
Marvel: Unexpected Carnage

So this is the layout of the story since the marvel timeline is very confusing and disoriented I wanna have a basic layout of where everyone is and it's going to change some events but know that every character is the same power wise the only thing that's going to change is where they are in certain time periods. This is happening because I want X-Men and the avengers to merge a bit. However I still wanted to follow the MCU movie series In a way I plan on making changes but they won't be as noticeable until after a certain movie. So just to make it really easy Peter Parker is 18 along with all the X-men that would be in college they will also go to the same school. Also Tony just turned into Iron Man and this takes place at the start of iron man 2. Also the OC is 18.

JackbladesFF7 · Filmes
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth

(A/N not going to lie got lazy so I'm not posting that many chapters today been thinking a lot plus spent more time with my family then I thought I would so here is what I have.)

Right now Jack was sitting in a room that was pure white. He knew he was in a chair but everything looked the exact same. He couldn't see the outlines for anything as it was that white the only reason he knew he was sitting in a chair besides the obvious comfort he was feeling from sitting down. Was that he saw a person across from him sitting down and leaning on a table.

"So you are probably wondering why you are here." Jack sighed "No not really I assume I died and you are God what I am wondering is why I can not remember how I died." The God before Jack nodded but said "Well that doesn't really matter anymore does it." Jack looked at him and sighed again "I suppose it doesn't so what is the plan for my soul." God smiled and said "Well Jack you are a special case. You will be reincarnated with five wishes." Jack smiled "Well I have a few questions first can I pick the world as well as the time I show up? Can I pick what I look like? Also can I just transmigrate my body?"

God frowned and said "You can pick what you look like and what universe you go to however I pick the time and place in that universe. Also you have to be reborn because..." Jack tilted his head "Because???" God shrugged "I think it will be better that way." Jack was about to question but then God said "Are you really going to question God." To this Jack closed his mouth. God smiled "Good so go on with your wishes."

Jack smiled "Okay I want to be reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic universe. I want the X-men to be a part of that universe. I also want to look like Mikoto Suoh from K project." God nodded "All doable for on." Jack then said "For my first wish I want to be immortal like Ban from seven deadly sins. So like fountain of youth. My second wish is to have Carnage as a symbiote but I want complete control and the personality of my symbiote should be Toga from My Hero Academia. My third wish is that I want all of Bans raw strength and talent. My fourth wish is for Soul Evans in his scythe form only with no personality from Soul Eater. My fifth wish is for both for both of Alucards Guns from Hellsing ultimate the Casull and the Jackal both come with Vibranium bullets and never runs out of ammo."

God thought about it for a moment "All that is doable however you will be immortal but you won't stop aging until you are 21. You won't get your Symbiote or weapons until you turn 18. However you will have Bans raw strength as well talent when you turn 10." Jack frowned "How come I have to wait for all that." God then said "Well it would be weird if you got a scythe and guns out the womb would it not." Jack could not argue with this statement.

God "Okay so you are all set as discussed previously I will pick the planet and place. Do not think life will just be easy you still have to train and get stronger or else the people of the universe will walk all over you." Jack just nodded as God snapped his fingers and Jack disappeared.

Next thing Jack knew he saw a bright light and heard screaming. 'I must have just gotten born well time to be a child again I guess.' Jacks mother had actually died from child birth and the father was already dead previously so Jack was put into an orphanage.

10 years later

Jack was now 10 years old still living at the orphanage. He found out that he was not actually on earth but everyone looked and acted like humans. It was finally his tenth birthday and he could tell the difference as soon as he woke up. Jack immediately felt insanely stronger as well as more flexible and understood more properly how to fight. While Jack was happy about this revelation what he didn't know was that a certain fleet with a purple monster were just approaching the planet to exterminate half the life on it.

Jack had then heard screaming and guns being fired outside as well as lasers and what sounded like missiles exploding outside. Jack went outside before everyone else did and as soon as he stepped outside the orphanage he use to live at evaporated.

Jack then saw some Chitauri coming towards him and understood. Jack clicked his tongue "Thanos must be here wiping out half the planet." Jack started to slowly walk towards the two Chitauri soldiers who were aiming at him. Jack just smiled as he went into a sprint and quickly jumped up onto the first ones shoulders and snapped his neck with ease. He then jumped off that one and went to punch the second. When his fist connected with his head Jack could hear cracks as he was launched to the building across from them creating massive holes where the Chitauri landed.

Jack smiled "Not bad that wasn't even all my strength and I feel pretty good about it." Jack then frowned "Now what to do that Thanos is here I doubt I could kill him right now as I am probably barely stronger then the Hulk." Jack then snapped his fingers "I got it I have to join Thanos." Jack started to laugh a little too hard as he started to search for him.

Jack was scouting around when he finally saw Thanos and a ton of Chitauri soldiers. Jack needed Thanos to recruit/steal him like he did to Gamora. Jack then proceeded to charge one of the Chitauri with the strength of a ten year old and started to punch him the best he could. The soldier butted him with his gun. While Jack was getting off the ground he could tell Thanos was looking over so he activated some of his strength and punched the Chitauri soldier again sending him flying around 10 feet.

Jack then started to look around like he was searching for his next target but then saw Thanos approaching him. Thanos said as he started to kneel down "And who might you be?" Jack gave off a crazy smile "I am Jack Soul." Thanos smiled "That's a good name." Jack faltered a bit but said "Thank you now where are my friends." Thanos chuckled "How about we go look for them." Jack just nodded as he grabbed Thanos's hand and led him away from the people he was about to kill. There was only one thought in Jack's mind 'Thanos is absolutely a child predator.'