
Marvel : The Summoning System

Grant Alexander Hunter, a focused 22-year-old student fueled by a love for sketching, embarks on an exploration of ancient Harappan ruins during his semester break. Unaware of the profound impact, a simple switch within these ruins triggers a cosmic anomaly, thrusting him from his familiar world into the vast expanse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this uncharted reality, a mysterious holographic summoning system greets him. Undeterred, Hunter seizes the opportunity to establish an organization, rivaling the capabilities of S.H.I.E.L.D., poised to confront the myriad dangers that lurk in this fantastical realm. What unfolds is a gripping tale of adventure, as Hunter endeavors to navigate the unknown and leave an indelible mark on the fabric of the Marvel Universe. MC will not be OP from start and will get gradually powerful. System would not be spamming characters.

Red_DragonEmperor · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 20: Scouting

Jiraiya and Hunter, seasoned warriors infused their feet with chakra, didn't hesitate. They gracefully descended from the hovering jet, their feet landing on the steep cliffs with a precision and stood at an angle which defied gravity.

The wind whispered through the rocky expanse as they navigated the challenging terrain. The cliffs, though treacherous, offered a breathtaking view of the North Atlantic. The distant sound of waves crashing against the rocks added a symphony to their journey.

As they walked, the banter shifted to observations of the island. Hunter, ever curious, scanned the surroundings. "This place is rugged, but it has its own charm. Wouldn't you say, Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya, appreciating the untamed beauty, nodded. "Nature has its own way of sculpting landscapes. It might not be the most convenient place for a base, but it has its advantages."

Azmuth, who had been silently observing, interjected with a practical perspective. "Indeed, the seclusion and natural barriers provide a level of security. It's a matter of balancing convenience with strategic advantage."

As they traversed the cliffs, the trio discussed potential locations for the 'Seed of Pandora.' The island, with its imposing cliffs and hidden nooks, offered possibilities. Hunter, always attuned to the environment, pointed out secluded areas that might serve their purpose. 

Hunter after looking around muttered to himself, 'This place will need quite some work.'

Amidst the strategic deliberations, the banter found its way back. Hunter, looking at Jiraiya who was facing the sea, couldn't resist a sly remark. "Maybe Tsunade would appreciate the view here. It could be a romantic setting for your reunion."

Jiraiya, rolling his eyes, retorted, "You really don't know when to quit, do you? Just focus on finding a suitable spot for that seed, and leave my love life out of it."

Hunter, having found a spot that resonated with him, took a moment to indulge in his hobby. The cliffs, with their jagged edges and the moon casting a silver glow on the rugged landscape, became the subject of his sketch. The strokes of his pencil captured not just the physical features but also the essence of the untamed beauty that surrounded them.

An hour later, as Jiraiya and Azmuth returned, Hunter closed his sketchbook with a satisfied expression. The question lingered in the air – what had kept them so long?

Jiraiya, holding a bag of soil samples, grinned. "Analyzing the potential of this place. We've got to consider all aspects, Hunter."

Azmuth, his scientific mind at work, added, "The composition of the soil here is unique. It could significantly aid the growth of the 'Seed of Pandora.' We needed to be thorough."

Hunter, nodding in understanding, gestured to the sketch he had just completed. "Well, while you were busy with soil, I was capturing the beauty of this place on paper. Something to remember it by."

Jiraiya, peering over Hunter's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the sketch, nodded appreciatively. "Not bad, Hunter. You've got an eye for detail."

Hunter not missing a moment said, "Maybe I can sketch Tsunade if we summon her"

Jiraiya decided to ignore him to which Hunter chuckled, "But let's focus on the task at hand. Did you find a suitable spot for the seed?"

Azmuth, ever the pragmatist, unfolded a map. "Indeed. There's a secluded valley to the north. The soil composition is optimal, and the natural barriers provide protection. It's an ideal location."

Hunter said, "That's good. Let's scout our other options." The trio boarded the jet and left for Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean island welcomed them with a different landscape – vast, flat expanses interspersed with caves and hills. As Jiraiya and Azmuth set out to explore the mysteries hidden within, Hunter, with sketchbook in hand, found a comfortable perch atop the jet.

The sun began its ascent, casting warm hues across the canvas of the sky. Hunter's pencil danced on the paper, capturing not just the physical features of the island but also the essence of the adventure. Jiraiya and Azmuth, tiny figures in the distance, added a sense of scale to the sketch, highlighting the human element in this cosmic exploration.

As he shaded the hills and added depth to the caves, Hunter couldn't help but appreciate the diversity of the locations they had encountered. Each place held its own unique charm, a testament to the wonders scattered across the globe.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya and Azmuth delved into the caves, their footsteps echoing in the silent darkness. The caverns revealed intricate rock formations, a testament to the island's geological history. Azmuth, ever the scientist, examined the mineral compositions, occasionally sharing his findings with Jiraiya, who marveled at the wonders of the natural world.

As the explorers ventured deeper into the caves, they stumbled upon a hidden chamber adorned with luminescent crystals. The ethereal glow cast an otherworldly light, creating a surreal atmosphere within the subterranean realm. Azmuth, captivated by the rare minerals, collected samples for further analysis.

Back on the surface, Hunter put the finishing touches on his sketch, capturing not just the physical features but also the spirit of the island. The distant laughter of Jiraiya and Azmuth, emerging from the depths of the caves, added a touch of camaraderie to the scene.

Jiraiya and Azmuth returned with their findings and boarded to jet to depart for next destination.

On the Jet, Hunter asked, "So did you guys find anything suitable?"

Azmuth replied, "The terrain is basically rock. It's very unlikely for the seed to take root here. Also unlike last Island this one is just has a plane terrain"

Jiraiya added, "Rocky and plain terrain is not a bad thing. I think this is due to the tides, they must have washed away all the soil on this. Also I think during high tide, the plain terrain must be submerging inside water only hilly part must be above."

Hunter hearing the opinions said, "May be we can create a base here in the future."

Jiraiya agreed with Hunter and Azmuth also said, "That might be possible. There were also some crystals and ores I found on island. I will see that if they can be used."

The Pacific Ocean island awaited them, an enigma veiled by the ebb and flow of the tide. As the trio landed on the shore, Hunter couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about this island. His keen senses, honed through years of training, detected a subtle shift in the surroundings.

With each passing moment, the shoreline seemed to extend nearer, and before they knew it, the trio found themselves standing in ankle-deep water. The realization dawned on them – this was no ordinary island. It was a transient entity, revealing its secrets only during low tide and concealing them when the ocean claimed its territory.

Jiraiya, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and amusement, surveyed the surroundings. "Well, this is unexpected. Seems like our destination has a bit of a disappearing act. This island also has this effect."

Azmuth, unfazed by the revelation, adjusted his glasses and remarked, "Nature's way of keeping its secrets hidden."

Hunter, with a wry smile, added, "Guess we'll have to be quick on our feet. Let's explore while the island decides to stick around."

The trio embarked on their exploration, navigating the unique challenges posed by an island that played coy with the ocean. They ventured into the heart of the island, discovering lush vegetation and hidden groves that seemed to materialize with the receding tide.

Hunter, ever the vigilant observer, found inspiration in the dynamic landscape. The sketchbook emerged once again, capturing not just the physical features of the island but also the temporal dance between land and sea. The shifting sands and the rhythmic pulse of the ocean provided a backdrop for his artistic interpretation.

As they traversed the island, the discussions turned towards the extraordinary nature of their quest. Azmuth, with scientific curiosity, speculated on the geological forces that governed the island's behavior. Jiraiya, embracing the mystery, saw it as a reminder that even in the vastness of their knowledge, there were realms untouched and untamed.

Amidst the exploration, the trio stumbled upon a peculiar structure, partially hidden by the foliage. It was a weathered monument, adorned with symbols that hinted at a history long forgotten. Azmuth, his eyes alight with scholarly intrigue, examined the inscriptions, attempting to decipher the messages left by those who had walked these shores in ages past. An entrance to a cave was hidden behind the monument. Jiraiya and Azmuth made their way inside, while Hunter explored the surrounding for more details.

Inside the cavern the air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the distant murmur of the ocean. Jiraiya, his eyes alight with curiosity, surveyed their surroundings while Azmuth focused on the array of scientific equipment at his disposal.

Jiraiya, ever the inquisitive soul, couldn't resist probing into the scientific mind of Azmuth. "So, Azmuth, what do you make of this place? Any scientific explanation for an island that plays hide and seek with the tide? Because the rate at which the water is swallowing the land is unnatural"

Azmuth, engrossed in his analysis, replied without looking up, "Nature often conceals its wonders through intricate mechanisms. This island, I suspect, operates on a combination of geological factors and, perhaps, some form of ancient technology. It's a confluence of the natural and the unknown."

Jiraiya, with a sly grin, nudged Azmuth. "Ancient technology, huh? That sounds like something was going on here. Any chance we'll find a hidden cache of legendary artifacts or maybe a forgotten civilization?"

Azmuth, unamused by the jest, shot Jiraiya a sidelong glance. "This is not one of your fantastical tales, Jiraiya. It's a scientific inquiry. However, I must admit, the presence of this monument suggests a history that predates our understanding. Perhaps, with further analysis, we can unlock some of its secrets."

Jiraiya, undeterred by Azmuth's seriousness, leaned against a rock and crossed his arms. "You know, for a genius scientist, you could use a bit more excitement. There's a certain thrill in unraveling mysteries that goes beyond equations and formulas."

Azmuth, finally looking up from his work, fixed Jiraiya with a stern gaze. "Excitement is a luxury we can't always afford, especially when dealing with forces beyond our comprehension. Our priority is to understand and, if possible, harness these elements for the greater good."

Jiraiya, adopting a more contemplative tone, nodded in acknowledgment. "True, true. But you must admit, there's a certain magic in the unknown, a spark that ignites our imagination. Even the most rational minds can't resist the allure of the mysterious."

Azmuth, conceding to Jiraiya's perspective, allowed a faint smile to cross his usually stoic expression. "I won't deny the allure, Jiraiya. In the pursuit of knowledge, we often find ourselves standing at the precipice of wonder and uncertainty. It's a delicate balance."

Jiraiya pondered and finally asked, "Azmuth, when are you introducing advance tech?"

Azmuth, "It is not easy Jiraiya, I am not sure of the privacy here. It seems someone is watch us and may be if we move a step further, they can come and snatch it away. I would rather not make such things which can be stolen and used against us, at least not until we have enough strength."

Jiraiya replied, "There are many forces watching us from other realms. This is a dangerous world. Only few of us are truly strong, I, Aizawa, Ezio may be Ghosts can handle the supernatural, but we can't be everywhere at same time."

Azmuth, "Let's leave it for now. There is no advantage in overthinking things."

Jiraiya observed the carvings over the walls, with a contemplative expression, pointed towards the first set of sculptures. "Looks like a ritual or some kind of offering to a demon. Maiden girls, willingly giving themselves as offerings. Perhaps a deity or a malevolent force they sought to appease."

Azmuth, studying the intricate details, added his observations. "The symbolism is consistent with various mythologies, where civilizations offered sacrifices to powerful entities in exchange for protection or favor. It's a recurring motif in the folklore of many cultures."

As they moved to the next set of sculptures, the tone shifted. The image portrayed a skeletal figure wreathed in flames, confronting the demon from the previous depiction. Azmuth, his eyes narrowing in analytical focus, began connecting the dots. "This appears to be a counterforce, an opposing entity. The flames suggest purification or eradication. A protector, perhaps?"

Jiraiya, his gaze fixed on the fiery depiction, mused aloud, "A guardian spirit, maybe. It's not uncommon for ancient cultures to balance their narratives with forces of both creation and destruction. But the question is, why? What drove them to create such intricate stories on the walls of this hidden cave?"

Azmuth, deep in thought, responded, "These images could be symbolic representations of natural phenomena, celestial events, or even historical conflicts happened here. The challenge lies in deciphering the context and unraveling the meaning behind each carving."

Hunter, sitting atop the jet and sketching the landscape, observed their animated discussion. As they approached him, he looked up, sketchbook in hand. "What did you find?"

Jiraiya, gesturing towards the sculptures, began narrating the silent tale within the cavern. "It seems to be a narrative – a demon receiving offerings from maidens, and then a fiery skeletal figure opposing it. Ancient civilizations often depicted cosmic struggles in such symbolic ways."

Azmuth, his mind already racing with possibilities, added, "The challenge now is understanding the context. What era does this represent? What cultural or historical events might have inspired these carvings?"

As Jiraiya and Azmuth delved deeper into their analysis of the ancient carvings, Hunter's eyes narrowed in recognition. He approached the pair, his gaze fixated on the fiery skeletal figure that stood in defiance of the demon.

"You know," Hunter began, his voice carrying a weight of familiarity, "this depiction here, it looks a lot like Ghost Rider."

Jiraiya and Azmuth turned their attention to Hunter, curiosity etched on their faces. "Ghost Rider?"Azmuth questioned, his interest piqued.

Hunter nodded, recalling past. "Ghost Rider is a spirit of vengeance, often associated with fire and skeletal visages. If these carvings are an ancient representation, it suggests that this protector, this counterforce, could be an early rendition of Ghost Rider."

Azmuth, always analytical, joined the conversation. "The concept of supernatural entities transcending time and cultures is fascinating. If this is indeed an early depiction of Ghost Rider, it raises questions about the nature of these beings and their enduring presence in the collective human psyche."

Jiraiya, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, considered the implications. "So, we're looking at a historical Ghost Rider. I wonder what events or beliefs led to the creation of such a guardian figure in this ancient culture."

Hunter, leaning against the jet wall, mused, "Maybe these people faced a demonic threat, and in their desperation, they conceived this entity as a symbol of hope and protection. Ghost Rider has a way of appearing when darkness looms large."

Hunter continued, "Let's scrap this island for now. We don't know the significance of this island. And the last thing we need is sprit of vengeance knocking our door because we built a place on his property."

With a final glance at the disappearing island, the trio boarded the jet, ready to return to Red Room and share their findings with rest of the team.

Next chapter we would be back with Ironman.

Climax of Ironman movie. Stay Tuned !!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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