

Thor went to the roof of the Stark Tower where he found Doctor Selvig knocked out and picked him up and carried him into the tower. Leaving the doctor and returning to where the cube was, he tried to destroy it, but to no avail because there was a force field. Since he couldn't do anything, he went back to Selvig to wake him up.

"Selvig get up" said Thor giving him a gentle slap and Selvig woke up.

Seeing this Thor asked him "Selvig how do we destroy the portal?"

"The only way to destroy it is with something that contains the same energy for example Loki's spear." (Selvig)

Hearing this Thor spoke over the intercom.

"The only way to destroy the portal is with Loki's spear" (Thor).

"I see then I will alert Natasha who is on the Helicarrier to bring her in. Thor now secure the Doctor and join us in defeating the Chitauri" said Liam as he contacted Natasha.


On the Helicarrier.

Natasha was watching a screen that showed Loki on it. She was watching to see if Loki tried to escape. Just then she heard her being called over the intercom.

"Natasha, we need the spear to close the portal" (Liam).

"Okey" With that Natasha got up, advised Fury that she needed the spear to close the portal to which he gave the go ahead and went to get the spear.

Arriving where the spear was, she saw two men guarding it.

"Orders from Fury I need to grab the spear" Natasha said trying to get through, but they stopped her.

"Council orders no one can touch the spear" said one of the men.

"I don't have time, is so I can close the portal" (Natasha).

Seeing that the men ignored her, Natasha made to leave, but turned around and catching them off guard knocked out the two agents. Entering the room, she grabbed the spear and ran off to find a plane which she found and set off to where Liam was.

On the plane Natasha contacted Liam and spoke.

"I already have the spear with some complications, I'll be there in about 10 min." Natasha said to which Liam told her to be careful.


With Liam.

[4300/5000 Chitauri defeated]

Liam seeing this I talk to the rest.

"People, Natasha will be here in 10 minutes with the spear so we can close the portal, let's try to buy some time" (Liam).


Epic sequence.

Tony was flying around defeating all the Chitauri he could see, until he saw that Clint and the Captain were surrounded by Chitauri and with that he landed, skidding, shooting and colliding with the Chitauri that were fighting them. Then when he arrived in front of the Captain he aimed and fired the beams at the Captain's shield.

The captain seeing Tony arrive and aim his shield saw his intention and put his shield so that the beams collided, to which the beams collided and reflected towards the Chitauri.

Covering the Captain's back, Clint fired his arrows at the Chitauri, an arrow hit one of the ships and it collided with a Leviathan.

On the Leviathan that the Chitauri ship crashed into, the Hulk and Thor were fighting. Hulk was throwing chitauris like crumbs and Thor was doing the same. In one of those moments the Hulk pulled out a piece of armor and embedded it in the Leviathan. Thor saw the embedded piece of metal and raised his hammer, summoning lightning and drove the metal deeper. This led to the Leviathan being defeated. As it fell to the ground, they heard a roar that made them look up and saw Liam.

Following the Hulk and Thor's gaze Liam could be seen punching a Leviathan by flattening its head. Finishing with this one Liam saw another one and went towards him. The Leviathan saw that Liam was aiming at him and roared like never before but it didn't work as Liam entered through its mouth and destroyed it from the inside. Defeating this Leviathan, he saw that he had reached the objective of the mission.

End of epic sequence.


In the Helicarrier, Fury was watching the situation until Agent Hill called him.

"Sir, the council would like to speak with you" (Hill).

Looking at Hill Fury said half-heartedly "I'm coming".

In a meeting room stood Fury and in front of him were politicians from the most powerful countries in the world.

"Director Fury, the council has made a decision" (The council).

"I know the council has made a decision, but it is an absurd decision" (Fury).

"Director, you're closer to our submarines, order a jet to take off." (The council)

"Until I see my team defeated, I will do nothing" (Fury).

"Director!" (The council)

"I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population." (Fury)

"If we don't launch it, we'll lose everything." (The council)

"And launching a missile is a sign that it's already happened" said Fury without patience cutting the call.

Fury who was back in the command room and suddenly Hill shouted.

"We have a plane on the move, stop that flight unauthorized takeoff!" (Hill)

At this Fury took off running through the corridors until he came to a room full of weapons, grabbed an RPG-7 and went to the top of the Helicarrier and saw the plane about to take off. He aimed and fired and managed to hit one of the wheels. But behind it was another plane that had already taken off.

Returning inside, Fury made contact with Liam.


With Liam who was hitting chitoris, he heard someone call out to him.

"Agent Smith, they sent a missile into the city, detonation time 5 min max" (Fury).

'Shit' Liam thought and contacted the rest of the group.

"Tony there is a missile headed towards the city, I want you to intercept it and try to get it straight into the portal. While the rest of us will protect it from the Chitoris. (Liam)

"Okay, how much time do we have?" (Tony)

"About 4 min" said Liam who was going to contact Natasha.

"Natasha how long until you get there?" (Liam)

"I'm already at the top of the tower" (Natasha).

"Well wait for my signal to close the portal" said Liam, as Natasha headed to where the cube was.


With Tony.

Tony is flying towards the missile he had already seen. Arriving at the missile he positioned himself underneath it stabilizing it. He kept flying until he started to climb up brushing his armor against his tower and leading straight to the portal. Passing through the portal Tony saw a gigantic ship and knew where to put the missile, releasing the missile which crashed directly into the ship.


With Liam.

Watching as Tony entered the portal and after a while the Chitoris collapsed Liam knew it was done.


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