
Chapter 1: The Cosmic Arrival

The ancient ruins stood silent under the waning sun, their secrets hidden beneath layers of time. Grant Alexander Hunter a.k.a. Hunter, a 22-year-old student walked amidst the crumbling stones. The waning sun painted the ancient ruins in hues of crimson and gold as Hunter strolled through the crumbling stones, each step echoing through the silent remnants of a forgotten civilization. He enjoyed sketching, and these runes provided the perfect inspiration. At 22, a disciplined and focused student on the verge of graduation, Hunter had a calculating mind. He weighed pros and cons meticulously before making decisions, yet occasionally rushed in, only to regret later. Sports were his forte, especially badminton and table tennis. But beyond the court, his heart was in reading.

In his semester break, curiosity led him to explore the newly discovered runes of the Harappan civilization. Little did he know that stepping on a seemingly innocuous switch would trigger a cosmic anomaly that would alter the course of his life. 

Confused and disoriented, Hunter blinked in the dim light. The transition was instantaneous. One moment, he stood amidst ancient artifacts; the next, he found himself in a dark, damp alley, surrounded by towering buildings and unfamiliar sounds. Disorientation gripped him as he scanned the surroundings, realizing the world had changed.

The sudden shift rattled Hunter, but analytical by nature, he began piecing together the clues. Discarded newspapers caught his eye, the headlines hinting at a world drastically different from his own. Spoiled newspaper dated 2007, Stark Industries, it read. His eyes widened, realization setting in — he was in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

The realization triggered a prompt, a holographic screen materializing before his eyes. Symbols and options floated in an ethereal dance, a summoning system beyond his comprehension.

[Welcome, Grant A. Hunter] a text message glowed. The summoning system's ethereal dance of symbols and options fascinated and perplexed him. Its arcane nature left Hunter in awe, yet a lingering curiosity tugged at the edges of his analytical mind, yearning for understanding..

Curiosity took over. Hunter experimented, selecting options on the holographic screen. It responded with ethereal vibrations, and as he reached to summon, a figure materialized before him — Jiraiya.

Jiraiya's Avatar

[ Name: Jiraiya

Affiliation: Village Hidden in the Leaf

Title: Toad Sage


·  Ninjutsu Master

·  Summoning Technique: Toads

·  Sage Mode

Personality: Witty, wise, and occasionally irreverent.

Preferences: Enjoys a good meal, has a knack for storytelling.

Past Experiences: Fought in the Great Ninja War, trained legendary ninjas.

Perspective towards Hunter: Curious, Alert]

[ More information will be revealed if user wins trust of summoned character]

The contrast was stark. Jiraiya, the legendary ninja from Naruto, faced Hunter with an appraising gaze. The air shifted as Jiraiya tested him, a series of challenges that probed Hunter's mindset and potential.

"Young one, your journey begins with a simple question," Jiraiya's voice echoed in the alley. "How far would you go to protect someone dear to you?"

Hunter, though bewildered, felt a surge of determination. "As far as it takes."

Jiraiya's eyes gleamed. "Character is the backbone of a true warrior. It's inbuilt, shaped by personal views. Skills can be learned, personality can be crafted, but character... character is the core."

The scene shifted. Hunter found himself in a dreamscape, a world that seemed too real. His surroundings shifted into a serene garden, laughter echoing in the air. It was a scene from his memories, people he cherished — his family and friends.

"Protect them, Hunter," Jiraiya's voice resonated. "But remember, in this illusion, your choices have consequences."

As Hunter navigated the dream, he faced trials that tested not only his skills but the essence of his character. The garden started to turn into a blazing abyss. Flowers to ashes. Laughter to cries. But for Hunter each step was calculated, every decision weighed. A demon emerged from the fire starting to make havoc. Time elapsed, he took the lead and in a pivotal moment, he faced an impossible choice — sacrifice himself to save his loved ones.

Hunter's mind raced, calculating every possibility, seeking an alternative. Yet, as the illusion tightened its grip, he realized there was no escape. In the face of an unwinnable scenario, he made a choice that echoed with sacrifice.

The dream shattered. Hunter found himself back in the alley, sweat clinging to his brow. Jiraiya's gaze held a mixture of pride and solemn understanding.

"Character is not built in moments of triumph, but in the crucible of sacrifice," Jiraiya spoke, breaking the silence. "You have the makings of a true leader, Hunter."

Hunter, his breath still ragged, cast a gaze at Jiraiya, a mix of awe, respect, and an unspoken understanding lingering in his eyes. The weight of the dream's choices clung to him, and he found solace in Jiraiya's approving gaze. "Thank you. But are you really the same Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. "Ah, right to the point! I'm the same Jiraiya, a shinobi from the village hidden in the leaf, one of the three legendary sannin, Toad Sage Jiraiya-sama. As for this place, well, it's a junction between worlds, and you, my friend, have become part of a grander tapestry."

As the tests concluded, a cooldown initiated on the summoning system, leaving Hunter with a mix of awe and confusion. The interaction had sparked a connection, an unspoken understanding between the two characters.

"Hey there, Hunter! Surprised, aren't ya?" Jiraiya's smirk revealed both amusement and approval. "Well, kid, you've got potential, I will give you that. A bit raw, but potential nonetheless.."

The cooldown period offered a moment of respite. Jiraiya, with memories of Hunter's life, took the initiative.

"So, what's a young guy like you will be doing in a place like this? What do you want?"

"To enjoy life," Hunter replied, his voice carrying a hesitant but determined note, as if he were grappling with the enormity of the situation

Jiraiya chuckled. "Well, kid, life here is about to get interesting. Dangers and opportunities, all woven together. I've been to places like this before."

As Jiraiya shared his experiences with alternate dimensions, a mentor-protégé bond began to form. The ninja recognized Hunter's worthiness, a potential untapped by his ordinary life.

"I visited Mount Myoboku. It was a place of legends, dangers loomed there but so did opportunities. I grabbed one and became a Toad Sage"

"Yeah. I know about that"

"Hahahaha…You've got a spark, Hunter. I see something in you. How about you join me on a journey? Learn the ropes, face the challenges, and maybe, just maybe, make a difference in this MCU of yours."

Hunter, intrigued and fuelled by a desire for something beyond the ordinary, accepted Jiraiya's offer of mentorship. 

"Sure. But where to?"

"The best location to learn about the survival is in the wild. Let's move"

In a flicker of movement, Jiraiya's hand closed around Hunter's neck, and the world blurred as they vanished from the dark, damp alley, hurtling towards an unknown destination.. Arriving at the destination, Hunter analysed the surrounding all he could see were trees, so dense that the sunlight barely peeked from. After some consideration, he asked,

"Where are we?"

"A little bit to the Northeast of the city, near the coast"

As the bickering went on, the cooldown still had much time left, and the summoning system lay dormant, awaiting the next revelation.

Jiraiya's eyes glinted with mischief as he studied Hunter, an impish grin playing on his lips. "You know, kid, legends say the best warriors have a unique calling card. Naruto had his ramen obsession, and I had my 'research' for the 'Make-Out Paradise' series. What about you, Hunter?"

Hunter, still adjusting to the surreal reality around him, chuckled nervously. "Calling card? I don't have any particular obsession, if that's what you're asking."

Jiraiya's grin widened into a mischievous smile. "Perfect! Every hero needs a quirk. How about this? You develop a penchant for sketching your surroundings before every battle. A visual diary of your journey through the MCU. Imagine the tales it could tell!"

Hunter raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sketching as a calling card? That's unusual."

Jiraiya clapped him on the shoulder with a hearty laugh. "Exactly! Unusual makes you memorable. Plus, it might come in handy. A quick sketch can speak volumes when words fail."

Hunter pondered the suggestion. "You mean, like a prelude to the storm?"

Jiraiya winked. "Exactly! Who knows, maybe one day, people will speak of a mysterious sketch artist who foretells the cosmic winds. Picture this – a day before a significant incident, witnesses report seeing a person, calmly sketching the scene. A harbinger of fate, if you will."

As the banter continued, Jiraiya regaled Hunter with tales of legendary warriors and their peculiar habits. He spoke of a samurai who carried a single cherry blossom petal as a keepsake and a sorcerer who painted mystical symbols on his armour before every battle. Each story was laced with humour and wisdom, weaving a tapestry of eccentricities that defined the great warriors of various dimensions.

Hunter found himself drawn into the lore, contemplating the idea of a unique quirk that would set him apart in this new, fantastical world. As they bantered about potential quirks and the eccentricities of legendary warriors, the weight of the situation seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared amusement

The cosmic anomaly had thrust Hunter into a world of Marvel which had foretold legends, and hidden dangers. With Jiraiya by his side, a new chapter unfolded. Unbeknownst to them, this chance meeting would set in motion events that transcended personal destinies, weaving a tale that would leave an indelible mark on the very fabric of the Marvel Universe.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Hunter and Jiraiya ventured into the unknown, their fates intertwined in a cosmic dance that spanned dimensions.

[ Name: Jiraiya

Affiliation: Village Hidden in the Leaf, Mount Myoboku

Title: Toad Sage, Legendary Sannin

Unique Traits: King Maker, Loyal, Perfect shinobi, Good judge of character


·  Ninjutsu Master

·  Summoning Technique: Toads

·  Sage Mode

Personality: Witty, wise, funny and occasionally irreverent.

Preferences: Enjoys a good meal, has a knack for storytelling.

Past Experiences: Fought in the Great Ninja War, trained legendary ninjas.

Perspective towards Hunter

Friendly: Jiraiya sees potential in Hunter and values their growing camaraderie

Curious: Intrigued by Hunter's unique background, Jiraiya is eager to unravel the mysteries of the cosmic anomaly together.]

[ More information will be revealed if user wins trust of summoned character]




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Also this is just hobby so don't expect quick releases as I am quite busy. May be 2-3 chapters a week!

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