun. I don't want to remain at the bottom of the class, so I decided to work on my strength and stamina in preparation for the Sports Festival…"

Realizing the issue, he bluntly asked with his arms crossed, multi-tasking his Quirks as he continued his conversation with Toru in a curious tone, "I see… but since you're starting out, you're seeking advice from me since I've personally trained. Although you could've asked Kendo about this too, you know? Why seek me out?"

Looking a bit embarrassed, Toru sheepishly responded to the reason why Ren would be most suited to help her, "Well… Kendo-chan can help me, but she can't exactly well… 'see' me to get exact results. And there's the fact this is my first time doing this kind of thing since I practiced in the Cheer Squad in Middle School. Besides that, you have been taught by a former pro hero, so I was wondering if you had any insight…"

Understanding her concerns, Ren crossed his arms with a light nod, understanding her situation in a kind tone, and said, "I see. If that's the case, I can help you out and point out the problems, Toru. Just tell me what you want to improve upon, and I'll suggest a suitable exercise, but fair warning, I take my training very seriously."

Stamping her foot and balling her invisible hands into fists, Toru exclaimed in a determined tone, "I'm in the Hero Department too, you know?! I won't give up or slack off just because things are a little rough…!"

Ren nods his head in understanding with a sly grin on his face as he multi-task his efforts in a confident tone, "Sure, I'd be glad to teach you. Though I won't be here to watch over you every day, I have my special training prepared, so this is just a temporary arrangement until then."

Toru was curious about Ren's special training but didn't want to pry too much into his life as she began training under Ren's instructions. She beamed with happiness throughout the practice, with Ren mentally chuckling, guessing why she asked him in a neutral tone, 'Man… this girl has a serious crush on me. And adding the fact that my hand in the USJ seemed to raise her opinion of me greatly. Is this what it feels like to have a love-sick maiden or a fangirl?'

Ren put effort into teaching her and was the only handsome boy in class to see her as more beautiful than Momo despite not being able to see her thoughts in a happy tone, 'Ahhh~ He's so cool and helpful! Not only that, he was so brave during the USJ, keeping his nonchalant cool-headed attitude so dreamy~'

Unaware of Toru, some girls were giving her some side-eye glances, each eye filled with a mix of emotions. But they didn't say anything except for Toga practicing her abilities shaking her head at the mess Ren was doing.


~Ren Y. POV~

[1 Week Later, Himiko Residence, Japan]



Name: Ren Yuki


Race: Human

Title: Villain Slayer

Level: 15 Exp: 0/20%

HP: 875/875

PP: 775/775

STR: 28-> 30 (+15)

AGI: 30 (+15)

VIT: 32 (+15)

INT: 30 (+15)

SEN: 34 (+15)

LUCK: 41 (+25)

Stat Points: 25-> 35

Money: All Might's Allowance


One week has come and gone since I've gotten better used to training with class, but my efforts in working on my stats have been slowing down. Reaching level 15 is a good goal but I need to get stronger and fast.

If Yuga wasn't around, I wouldn't have to worry so much about using my skills. Unfortunately, he's around, and I won't be able to test them much. At the very least, I didn't share with the class my Quirk [Erasure] with them as my trump card for the Sports Festival coming up.

If there's one downside to enemies in the MHA world, it's that I'm lacking any enemies to grind and focus on training my skills strictly because of the law. Which makes me realize my next course of action to do next.

It was time I started to upgrade my Quirks using [Gene Refinement]. Opening my screen, I have 3 that haven't been upgraded yet.

[Erasure], [Warp Gate], and [High Spec]. I frowned at the three available to me, unaware of what they could do for me when refined.

I've been given the news that I can finally start using the Support Gear Class to craft my support items for the Sports Festival. And other useful items now that I have [High Spec] and All Might's allowance.

And don't let All Might's allowance fool you. That man is fucking stacked rich to hell. Don't underestimate the power of money. I mean… Gilgamesh has a skill that the richer you are, the stronger you get.

Choosing which ones to upgrade, I decided to choose [Warp Gate] to upgrade. Upon doing so, I felt my body burning up as I closed one of my eyes from the changes.

[The user has used [Gene Refinement] on [Warp Gate]. Would the user like to go ahead and refine the Quirk? [Yes/No]?]


[Due to refining the Quirk [Warp Gate], a mutation has occurred!]

[The Quirk [Warp Gate] changed to [Wormhole]! Notable differences have been made in the description of the advanced Quirk!]

Feeling the burning sensation subside, I groaned, feeling tired, rubbing the back of my head from the [Gene Refinement] in an annoyed tone, "Oww… that [Gene Refinement] is gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with. Definitely not using that on [High Spec] unless I want my brain fried or get brain damage. But let's see about the upgrade."

Skill List.


<Wormhole > (Active) Lv.-

PP Cost: 25 PP per Portal

Description: This was [Warp Gate], now refined as [Wormhole], a skill that allows the user to manipulate space to a degree. [Wormhole] allows the user to create wave-like portals and teleport either themselves or items across both short and long distances, such as behind their enemy or to distant planets. Should a [Wormhole] close while someone/item is stuck halfway through, the person will be deleted in space.

A weakness is that portals created are coordinate-based, and thus, to open them, the user must be able to pinpoint the exact position where they wish for each portal to open up into but can open them based on sight and usually only need coordinates to open up in areas they cannot see.


Oh? It is not bad, but it still has the same weakness and the loss of mist manipulation to compensate for the minor ability to manipulate space. The range, though, is crazy, especially based on sight.

Based on sight… I wonder if can see a picture in real-time and simply open a portal there and be at that spot… this requires some studying. But first head to UA to see about that Support Class Gear.