
Marvel: Unexpected Carnage

So this is the layout of the story since the marvel timeline is very confusing and disoriented I wanna have a basic layout of where everyone is and it's going to change some events but know that every character is the same power wise the only thing that's going to change is where they are in certain time periods. This is happening because I want X-Men and the avengers to merge a bit. However I still wanted to follow the MCU movie series In a way I plan on making changes but they won't be as noticeable until after a certain movie. So just to make it really easy Peter Parker is 18 along with all the X-men that would be in college they will also go to the same school. Also Tony just turned into Iron Man and this takes place at the start of iron man 2. Also the OC is 18.

JackbladesFF7 · Movies
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Chapter 2: Growing up

After Jack had joined Thanos he started to grow up a bit he had actually arrived before Gamora but not by much. It was a year later and he was talking to Gamora about her home world. They would actually play around a lot but when Thanos came around it was always serious and time to train. Jack took this opportunity to get stronger at fighting and other forms of combat he would never show his full strength and would slowly show more strength as if he was growing.

"Hey Gamora how come you joined Thanos?" Jack said as they were alone right now the two had grown closer. "I mean there wasn't really a reason. I was pretty much forced but I want to kill him and in order to do that I need to get stronger. I think he knows that as well it's kind of like a game I guess."

Jack have a smirk "Glad we have the same motive then."

8 years later

It is now Jacks 18th birthday and he is surprisingly celebrating it later with Gamora right now away from Thanos and his underlings. When Jack woke up he felt slightly different and also looked across from himself and saw a scythe and two new guns. Jack took a shot in the dark and decided to call out his symbiote.

Jack said "Toga." Then coming out of his body and wrapping out in front of his face was Carnage. Toga then said "Hey Jack been a minute." Jack tilted his head in confusion "What do you mean?" Yoga shook her head "Don't worry about it." Jack just shrugged his shoulders. Jack was really happy right now and decided to go into carnage form. He looked at himself in the mirror and was happy. Jack looked absolutely terrifying he thought it went well with him. Jack then untransformed and said "Hey Toga you can absorb weapons right."

Toga thought about it for a minute and said "Yeah I think so might as well try." Jack smiled "Okay absorb my scythe and these two guns." Toga nodded and went to try an absorb the weapons. She tried for a bit and was finally able to do it as she was trying to figure it out. Jack smiled "Okay so hopefully I can just think of the weapon and it will morph into man hand from my body." Jack thought about his dual pistols and they appeared in his hands. Jack was happy with the results. He then heard a knock at his door and put everything away.

One of Thanos's henchman came through the door. "What do you want Krueger?" Jack said in disgust. Krueger actually looked like Freddy Krueger with claw hands but he couldn't enter people's dreams he was fast though. Krueger gave a disgusting smile "Your father wants you." Jack got a little upset "He isn't my father don't make that mistake again."

Jack walked over to Thanos's throne room. Jack was always annoyed at how theatrical and self righteous Thanos was. Jack entered the throne room to see Thanos just floating there waiting.

"Oh Jack how nice of you to come." Thanos said with a smirk. Jack sighed "Well it was an order."

Thanos just kept talking as if the comment Jack made meant nothing. "Since you are now 18 I am giving you a very important mission." Jack was puzzled he had been on many missions before and killed many innocents. After all Jack helped Thanos with wiping out half of inhabited planets. How can this mission be different. Thanos then continued "I want you to go on a mission with an Asguardian known as Loki to help him retrieve a powerful item. Also to help him take over the world for him to rule. Although ultimately we will still wipe out half the population."

Jack was about to put on a huge smile but forced himself to hide it. Jack's thoughts 'It was hard to tell the MCU timeline but I'm so happy we are at the avenger part. What's even more helpful is that Thanos is giving me an easy out. I doubt he would chase me on Earth over chasing the other infinity stones.' Jack then said "What planet is this and who is the Asguardian." Thanos let out a smirk and said "The planet is called Earth it is inhabited by humans who have the same physiology as you. (A hologram then came up.) this is Loki the Asguardian we found him and he wants some revenge on his brother. I will give you a list of his abilities just in case he betrays you but he seems too scared to go against me anyways."

Jack thought for a moment "Okay I can do this shouldn't be too hard. When do we start?" Thanos then said "Immediately I will send you to Loki right now and then you will appear on Earth through a portal created by the Tesseract." Jack smiled "Understood should I just follow Loki's plan or should I do it my way?" Thanos smiled as he thought that Jack was starting to view him more as a leader and father. "Follow his plan make him believe he can do what he wants. But no matter what we must have the Tesseract be prepared for what will happen if you fail."

Jack let off a smirk "Like I would fail I'm easily the most powerful in your forces now. You are the only one who is stronger. I will leave at once then." Thanos waved him away.

Once the doors closed behind Jack he started to let out a wild and wicked laugh. Toga then said "Why are you laughing Jack." Jack finally started to settle down "Because not only do I get to go away from that purple asshole but I get to do what I want freely now." Toga just started to laugh as well as she thought about the people she could eat.

Jack was now walking to a ship to pilot it to Loki's position when he was stopped by Gamora. Jack looked at her for a second as she was very beautiful now and had some amazing assets. They had actually grown very close over the last 8 years and they were supposed to celebrate Jack's birthday today.

"Jack where are you going. We still need to celebrate your birthday." Gamora said looking worried. Jack then said "Sorry Gamora Thanos put me on a mission that I have to go on now." Gamora was visibly upset and said "Why does father have to do that. We were supposed to celebrate." Jack then looked sad as he said "I know I'm sorry but I will be back soon." (Jack didn't want to say that he wouldn't come back as he figured Gamora would go searching for him which would mean Thanos would search for him.) Gamora then was very upset and sighed and said "Well at least let me give you your birthday present." Jack shrugged and said "Okay."

Before Jack could really react as he was caught off guard Gamora went up and kissed him on the lips as she then said "You better come back soon." She the. Walked away before Jack could say a word. Jack couldn't believe what happened he didn't expect this from Gamora. They did spend a lot of time together and Jack was the only good looking male by far. After all if you look like Mikoto Suoh from k project you are going to drop some panties. But he never got that vibe from Gamora. Jack ended up standing there for a bit more until he turned around to fly the ship to Loki.