
Marvel: Reincarnation in my favorite movie saga

Synopsis: The MC is reincarnated in the marvel cinematic universe with a system like any good FF. It's the first time I write, so I'm going to have a lot of mistakes, criticism is accepted but don't insult thanks. Also English is not my first language. If you don't like it don't read it and that's it. PS: I write this because I feel like it and I do it for fun. I will update the chapters whenever I feel like it.

Masterclass007 · Movies
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22 Chs


Liam was in front of the cage and Loki was locked in the cage again.

"Where is the Tesseract?" said Liam with a strict tone.

Loki looked at him in fear, but steeled himself to face him.

"You don't have time, The Chitauri are coming nothing will change that" said Loki arrogantly.

Liam snorted, put on a smile and said "Let them come we'll kick their ass like I did with you. Ah, no wait it was a punch."

Hearing this Loki swallowed all his pride and looked with fury at Liam and did not speak.

Seeing that Loki did not speak anymore Liam left the place of confinement, but before leaving Loki said to him.

"Loki, you are weak" said Liam leaving the room.

Leaving the room appeared Natasha who said to him.

"Way to interrogate, eh?" Natasha said with her hands on her hips.

"I wasn't going to say anything anyway" (Liam).

Before Natasha could say anything, Liam grabbed her hand and pulled her inside a room.

"Listen to me I need you to stay here, when the portal opens" (Liam).

"But" (Natasha)

Before she could continue Liam gave her a kiss and spoke.

"Shh, listen to me, over there we need Loki's spear, when we need it I'll let you know and you have to bring it."

Natasha leaned on Liam's chest and spoke.

"Mm I understand, then I wait" Natasha said initiating a kiss.

After a few minutes of kissing, over the intercom Tony's voice rang.

"We have found where the cube is located" (Tony).

Pulling away from Natasha, Liam said.

"Let's go" (Liam).

"I'm going to see if Clint has woken up and join you" (Natasha).

"The cube is located in my tower; you damn sons of bitches" gave Tony angrily.

"It makes sense the Stark tower is the only one that can supply the energy needed to open the portal" (Liam).

While they were talking Natasha appeared with Barton.

Turning his gaze to Clint, Liam said with a smile.

"Nice to have you back Clint" (Liam).

"Sorry for all the mess I've made" (Clint).

At this Liam walked up to Clint put his hand on his shoulder and spoke.

"Don't worry, you know it wasn't your fault and besides I need your aim to kick some aliens".

"It always comes in handy to kill aliens" Clint said laughing.

Turning around looking at the whole group Liam spoke.

"Me and Tony will go flying the rest are going by plane" (Liam).

Turning back to Thor

"And you try to locate Banner and bring him, we are going to need him" (Liam).

Thor wanting to complain.

"Go and get him" Liam said in a tone of no objection.

With that they all got ready and departed.

Arriving at Stark Tower Liam went to where the cube was and Tony went to change the armor because it was battered from the previous fight.

Arriving on the roof Liam saw Dr. Selvig.

"This will hurt doctor" said Liam and knocked him out of Loki's spell.

After knocking him, out the cube began to spin and shot a bluish light into the sky which opened a portal, out of it came the Chitauri army.

With this Liam flew to the entrance of the portal, began to destroy everything he saw and told Tony over the intercom.

"Tony intercept the ones that get away from me" (Liam).

"On my way" said Tony already in his new armor.

Finished talking, over the intercom Clint was heard coming with Steve.

"We're here and we see you guys are busy" (Clint).

"Ugh yeah very, you guys be on the ground and defend the people, Tony and I in the air until Thor and Hulk show up" (Liam).

"Affirmative" (Clint)

Hearing a roar from the portal, Liam looked up and out came a Leviathan about 100 meters long. Liam walked up to the creature.

The Leviathan, seeing someone approaching, roared again, but Liam, waiting for it, entered inside the Leviathan destroying it from the inside. Destroying the Leviathan, Liam was thrown out of the Leviathan and crashed into a building.

Shit, that hurts, I'll never do that again," Liam thought to himself as he healed his wounds.

Defeating the Levithan, he saw that defeating the creature skyrocketed his mission from 700 to 1200 Chitauri defeated.

Aside from that, more and more Chitauri and Levithans began to come out of the portal. But Thor and Banner had also arrived.

With Clint and Steve.

Clint and Steve were getting more and more enclosed, there were Chitoris everywhere, just as they were about to be overcome several lightning bolts appeared defeating all the Chitauri. It was Thor and the Banner.

"Took a while to get here, eh?" (Clint)

But over the intercom Tony spoke.

"I brought you people some gifts" (Tony).

And behind Tony appeared hundreds of Chitauri.

Looking at Tony's gifts, Steve spoke.

"Doctor, it's a good time to get angry" (Steve).

"That's my secret Captain, I'm always angry" (Bruce).

Walking towards the Chitauri, Bruce began to transform. When Tony saw Bruce transform, stepped aside and let the Hulk jump towards them tearing most of them apart and those that didn't were defeated by Clint's Arrows or Thor's thunder.

Liam seeing everyone gathered together turned to them and spoke.

"Listen up" (Liam).

Turning his gaze to Clint and Steve.

"Clint and Captain stay on the ground and try to help everyone what you can" Liam said to which Clint and Steve nodded.

Turning his gaze to Tony.

"Tony defend the perimeter don't let them get away" said Liam to which Tony nodded and flew off.

Turning to Thor.

"Thor, try to see if you can destroy the portal and if you can't wake up Doctor Selvig and ask him the way to destroy it." Liam said again and Thor flew off towards Stark Tower.

Turning to the Hulk

"And Hulk..." before Liam could finish Hulk threw a punch at him which Liam evaded and spoke.

"Smash" and flew off towards the Leviathans.

Hulk seeing Liam leaving huffed and jumped towards the buildings smashing every Chitauri he saw.


Appreciate this chapter, what it has cost me to write it makes no sense at all.

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