
MHA expanded

Jefferey_Oladejo · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Twenty Two: Break Down,Shadowy Secret

Muscular rushed at the now heavily injured Izuku "just what the hell do you think your doing" tokiwa said as he go up as his eyes were ruby red but he seemed in control. Tokiwa then used his strings to grab Muscular by the neck and arms and stop him in his tracks. "Still got some fight left in you,it seems" Muscular said as Tokiwa blitzed right past him. Tokiwa walke to Izuku and looked at his injuries "stay still,this will hurt a bit" Tokiwa said as he wrapped his strings around Izuku's leg. The strings turned green as Izuku's leg was healed. Tokiwa did the same for izuku's arm "sit tight,i'll handle this" Tokiwa said as the moment he turned around he was punched in the face by Muscular "Hehe!" Muscular said as he began to laugh "it's hilarious that you think that you can beat me on your own,when both of you couldn't scratch me-" Muscular said as he was punched in the stomach so hard that he coughed up blood "Blood String Art: Passive boost" tokiwa said as his strings turned red "let's dance then,i'll kill you in one attack" Muscular said as he wrapped his muscles around his entire body and rushed Tokiwa. Tokwia wrapped the strings around his arms and legs as they acted as braces. Tokiwa rushed at Muscular and tried to hold Muscular back "tch,i'm slowly losing ground" Tokwia though as he used every ounce of strength in his body to hold muscular "ONE FOR ALL: DETROIT DELAWARE SMASH!" Izuku shouted as he used every ounce of strength that he had to help Tokiwa and push back muscular "COME ON,JUST ONE MORE PUSH! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH GGGGHHHH" the body shouted as they used the combined power of their quirks to overpower Muscular. Muscular was sent flying into a nearby well as he went out cold. "*huf we did it" the body said as tokiwa took down the bne wall to reveal a crying Kota. th boys hugged him as to their horror toyo showed up with the murder time trio "good job,now it's our turn-" toyo said as Max pulled tokwia,Kota,and Izuku into the shadow world. "Sorry,their a bit tired,i'll be your opponent from now on" Max said as an evl grin creeped on his face "since i've been alive i haven't been able to use this quirk i copied" Max said as the murder time trio start sinking into their shadow. "What the he- '' Dust said as he sunk into his shadow "no more games,just me and you. The one thing I hate the most are liars,so this time no more lies. Shadow Secret '' Max said as he and toyo were thrusted into the shadow dimension.

Got a secret can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save? Better lock it in your pocket,taking this one to the grave. If i show you then i know you won't tell what i said. Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead" Max said as Toyo began to repeat what Max was saying "hm,what's going on?" Tokiwa said as he saw Max confronting Toyo "he's forcing him to reveal everything,all the plans,all his intentions. The way he's doing it is by using one of the quirks he copie,the quirk was called secret. It forced the target to tell every single secret they ever heard,and if they lied in any way shape or form their tongue would shrivel up. It takes a lot of time to use so that's why we are here in the shadow world" Kate said as Max stares into Toyo's eyes as Toyo begins to reveal Gaster's plans "Got a secret can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save? Better lock it in your pocket,taking this one to the grave. If i show you then i know you won't tell what i said. Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead" Max said as Toyo's eyes turn into that of Gaster's as Gaster forcefully shuts his mouth "those secrets aren't yours to hear" Gaster said to Max through telepathy "There you are" Max said as he began talking to gaster. We cut to Bryce/Chara as they are fighting Betty and Frisk. "Chara lets try that move out!" Bryce said as Chara nodded as Bryce's body glowed red as a bright flash of light filled the area. "Determined separation" Chara said as she flicked her hair "Huh?" Betty said as as the light dimmed there were two people "This move allows us to fight separately,by cutting our determination in half we can separate" Bryce said as Chara rushed at Betty and Bryce rushed Frisk. Beety smiled as she made a pink scythe out of pure fear energy. 'Let's dance!" NBetty said as Chara made a sword out of Determination and clashed with her. "Determination V.s Fear" betty said as they clashed weapons "what a fitting battle" Chara said as she grinned as he sent sharp waves of determination at betty. Betty slammed the bottom of her scythe into the ground as the entire ground around them turned pink along with the slashes. "Rhabdiphbia" Betty said as the attacks were sent back to Chara. A massive explosion happened as the attacks collided with Chara. "Chara!" Bryce yelled as Frisk nearly cut his head off "shit!" Bryce said as he was cut across his face "take your eyes off me at all,and you might just lose your head" Frisk said as he made black and purple swords. "Blade rush!" Frisk said as he blitzed over to Bryce and slashed him multiple times. Bryce jumped back as he let out a massive slash of determination at Frisk. "Cute" Frisk said as he stuck his hand out and grabbed onto the slash "what!" Bryce said as Frisk was pushed back by this slash "Hmph" Frisk said as he crushed the slash of determination. "Seriously,it' almost laughable,your pitiful. A weakling. An Absolute waste of space,after i kill you,your little friend,and that girlfriend of yours will die too" Frisk said as Bryce gripped his hand so tight it bled. The whites of his eyes turned black as his L.V shot through the roof "your funeral,i've been saving this until i really needed to use it because it can be addicting but what the hell!" Bryce said as a demented grin creeped across his face as Frisk made two purple and black swords as Bryce made a completly black sword and blitzed in front of Frisk.