
Marvel : The Summoning System

Grant Alexander Hunter, a focused 22-year-old student fueled by a love for sketching, embarks on an exploration of ancient Harappan ruins during his semester break. Unaware of the profound impact, a simple switch within these ruins triggers a cosmic anomaly, thrusting him from his familiar world into the vast expanse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this uncharted reality, a mysterious holographic summoning system greets him. Undeterred, Hunter seizes the opportunity to establish an organization, rivaling the capabilities of S.H.I.E.L.D., poised to confront the myriad dangers that lurk in this fantastical realm. What unfolds is a gripping tale of adventure, as Hunter endeavors to navigate the unknown and leave an indelible mark on the fabric of the Marvel Universe. MC will not be OP from start and will get gradually powerful. System would not be spamming characters.

Red_DragonEmperor · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 2: Into the Wilderness

The dense foliage of the wild surrounded Hunter and Jiraiya as they ventured deeper into the heart of nature. The vibrant green canopy overhead played with the dappled sunlight, casting intricate patterns on the forest floor. It was a picturesque scene, but Jiraiya's keen eyes were focused on more than just the aesthetics of the surroundings; he was there to impart essential survival knowledge.

The air was thick with a sense of anticipation, and Jiraiya seized the moment to impart some crucial wisdom.

"Hunter, my boy, do you know the history of Konoha?" Jiraiya's voice carried the weight of years spent in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Hunter shook his head, intrigued. "Not much. I know it's a powerful village in the Naruto series, and was created by Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, some little thing which were shown in anime, but the details are a bit fuzzy."

Jiraiya chuckled, his eyes reflecting memories. "Konoha is more than just a village. It's a testament to the strength that comes from unity and organization. Back in my time, it nurtured and protected its people, producing some of the finest shinobi the world has ever seen."

The rustling leaves seemed to echo with the tales of Konoha's past. "You see, Hunter, an organization is like the beating heart of a community. It provides structure, support, and a sense of purpose. Konoha shaped many of us, and we, in turn, contributed to its legacy."

He paused, a distant look in his eyes. "The village backed us, nurtured our talents, and, in return, we safeguarded it. It's a cycle of mutual growth and protection. Your journey here is a chance to create something similar, something that can stand the test of time."

Hunter listened intently, the weight of Jiraiya's words sinking in. "But I'm just one person. What can I create compared to a village like Konoha?"

Jiraiya clapped him on the shoulder. "Every great organization starts with a single person and a vision. Konoha wasn't built in a day, my buy. It grew because individuals like you, like me, believed in something greater than themselves. You have the chance to forge an organization that can stand against the challenges of this new world or the challenges against you."

He grinned, a twinkle in his eye. "Remember, even the mightiest trees started as seeds. It's your determination, your ideals, that will shape what you create."

Understanding that hunter did not seem to understand, Jiraiya said directly.

Jiraiya: "Hunter, my boy, the wilderness is a reflection of the unknown that lies ahead in this Marvel Universe. But remember, every explorer needs a map, and every hero needs an organization."

Hunter, intrigued, looked at Jiraiya with curiosity.

Hunter: "An organization, huh…?" pondered on the thought

Jiraiya, with a glint of wisdom in his eyes, paused before answering.

Jiraiya: "In a world of unpredictability and super-powered individuals, you need allies, a network, a team to watch your back. An organization becomes the backbone, the support system that turns a lone adventurer into a force to be reckoned with."

Hunter: "But where do I even begin? I'm just a student who got tangled up in all of this."

Jiraiya, placing a reassuring hand on Hunter's shoulder, spoke with conviction.

Jiraiya: "You have something unique, Hunter. A perspective from a different world, a mind untarnished by the norms of this Marvel Universe. Use it. Create an organization on par with S.H.I.E.L.D. – one that can tackle all the dangers that come your way."

Hunter, though uncertain, felt a flicker of determination.

Hunter: "But how? The system can't spam characters of your level all the time"

Jiraiya grinned, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

Jiraiya: "Recruit individuals with unique skills, along with the summoned characters. Every member, a piece of the puzzle. And remember, a true leader doesn't do everything alone; he orchestrates the talents of his team."

Hunter, absorbing Jiraiya's words, nodded slowly.

Hunter: "So, it's not just about surviving. It's about creating a legacy in this Marvel Universe."

Jiraiya: "Exactly, my boy. And you have the potential to make it legendary. Of course, I am not expecting you to be manipulative like Nick Fury here, but you have the potential to be a leader. And if anything goes South, I am here to pull it up to North. So don't worry."

Hunter: "…sigh"

Jiraiya: "Well, give it a thought"

[ Conditions met for character 'Jiraiya' ]

[ User can learn skills of summoned character 'Jiraiya' if the summoned character 'Jiraiya' finds user worthy and teaches him. ]

[Note: User has to take efforts himself and learn the skill]

Hunter: "Huh… Status?" Hunter opened Jiraiya status.

[ Name: Jiraiya

Affiliation: Village Hidden in the Leaf, Mount Myoboku

Title: Toad Sage, Legendary Sannin

Unique Traits: King Maker, Loyal, Perfect shinobi, Good judge of character


·  Ninjutsu Master

·  Summoning Technique: Toads

·  Sage Mode

Personality: Witty, wise, funny and occasionally irreverent.

Preferences: Enjoys a good meal, has a knack for storytelling.

Past Experiences: Fought in the Great Ninja War, trained legendary ninjas.

Perspective towards Hunter: 

Friendly: Jiraiya sees potential in Hunter and values their growing camaraderie

Curious: Intrigued by Hunter's unique background, Jiraiya is eager to unravel the mysteries of the cosmic anomaly together.

Loyal: Having accepted Hunter as a mentee, Jiraiya is committed to guiding and supporting him. (New)*


[ More information will be revealed if user wins trust of summoned character]

Hunter: "Okay… that's something new"

As he glanced at Jiraiya, he saw him grinning at him.

As they continued their journey through the forest, the idea of an organization took root in Hunter's mind, intertwining with the vines of possibilities that the Marvel Universe held. The wild surroundings seemed to echo the untamed potential of what could be built from scratch in this vast, unpredictable world.

Jiraiya: "Alright, Grant, let's talk about basic survival. See how the sun casts shadows on the ground? That can help you navigate. In the morning, shadows point west, and as the day progresses, they shift east. Good to keep in mind when you're out here. You can get a general idea of the direction from it. To put it in layman's term, the sun can be your compass, always know its position; it's your guide in the wild."

They walked in companionable silence as Jiraiya pointed out various edible plants, teaching Hunter how to distinguish them from potential dangers. He stressed the importance of recognizing water sources and how to purify water in the wild.

Jiraiya: "You never know when you'll need to rely on nature for sustenance. Always stay alert, observe your surroundings, and adapt."

Hunter: "So, we're like real-life adventurers now, huh?" (sarcastically)

After days of trekking through the dense wilderness, Jiraiya shifted the focus to Hunter's physical well-being.

Jiraiya: "A shinobi needs to be in top shape. We'll start with some light exercises. Strength and agility are your friends."

Hunter, though not a stranger to physical activity, found himself challenged by Jiraiya's regimen. It wasn't just about strength but endurance and flexibility. The training sessions became a ritual, a dance between discipline and exertion under the lush green canopy.

Jiraiya: "Good, good. Now, while we work on your fitness, let's delve into some theoretical and tactical knowledge. Understanding how to take advantage of the terrain can be the difference between life and death."

They practiced tactical movements, camouflage techniques, and Hunter's 'personal favourite'—basic knife throwing. Each skill was honed under the watchful eye of the experienced shinobi.

Jiraiya: "A well-aimed knife can be a handy tool. It's not just about offense but also defence. You never know what you might face out here."

Hunter: "Why focus on knife-throwing? Isn't there something more... superhero-ish?"

Jiraiya: "Hunter, survival is about adaptability. A well-aimed knife can be as effective as any superpower."

Hunter: "Is this really necessary? I mean, I thought we'd be dealing with superpowers, not survival skills."

Jiraiya: "Survival is the most basic superpower, Hunter. Every hero should know it. Besides your body can not handle chakra yet."

Hunter: "Huh…(sigh) Let's work on it then."

Jiraiya: "By the way you can use the scroll and ink to sketch if you want!"

Hunter: "Huh? Whys so sudden?"

Jiraiya: "If you are going to start, it is better to start from begning."

The initial four months became a montage of training sequences, with theoretical and tactical knowledge woven into each session. Basic knife-throwing skills became part of Hunter's evolving skill set. Each unique event was recorded by hunter into his sketches. One day, as they finished a particularly rigorous session, the holographic summoning screen flickered to life. Jiraiya and Hunter exchanged a glance, a silent agreement to see what the system had in store for them. Hunter initiated the summoning sequence, and the air crackled with energy as Hiroshi Nohara, a salaryman from Crayon Shin-chan, materialized before them.

Hiroshi's appearance was that of a typical salaryman, slightly dishevelled, with an air of anxious responsibility. He was bewildered at first, worried about his family.

Hunter looked at the status of Hiroshi.

[ Name: Hiroshi Nohara

Origin: Crayon Shin-chan Universe

Title: Salaryman

Extraordinaire Skills:

·  Exceptional organizational and administrative skills

·  Pragmatic approach to problem-solving

Personality: Initially confused but adaptable and pragmatic

Preferences: Enjoys a good work-life balance, often daydreams about adventures.]

Hiroshi, a salaryman from Crayon Shin-chan's world, found himself in a state of perpetual confusion. The anxiety about his family back home weighed heavily on him. However, as Jiraiya engaged him in conversation, Hiroshi's worry began to transform into acceptance. Jiraiya's persuasive words convinced Hiroshi to stay, especially considering the benefits offered in this new reality.

Hiroshi: "I still can't believe I'm not in my world. What about my family?"

Jiraiya: "Hiroshi-san, this place offers unique opportunities. Your family will be safe, and you have a chance to make a difference here."

Jiraiya's persuasive explanations and the promises of safety eventually convinced him to stay.

Jiraiya advised Hunter to appoint Hiroshi as the Logistics and Administration head in the future, leveraging his experience as a salaryman for exceptional organizational skills.

Jiraiya: "Hunter, this guy's got the perfect skills for logistics. He's your go-to man for all things organization. Trust me; you'll need it."

However, before Hiroshi assumed his responsibilities, Jiraiya took the opportunity to impart some self-defense training.

The summoning system entered a cooldown phase again, giving Hunter and his newly acquired ally some time to adjust to this unconventional partnership. Jiraiya took the opportunity to train Hiroshi in basic self-defence while Hunter's combat training intensified. The forest became a training ground, echoing with the sounds of their efforts.

After a week of intense training, the summoning system reactivated. This time, Jiraiya and Hiroshi stood by Hunter's side as he summoned again. A token named 'Everything has a Price' appeared, offering Hunter the chance to summon one of the strongest characters from any anime or series he wants. However, the catch was that an equally formidable antagonist would be unleashed upon the world.

Hunter hesitated; the weight of the decision palpable in the air. He considered the possibilities, the potential benefits, and the looming threats. In the end, he chose not to use the token, a decision supported by nods of approval from Jiraiya and Hiroshi.

Jiraiya: "Leadership is about making choices, Hunter. Sometimes, the best decision is to know when not to act."

With this lesson on leadership, the summoning system entered another cooldown period. During this time, Hunter intensified his training, including sparring sessions with Jiraiya and Hiroshi. The forest became a dojo, where the clash of blades and the rustle of leaves blended into a rhythmic symphony.

Months passed in a blur of activity. Hunter, under the watchful eyes of Jiraiya, engaged in light exercises to enhance his fitness. Theoretical and tactical knowledge became his daily bread, lessons on taking advantage of the terrain and strategic positioning.

Conversations around the campfire became a staple. Dialogues between Hunter, Jiraiya, and Hiroshi delved into life, survival, and the personal philosophies that defined each character. Hunter's introspective moments revealed a growing sense of confidence and purpose.

Hiroshi: "I never thought I'd be dealing with wild wolves and bears. My office back home never prepared me for this!"

Hunter: "It's all about adapting, Hiroshi-san. In this world, flexibility is your greatest asset."

Jiraiya: "Hunter, you're not just surviving; you're thriving. What keeps you going?"

Hunter: "Back home, I found solace in reading and sketching. Here, it's become a way to navigate the chaos."

Hunter: "I never thought my sketches would become my compass in a world like this."

Jiraiya: "Art has a way of grounding us. Keep sketching, Hunter; it might be your secret weapon. You never know!"

Hiroshi: "Do you mind if I take a look at your sketches?"

Hunter: "Not at all." Handed Hiroshi a scroll.

Going through the sketches Hiroshi was impressed. He stopped upon a unique sketch.

Hiroshi: "I never imagined I'd see such bizarre plants. Are these even real?"

Hunter: "Real or not, they're part of this world. Understanding them is crucial to our survival."

Jiraiya, Hiroshi, and Hunter engaged in a cultural exchange that enriched their understanding of each other's worlds. Anecdotes, stories, and shared experiences became the threads weaving their camaraderie.

Jiraiya: "Back in my world, ramen was a staple. What about your world, Hunter?"

Hunter: "We have our own comfort foods, but nothing beats a bowl of ramen, I bet."

Hiroshi: "We had barbeque! Though it became pretty hard to enjoy life after my house was blown up"

As time went on, the dynamics between Hunter, Jiraiya, and Hiroshi evolved, creating a bond that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds.

Hiroshi: "I never thought I'd find friends in a place like this. It's bizarre and wonderful at the same time."

Hunter: "That's the magic of the unknown, Hiroshi-san. We're making our story in this Marvel wilderness."

In the following months, as Hiroshi ventured into the city to establish connections, Jiraiya's intelligence network expanded across America. A hint of an emerging author, known for 'Icha-Icha Paradise,' added a layer of mystery in the country and soon in the whole world.

Jiraiya, with a year's worth of intelligence, taught Hunter to predict and identify threats based on patterns and history. Dialogues between them provided insights into the dangers lurking in the Marvel Universe.

Jiraiya: "Hunter, threats are like shadows. To defeat them, you must first understand their shapes."

Amidst the training, sparring scenes between Jiraiya, Hunter, and Hiroshi highlighted the growing camaraderie. The wilderness forged not just survival skills but friendships that would define their journey.

Hiroshi: "Who would've thought? A salaryman, a ninja, and a student, all in one team."

Hiroshi returned to city to perform a task given to him by Jiraiya.

As the cooldown period ended, Hunter was ready to summon, this time with only Jiraiya by his side. This time the summoning was not of a character but an item.


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