
MHA expanded

Jefferey_Oladejo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Chapter Twenty One: Ambush

"HHHHGGGG" Katsuki yelled as he put his hands into a barrel of boiling hot water. Bakugou would then let off a massive explosion into the air and repeat the process. "Come on you can be faster than that" a hero said as they were running around the entire camp along with Izuku in his full cowl "I know you can use more power,make them bigger,faster,stronger!" Seraphim yelled as Chara made more knives out of determination "this isn't your all,i know what your hiding deep down,that animosity,that hatred,let it out and use it,i'm here to keep you grounded" Seraphim said as the whites of Chara's eyes turned black slowly as he made two types of knives. One was a dark red with bright red circles and the other was a black knife that glowed red. "Come on,i know that's not your limit tokiwa,i've seen you make at least a dozen of these before" Pixie said as tokiwa huffed and puffed as Pixie Bob had him spamming Blasters "HAAAH!" Tokiwa shouted as this time his blasters shot out and prepared to fire "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Pixie said as tokiwa fired these blasts at a mountain. The blast created a large cone shaped explosion that completely swallowed the mountain and left a large shockwave of wind in its wake. "*huff* h-how was that?" Tokiwa said as Pixie applauded him as these exercises carried out the same for most of the week until the last night of their stay. "Kay,tonight we're going to a party,we have worked our tails off so we should just relax tonight,what could possibly go wrong?" Denki said as the guys hit the hot spring. Around an hour later a portal opened up at the edge of the camp. "Alright,stick to the plan,go in,kidnap Katsuki Bakugou,Tokiwa Yamamoto,and kill the rest" Tomura said as at the same time his villains were pouring out of Kurogiri's portal gaster teleported some of his villains into the camp as well "Frisk,Toyo,Dust,Insanity,Killer,Cross,Betty,and Fatal.i'm sending you here,i've briefed you already. I expect nothing but the best from you" Gaster said as the group scatters into different directions

"Hey Dabi are you sure that lighting the forest on fire is such a good idea" a man in black and white costume said as Dabi looked at him as his blue flames scorched the forest around them alerting the heroes "yeah,this will cause a diversion,i'm going to take down some heroes,do whatever you want" Dabi said as he walked off. Meanwhile with the other students commotion had ensued. They were split into teams of three "Looks like everyone is ..sorted" Aizawa said as he saw that izuku was only by himself "i'll stick with him" tokiwa said as a small boy named Kota was with Tokiwa "i'll also take care of him too" Tokiwa said as Aizawa nodded "alright try and get to safety,if confronted try and fight to escape" Aizawa said as he ran to check on the class 1-B students in the camp as he was hit by a large wave of flame that knocked him back a fair bit "Eraserhead,this should be easy" Dabi said as his neck was wrapped in Aizwa's capture scarf. Aiuzwa pulled him forward and headbutted him "not bad" Dabi said as he blasted aizawa with a wave of blue flames that pt a distance between them. "Shit,i can't afford to take my chances with this guy,i need to take him down in one attack" aizawa thought as he ran at Dabi "Dabi used his flames and pushed himself into the air and shot off beams of flames at Aizawa "this heat is drying your eyes up isn't it,makes it hard to erase my quirk doesn't it" Dabi said smugly as he was then grabbed by Aizawa's capture scarf "oh shit" Dabi thought as he was then slammed into the ground. While this fight was happening Izuku and tokiwa had ran into a problem on their end. "HAHAHA" a large man yelled as he slid on the ground as he towered over Izuku and tokiwa "looks like you two brats are going to be coming with me!" the man said as Tokiwa looked at izuku as he activated his full cowl at 15%. Tokiwa nodded as he rushed at the man "way too slow" the man said as the muscle from under his skin wrapped itself around his arms as he grabbed Izuku and tokiwa by the face and threw them into a wall. "WHAT'S WRONG BRATS!" the man said as tokiwa recognized the man "heh,you must be Muscular,i remember you" Tokiwa said as blood came from his head and poured down onto his face "Izuku,i'm going to put a wall in front of Kota,prepare to fight like your life depends on it. Because right now,it does" Tokiwa said as Izuku got up. "Got it" Izuku said as he spat out blood "Bone wall" Tokiwa said as he put a wall of bones in front of Kota for his protection. "READY! GO!" Tokwia said as Izuku fired his full cowl to 25%. Tokiwa made three blasters and blasted Muscular. Izuku dashed in using the blasts as cover as he ran up and uppercutted Muscular. "That's more like it" Muscular said as he punched Izuku in the stomach, making him cough up blood. The punch sent him flying into Tokiwa. "Damn it" tokiwa thought as he ran at Muscular and sidestepped trying to get behind him "really?" Muscular said as he grabbed Tokiwa by the face and slammed him onto the ground and began to beat him to a pulp. Punch after punch,blow after blow. Tokwia slowly began to lose consciousness. "I can't die here,i..can't die" Tokiwa thought as he slowly closed his eyes as the pain washed over him like a tidal wave. "TOKIWA" Izuku shouted as when he looked at izuku his face was covered in Tokiwa's blood. "Y-You k-kiled him!" Izuku said as tears began to flow from his eyes "i did,oops,i was supposed to take him alive" Muscular said as red veins covered Izuku's arms and face as Izuku 's eyes turned white as his rage boiled over. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Izuku said as his hair stood up and his bio electric aura flared so much that it ripped through the ground. "One For All Full Cowling 100% Detroit Delaware Smash!" Izuku yelled as he blitzed Muscular and punched him in the face so hard that he was sent flying. Breaking his arm and leg in the process. "*huff h-how was that" izuku said as to his horror Muscular got back up with only his nose and mouth bleeding. "Not bad kid,but here's mine!" Muscular said.