
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Filmes
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158 Chs

Ch. 25 - The King of Assassins vs The Joker

"Matilda, do me a favor and look for his apartment, he should be there." Doflamingo said as he finally hid beside a random car that he found.

As he tried to take a peek, a bullet would intercept him, giving him no chance to see where his enemy is.

"Okay." Matilda agreed and searched for Cross's apartment.

As Matilda did as she was told, Doflamingo knew he cannot trust this car to protect him, after all, if Cross decided to shoot the gas tank, it will only take one bullet for the car to explode.

How did he know? Well, he played GTA San Andreas, that's how he know how.

Doflamingo didn't stay much longer and escaped the protection of the car and like how he expected, the card indeed blew up as soon as he escaped.

However, the intensity of the explosion still managed to reach him which blasted him away.

"Ow." Doflamingo monotonely expressed his pain.

"If I knew this would happen, I would have never stroll the streets just to buy some food." Doflamingo complained to himself as the gunshots finally stopped.

"He should be reloading by now." Doflamingo took this chance to enter one of the buildings and as he got in, he saw some civilians hiding underneath a table and some desks.

"Hello there." Doflamingo waved his hand at them before entering the second floor.

Before Doflamingo knew it, he was already on the rooftop of the building.

"He must be done reloading by now." Unlike the ground floor, Doflamingo felt he's much safer here in the rooftop, after all, there's a chance that Cross's position forbids him from seeing him on the rooftop.

"Matilda, you got his location?"

"Yeah, but there seems to be a problem. He's literally 2 miles away from you." Hearing what Matilda said, although he was already expecting that Cross must be far away from him, but he didn't expect for him to be farther than he expected.

"He truly deserves the name of King of Assassins." Doflamingo muttered as he then asked Matilda.

"Which way?"

"West. Just keep a straight line to the west, I'll tell you if you're near him." Doflamingo agreed to her words and started jumping from rooftops to rooftops.

Luckily, it's still midnight so, Doflamingo is very hidden from the public eye.

This also shows how great Cross is as a sniper. I mean, he's probably the only one capable of shooting 2 miles away and it's still dark at that.

John Wick? No, John's specialty is gun-fu and his unyielding will to accomplish his goal.

Since Doflamingo isn't normal and he's using the rooftops as a shortcut, he already crossed half a mile and it would only take him a mile and a half to reach his destination.

"Doffy, there's a problem. Cross went out of his apartment, he must've seen you jumping from rooftops to rooftops."

"Where is he going now? Is he escaping?"

"No, actually, he's driving towards your location."

"Good, keep me updated on his movements."


Meanwhile, back on the streets where Doflamingo was almost killed by Cross, a black sedan car stopped by the end of the streets since the whole street has been occupied by the police who recently arrived.

A black man wearing a suit got out of the car as the nearby police officer tried to stop him.

"Sir, you're under the premises of-." However, the man stopped him by flashing him an FBI identity card.

"I'm an FBI, I was ordered to take over the case. Call the person in charge here." Soon after he said that, another man went out from the passenger's seat.

"Phil, what took you so long?" The black man said.

"Sorry, my Hon just texted me and she wanted me to be her tour guide when she w-." It turns out, the man was Phil Coulson.

"Phil, I know you really loved this woman and I pray the two of you a healthy relationship, but please refrain from engaging in a Non-FBI activities during your duty."

"Sorry, sir. It wouldn't happen again." Phil straightened up and apologized.

"It's the fifth time you apologized about that this year. Sigh, I need a drink." Just in time for him to finish, the person in charge of the current case finally came and saluted him.

"I'm Agent Fury from FBI. We're gonna need to take over this case."

Fortunately, the person in charge didn't mind him, and allowed him to take in charge.

"What do you think it is?" Fury asked his closest companion, Phil.

"Probably an Assassination. Those are Arctic Warfare .308 Winchester bullets. Best sniper rifles for long ranges."

Meanwhile, Fury just stared at him in a deadpan expression and said.

"All Sniper Rifles are long ranged."

"I mean that this Rifle is better when it comes to accuracy and its range is far more longer than the other sniper rifles." Phil explained clearly.

"Who is you think it is?"

"There are many famous snipers I the underworld, probably Marcus or something." Phil knew that he was being tested by Fury, so he did his best to analyze things.

"It's Cross. The famed King of Assassins of the Fraternity." Fury confirmed. As for why he knew? According to the database of Shield, only Cross is the known Sniper Assassin when it comes around New York.

Marcus operates in other states and so is the other sniper assassins, so Cross is the only option.

"Try to find the trajectory of the bullet, I'll look for nearby witnesses or Security cameras." Fury ordered as Phil nodded his head.

There's this feeling inside him that this case is something more than meets the eye.


Meanwhile, Doflamingo was finally near Cross, according to Matilda, Cross hid inside one of the tall buildings, probably setting up his sniper.

"Which building?"

"On your left." Matilda said, not knowing that she just made a reference that only Doflamingo knows.

Like what Matilda said, Doflamingo turned his head to the left and there, he saw a tall building with a light flashing on one of the windows.

Since the building was taller than the building he's stepping on, Cross managed to shoot him right towards his forehead but Doflamingo was already expecting it, so he dodged.


"How could he dodge a sniper bullet?" Cross stared at Doflamingo's position, wide-eyed.

Earlier, he thought that Doflamingo was only lucky, and if he really could dodge his bullet earlier, he thought that only because he fired 2 miles away from him which slows down the speed of the bullet which then gave Doflamingo the time to dodge the bullet.

It turns out, he was wrong, Doflamingo could indeed dodge bullets despite the speed and the distance.

"I don't believe it. Even Captain America can't dodge bullets." Cross muttered before pulling the slide of the sniper and fired another bullet.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo has already locked onto his positions and is already on his way while during that time, he was dodging all the bullets Cross fired at him.

Thanks to this, his control over his body increases and his Observation Haki improves.

If earlier, he's having a bad time to dodge the bullets despite being 2 miles away, but now, he could dodge them with ease even if it is already close to him.

Soon, Doflamingo entered the building by jumping through a window.

"Kyaaahhh!" At the same time, a lady was dressing herself when Doflamingo barged in.

"Sorry 'bout that." Doflamingo pushed the woman out of the way as he went out of the room, he only apologized for a bit, not caring for a nude woman in front of him, after all, killing Cross is much more important than a woman. Luckily for the woman, she fell on the bed when Doflamingo pushed her.

Meanwhile, Cross was already running down the stairs, he knew that Doflamingo was already inside the building, so he tries to escape, not knowing that Doflamingo has already locked on his position, thanks to Observation Haki.


Before Cross could exit the stairway, the exit door beside him was kicked open and Doflamingo came out walking towards him.

"Surprise Mothafucka!"

Cross immediately pulled out his Custom Berreta 92S, and fired three shots at Doflamingo to distract him before entering one of the emergency exit door.

As he entered, he fired another bullet at him, but this time, since he was already inside and Doflamingo was outside, there was no way for him to hit him. However, the Fraternity wasn't famous because of its finest assassins, but because of their capabilities to curve a bullet.

And that's what Cross did here, he curved a bullet that exits the emergency exit door and almost hits Doflamingo who was already prepared for this kind of move.

"So this is the infamous curving a bullet? Fascinating, it really looks impossible but it is possible." Doflamingo nodded his head in approvement.

He should take some time alone to practice his shooting skills, who knows, maybe one day he would be able to curve a sniper bullet.

It might sound impossible but, this is the Marvel world, nothing is impossible.


Unfortunately for Cross, he didn't last that long when Doflamingo catched up to him and before he could shoot him, Doflamingo already kicked him to his guts.

"You didn't see that coming?" Doflamingo smirked as he picked up his gun.

"Tell me, who hired you?" Doflamingo crouched in front of him and asked.

"No one. I deemed you as a danger to the society, so I have to eliminate you." As soon as he said that, he spitted on Doflmingo's face.

Doflamingo didn't flinch. He used Cross's jacket to wipe his face before muttering to himself.

'Why does it feel like I'm the villain here?'

"You didn't brush your teeth this morning, didn't you?" Doflamingo said to him before continuing.

"Anyways, any last words?"

"You'll never succeed in your plans." Cross said his last words.

"I haven't even made a plan yet, I just wanted to save earth from it's impending doom. But you wouldn't believe anything I say anyway. Don't worry, I'll take good care of your son, Wesley Gibson was it?" Although he was confused on what Doflamingo said, but when he heard the last sentence, his eyes widened in shock and before he could react, Doflamingo already pointed his own gun at him and fired.



You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.