
Chapter 21: Talk and Tony

The return to the Red Room marked the culmination of their island explorations. Jiraiya, Azmuth, and Hunter entered the secure facility, where the rest of the team awaited their report. The room buzzed with anticipation as they gathered around a holographic display table, eager to unravel the mysteries concealed within the ancient carvings.

Hunter took the lead, his eyes reflecting the intensity of his experiences. "We found something interesting in the caves of the Pacific Ocean island," he began, projecting images of the carvings onto the holographic interface.

Azmuth, the logical mind, added his insights. "The carvings depict a demonic entity receiving offerings of maiden girls, a common motif in many ancient cultures. However, what caught our attention is the subsequent depiction of a skeletal figure with what appears to be fire, combating and ultimately defeating the demon."

Jiraiya interjected, "Hunter believes it could be an early representation of Ghost Rider, a supernatural being associated with vengeance and protection. The carvings suggest that this entity played a role in safeguarding the people from a demonic threat."

Hiroshi, still recovering from his ordeal, listened intently. Aizawa, the stoic figure, observed with a critical eye, while Ezio, with the recovered box in hand, stood ready for any new revelations.

Azmuth continued, "The idea of a mystical guardian intervening in times of peril is not unique to this depiction. It resonates with various cultural interpretations of supernatural entities serving as protectors. The carvings may offer a glimpse into the beliefs and struggles of this ancient civilization."

Hunter, crossing his arms, added, "What's intriguing is that these carvings predate Ghost Rider as we know it. It's a testament to the enduring nature of these supernatural archetypes, transcending time and cultural boundaries. Also, from my knowledge, the ghost rider is an antihero type of being."

Jiraiya, ever the sage, concluded, "Our world is filled with hidden histories and untold tales. Unraveling these mysteries not only expands our knowledge but also deepens our understanding of the forces that shape our reality and lurks behind the scenes. The question now is, does this connect to the current threats we face,for example Darkstar?"

The holographic images of the Pacific Ocean island's carvings lingered in the air, but the team needed to shift their focus to the practical aspects of their mission. Hunter, Jiraiya, Azmuth, and the rest of the team gathered around the holographic display table, ready to make a decision on where to plant the 'Seed of Pandora.'

Hunter, looking at the holographic representation of the North Atlantic Island near New York, began the discussion. "This island seems to be the most suitable for our purposes. The terrain is rugged, the cliffs provide a natural barrier, and the location is remote enough to avoid unwanted attention."

Azmuth, the voice of reason, examined the holographic data with a critical eye. "The soil composition and geological features align with the requirements for the seed to flourish. Additionally, its proximity to New York allows us to maintain a level of oversight and protection."

Jiraiya, nodded in agreement. "The high cliffs would deter any casual visitors, and the remote location minimizes the risk of interference. It's crucial for us to have a place where the seed can grow undisturbed for the required duration."

Azmuth replied, "Though unwanted visitors that would not be problem with cloaking device"

Hiroshi, his eyes reflecting gratitude, spoke up. "If this seed can truly accelerate the growth process with the help of the dragon bone, then this island becomes a vital asset in our battle against Darkstar. We need to ensure the safety of this location at all costs."

Aizawa, ever the pragmatic, added, "We also need to establish a security perimeter around the island. We can't afford any surprises, especially considering the adversaries we're dealing with."

Hunter suddenly remembering, said, "Right! Speaking of surprises, there is a race which lives underwater, place is Atlantis, they have strong warriors, capable of invading Wakanda, 'the most technologically advance nation'. So yeah we need to be careful"

Ezio, still holding the recovered box containing the dragon bone, broke his silence. "We need to monitor the Pacific Ocean Island. This island may hold the key not only to our immediate challenges but to unraveling the deeper mysteries surrounding the world. We must proceed with caution and vigilance."

Azmuth expressing his curiosity, "By the way Ezio, why are you holding that box."

Ezio with plain tone, "I don't trust skrulls who are here with us, in same facility. One of them sneaked very closed to us, that compromised us."

Hiroshi with small tone said, "I am very sorry"

Hunter, as the leader, made the final decision and brough the conversation on track. "It's settled then. We'll head to the North Atlantic Island and plant the 'Seed of Pandora.' Azmuth, prepare the necessary equipment for the operation. Jiraiya, Hiroshi, and Aizawa, coordinate the security measures. Ezio, keep an eye on the surroundings. Let's make sure this endeavor succeeds."

Just then Hunter received a call from Ghost, "Director, as you instructed, we have been monitoring Tony Stark since his rescue, just now Stane arrived at his mansion"

Hunter instructed, "Okay, stay in close proximity, you might be needed there, if things doesn't go as they were supposed to be, also go prepared."

Ghost acknowledged the orders disconnected the call and left for Tony's mansion.

In a spacious chamber within the Red Room, Hunter gathered the Skrulls to discuss the chosen location for their new home. The holographic representation of the North Atlantic island glowed in the center, showcasing its rugged cliffs, lush greenery, and the promise of a secluded haven.

"As you can see," Hunter began, gesturing toward the hologram, "this island will be your new home. Once we plant the 'Seed of Pandora,' the entire area will transform. Tall trees, natural reefs along the shore, and an overall enhancement of the environment. It will be a sanctuary for you, a place to rebuild and thrive. The asthetics would be breathtaking after this is done. I am sure you will love it."

The Skrulls, their eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and gratitude, exchanged glances as they absorbed the information. One of the Skrull leaders stepped forward, addressing Hunter with a tone of appreciation. "We are grateful for this opportunity, Hunter. To have a place of our own, away from the shadows of Darkstar, means more than words can express."

Hunter nodded, acknowledging their sentiments. "This location is not only for your benefit. It will also serve as 'Aegis' secondary base. Once the island is developed, we'll install a state-of-the-art defense system, facilities for underwater exploration, an arsenal to ensure your safety, and dwellings for all of you. Along with a central control building for base operations."

He continued, "In a couple of weeks, once the transformation is complete, you guys can move there, we'll ensure that this island becomes a bastion of security and natural beauty. It'll be a home for all of you, a stronghold against the threats that loom in the shadows. Together, we'll build a future free from the darkness that has plagued us."

The Skrulls, their trust in Hunter and the alliance strengthened, nodded in agreement. The vision of a new beginning, a haven in the midst of the vast ocean, resonated with their collective yearning for safety and stability.

Hunter, a leader forging alliance beyond the confines of Earth, addressed them with a solemn determination. "This is not just a home for Skrulls or humans. It's a symbol of unity against the impending dangers. Together, we'll stand as guardians, protectors of this sanctuary. And when the time comes, we'll face dangers as one."

As the chamber emptied of Skrulls, Jiraiya couldn't resist a sly grin as he turned to Hunter. "You're getting quite good at the motivational speeches, Hunter. Maybe you've got a future in politics after all."

Hunter rolled his eyes, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I'll stick to saving the world. Politics is a mess I'd rather avoid."

Jiraiya chuckled, leaning in with a conspiratorial tone. "Well, if the whole hero gig doesn't work out, you've got a backup career."

Ezio, catching wind of the banter, joined in with a playful smirk. "Indeed, Hunter. Perhaps you can inspire the Skrulls to elect you as their honorary leader."

Hunter sighed theatrically. "You two are impossible."

Jiraiya, ever the instigator, nudged Hunter with an elbow. "Come on, Hunter, spill the beans. Any Skrull caught your eye? Or maybe you're into the whole green skin thing?"

Ezio joined in, teasingly adding, "Perhaps a Skrull queen waiting to be swept off her feet?"

Hunter's expression remained stoic, but a hint of amusement sparkled in his eyes. "You both have watched too many movies. Besides, I'm here to save the day, not play matchmaker."

Jiraiya laughed heartily, patting Hunter on the back. "Well, when you do find someone, let us know. We'll be the first to throw a party."

Ezio, ever the charmer, added, "And I can teach you a thing or two about wooing, my friend. It's an art, you know."

Hunter couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie. "I'll keep that in mind, but for now, let's focus on the task at hand. We've got a transformation of an island to oversee, a new alliance to strengthen and birth of a hero to witness."

As the trio left the chamber, the banter continued, the echoes of laughter filling the air. Hunter stepped back into his office in red room, the weight of responsibility etched on his features, the first thing he need to do was to grasp the general situation from Ghost. Little did he know that in his absence, a diverse group of individuals gathered to discuss the recent events, particularly focusing on his actions.

Jiraiya, the sage with a penchant for wisdom, leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "You have to hand it to Hunter. The man knows how to plan and execute. I've seen my fair share of strategies, but he's got a knack for this."

Aizawa, the stoic and no-nonsense hero, nodded in agreement. "Quick thinking. He doesn't waste time. Straight to the point. Reminds me of the kind of heroics I appreciate. He got some talent in manipulation department as well."

Hiroshi, recently rescued and still adjusting, offered his perspective. "I didn't know what to expect, but Hunter acted like a true leader. He didn't hesitate, and he saved me. That's something I won't forget."

Q, the enigmatic being from another realm, chimed in. "His methods may be unorthodox, but they're effective. The kind of efficiency you don't often find."

Azmuth, the brilliant Galvan scientist, couldn't resist a compliment. "Hunter's resourcefulness is impressive. He adapts to situations swiftly and utilizes the available tools to their fullest potential."

Ezio, the seasoned Assassin from a bygone era, shared his thoughts. "In my time, we didn't have gadgets and gizmos like today, but Hunter makes it work. He's a modern Assassin, in a sense."

The Scarecrow, spoke up, "He's got the drive. The kind that pushes heroes to do what needs to be done. A rare quality."

As the diverse group continued their discussion, a consensus emerged – Hunter's leadership was both unconventional and effective. Each member, with their unique experiences and backgrounds, found something commendable in the way he handled challenges.

Jiraiya, always attuned to the dynamics of human relationships, couldn't resist injecting a bit of humor into the conversation. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he leaned forward and addressed the gathered assembly.

"You know, for all his heroics and strategic brilliance, our dear Hunter here might be a bit lacking in one department," Jiraiya remarked with a sly grin.

The room fell into a momentary silence as everyone turned their attention to Jiraiya, curious about what he was implying. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, Q tilted his head in interest, and even the ghosts seemed to be intrigued.

"What do you mean?" Aizawa asked, breaking the silence with his straightforward question.

Jiraiya chuckled, enjoying the attention. "Well, it seems our fearless leader here is a bit inexperienced in matters of the heart. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, um… now that I mentioned, there are no ladies among us. Anyway, our Hunter might be a hero, but he's yet to navigate the labyrinth of love."

Hiroshi, who had been mostly quiet, raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Jiraiya nodded, his expression a mix of amusement and camaraderie. "Oh, absolutely. I've been trying to give him some advice, but you know how it is with these stoic types. They're more comfortable facing down a villain than expressing their feelings."

Ezio, who had his fair share of romantic entanglements in his time, couldn't help but join in the banter. "Ah, love. It's a different kind of battlefield, isn't it? Requires a different set of skills."

The ghosts, observing the banter from their spectral vantage point, exchanged amused glances. One of them quipped, "Looks like our hero might be in for a different kind of adventure."

As the light-hearted conversation continued, the teasing revelation about Hunter's romantic inexperience added a touch of humor to the otherwise serious discussions. Little did they know that in the unpredictable journey they were embarking on, matters of the heart might become just as significant as battles against cosmic threats.

In the quiet confines of his office, Hunter found himself immersed in various tasks, reviewing reports, and planning the next steps in their ongoing mission. The soft hum of technology surrounded him as screens displayed data and information, each piece a puzzle in the grand scheme of things.

As he delved into the intricacies of their operations, a subtle notification popped up on his main monitor. It wasn't a critical update or a mission alert but rather a piece of information that brought a faint but genuine smile to Hunter's face.

"Trust levels increased: Hunter," the system notification read.

Curious, Hunter clicked on the notification, and a holographic display unfolded before him, showcasing the trust levels of each individual under his leadership. As he scrolled through the list, he noted the incremental uptick in trust from everyone involved, from Jiraiya and Aizawa to the summoned characters like Ezio and Q.

The real surprise, however, came when he reached Hiroshi's entry. The trust meter for Hiroshi had reached its maximum level. It was a testament to the bonds forged in the crucible of shared challenges and triumphs. Hiroshi, once a captive in the clutches of Darkstar, had not only been rescued but had become an integral part of the team, earning the unwavering trust of those around him.

[Trust with summoned character: Hiroshi Nohara reached maximum.

Trust level of summoned character: Jiraiya, Shota Aizawa, Q, Azmuth and Ghost have improved significantly.

Rewarding Host

Calculating reward. Reward determined.

[Peak summoning token (Applied by default): The next summoning will be summoned at its peak version.]


"Well, that's new and amazing"

Hunter leaned back in his chair, reflecting on the journey they had undertaken together. The challenges were immense, the threats formidable, but amidst the chaos, a sense of camaraderie had blossomed. The trust placed in him by each member of the team was both an honor and a responsibility.

"It seems we're building more than just alliances," Hunter mused to himself, his gaze fixed on the holographic display. "We're building a team, a family of sorts."

The holograph before him lit up. Ghost on the other side recollected the events that happened and reported to Hunter.

Sometime earlier with Ghost,

As Stane entered the mansion, Ghost sent a small drone and observed the situation. He observed how Stane paralysed Tony and took his arc reactor out. Tony struggled to stay conscious buy crawled towards his lab. He fell unconscious at the door of lab. Ghost saw the scene, scanned the house for any other person as he swiftly made his way towards to mansion.

Ghost connected to Q and told, "Q, need you to disable the security of Tony Stark's mansion. I have a drone in. It's urgent, to be handled quickly."

Q acknowledged the request and disabled the security, "I have disabled it, you are clear to go."

Ghost quickly made his way towards the basement lab, looked at Tony Stark, took him in the lab and fitted the old arc reactor in. Soon Tony's consciousness came back.

Tony analysed the surrounding and saw ghost, he was startled but took control of himself soon, "You gave me a fright there. Thanks for saving me again. I owe you one, again"

Ghost replied, "Don't mention it. I did what I was told to do."

Tony asked, "You won't answer if I ask who was the smart mind?"

Ghost remained silent. Tony shrugged and asked, "By the way how did you enter here. I mean I don't want to brag but I have best security system is world right now, military grade."

Ghost said, "We have our ways to bypass things."

Tony replied, "I would have asked you for a coffee or wine whichever you prefer but, as things stand, I have to get back what's mine."

Saying so, Tony stood up and went towards his suit. Ghost left the mansion as well.

Back with Hunter,

"Okay, keep me posted on situation" said Hunter and disconnected the call.

'Things are not going as they should. Maybe I need to check up on Dr. Banner as well.' pondered Hunter as he was eager to witness the birth of Iron man.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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From next chapter things will get intersting.

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